NOVA andre dokumenter
Recent Submissions
The temporal alignment of mental health consultations across family members: a study of Norwegian adolescents, their parents, and siblings
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose Mental health problems among adolescents have become more prevalent in recent years. Parents’ and siblings’ mental health might be affected by living with a depressed adolescent. This study examines how the mental ... -
Utbytte fra deltagelse i lærings - og mestringstilbud for foresatte til barn og unge med langvarige helseutfordringer - en scoping review.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Hensikt: Hensikten med denne systematiske kartleggingsoversikten er å gi en komplett oversikt over artikler som har undersøkt utbyttet av å delta på lærings- og mestringstilbud for foresatte til barn og unge med langvarige ... -
«Vi er jo ikke stonere»: bruk av cannabis og symbolske grenser blant ungdommer vest i Oslo
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Bruk av illegale rusmidler forbindes ofte med lav sosial klasse og belastede områder i store byer. Det er derfor et paradoks at ungdommers bruk av cannabis, det mest utbredte illegale rusmiddelet i Norge, er høyere i ... -
Diffusion and Translation of the Barnahus Model Through the Lens of Institutional Tensions
(Chapter, 2024)Since the Barnahus model was first introduced in Iceland in 1998, it has spread to a number of European countries, both within and beyond the Nordic region. This introductory chapter has two main objectives: The first is ... -
The Norwegian Parliamentary Debates Dataset
(Others, 2025)Recent advancements in computing power and machine learning techniques have facilitated the digitization of new corpora, as well as new methods for studying high-dimensional data. This has enabled empirical investigations ... -
Institutional Barriers to Medical Examinations in Barnahus
(Chapter, 2024)Although ensuring that victimised children receive timely medical health assessments is among the key aims of Barnahus, this goal has proven difficult to achieve in Norway, the empirical case examined in this chapter. Few ... -
Health-related exit from employment before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: Analysis of population-wide register data 2013–2021
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)People with health problems experience various labor market disadvantages, such as hiring discrimination and heightened risk of firing, but the impact of deteriorating economic conditions on health-related labor market ... -
Deliberating the Conditions for Implementing the Barnahus Model: Knowledge Drawn from an Institutional Analysis
(Chapter, 2024)Referring to the PROMISE network’s European Barnahus quality standards, this concluding chapter further explores the institutional tensions identified in the previous chapters. Although these standards are important for ... -
Sexting and Mental Health in Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose Research has shown that sexting—the practice of sending, receiving, and forwarding sexual messages on digital media services—is associated with poor mental health. However, few studies have moved beyond cross-sectional ... -
Popular support for a universal basic income – still sensitive to playing the immigration card?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article aims to investigate the persuasive power of immigration on people's attitudes towards a universal basic income (UBI). We use a survey experiment in which respondents, after being asked about their immediate ... -
Childhood Maltreatment and Revictimization in Young Adulthood: Is Problematic Substance Use a Mediator? A Linked Survey–Register Data Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Victims of childhood maltreatment often experience revictimization later in life. However, there is scant knowledge of the explanatory mechanisms that generate this phenomenon. Problematic substance use is a maladaptive ... -
Early-life circumstances and late life loneliness trajectories among Finnish older adults
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Later life loneliness has become a significant public health concern worldwide. Research has focused on the prevalence, risk factors and consequences of loneliness in different age groups. This study aimed to ... -
Moving away from, moving towards and moving against others: An adaptive multi-strategy approach to defend and build resources in self-protection mode
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In the face of extreme and enduring stressors, a self-protection coping mode can be entered to conserve resources (Conservation of Resources (COR) theory principle 4). Self-protection coping is underexplored in COR theory ... -
The unique and synergistic effects of social isolation and loneliness on 20-years mortality risks in older men and women
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: This study investigates the individual and combined impacts of loneliness and social isolation on 20-year mortality risks among older men and women. Methods: Utilizing data from the Norwegian Life Course, ... -
Jobb og omsorg for gamle foreldre. Hvordan legge til rette for å få til begge deler?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Med en aldrende befolkning vil det bli et økende press på de eldste arbeidstakerne om å yte omsorg til foreldre og samtidig jobbe mer. Ved hjelp av kvalitative intervjuer, spørreskjemadata og registerdata belyser vi denne ... -
Hører jeg til her – fortsatt? Identitet og sårbarhet som eldre arbeidstaker
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I mangfoldsarbeidet pålagt bedrifter gjennom aktivitets- og redegjørelsesplikten (ARP) er alder utelatt som mangfoldsdimensjon. I denne kvalitative studien undersøker vi hvordan ulike prosesser på arbeidsplassen former ... -
Popular support for a universal basic income – still sensitive to playing the immigration card?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article aims to investigate the persuasive power of immigration on people's attitudes towards a universal basic income (UBI). We use a survey experiment in which respondents, after being asked about their immediate ... -
A critical perspective on texts about housing for people with mental health and/or substance-use problems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Siden begynnelsen av 2000-tallet har ulike boligløsninger for personer med psykisk helse- og/eller rusproblematikk blitt etablert i norske kommuner. I denne studien har vi brukt en diskursiv tilnærming og analysert tekster ... -
Turnusordninger i kommunenes helse- og omsorgstjenester – kraftig vekst i omfang av langvakter, årsturnus og fleksibel turnus
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Et økende antall eldre med behov for tjenester vil sette et stadig større press på effektiv utnyttelse av ressurser i helse- og omsorgssektoren. Nye måter å organisere turnus på har blitt løftet frem som et tiltak som kan ... -
Tailored implementation of national recommendations on fall prevention among older adults in municipalities in Norway (FALLPREVENT trial): a study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Despite substantial research evidence indicating the effectiveness of a range of interventions to prevent falls, uptake into routine clinical practice has been limited by several implementation hallenges. The ...