Now showing items 1-20 of 175

    • Tilnærminger til teknologi og design i grunnskolen. Nysgjerrig, skapende, kritisk? 

      Austestad, Anna; Lutnæs, Eva (FORMakademisk;2(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Hva skal elevene lære i emnet Teknologi og design (T&D) i grunnskolen? Hvorfor skal elever lære T&D? I denne artikkelen undersøker vi hvilke didaktiske begrunnelser for T&D som gir seg til kjenne i undervisningsmateriell ...
    • Kunst- og designfagenes plassering i den videregående opplæringen 1976-2006 

      Nielsen, Liv Merete (FORMakademisk;3 (2), Academic article, 2010)
      Da yrkesskoler, husflidsskoler og gymnas i Norge ble samlet i én felles videregående skole i 1976, var en av intensjonene at elevene skulle kunne kombinere praktisk og teoretisk utdanning. På ”husflidslinja” fikk kunst- ...
    • The Reflective Citizen : General Design Education for a Sustainable Future 

      Digranes, Ingvild; Fauske, Laila Belinda (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      With the Norwegian 2006 curriculum, the thoughts of a global responsibility in terms of a wide understanding of sustainability was introduced in general education in Art and Design education from 1st grade through lower ...
    • Empowerment of citizens in a multicultural society 

      Songe-Møller, Anna; Bjerkestrand, Karin Brunvathne (Journal of Intercultural Communication;30, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This article is based on the project: Empowerment of Citizens in aMulticultural Society. We wanted to explore theatre as intercultural communication related to the challenges faced by our diverse society. Drama students ...
    • Artists and gentrification in specific urban contexts. A case study from Wiliamsburg, New York 

      Sæter, Oddrun; Aure, Venke; Bergaust, Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This article present a case study of artists' role in urban development processes. The focus is upon an evacuation process from a factory building where about 250 artists lived and worked, and how they managed to get back ...
    • The ethic-aesthetic way of wonders 

      Christensen-Scheel, Boel (InFormation - Nordic Journal of Art and Research;1 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Developments in the theoretical field of ecosophy have demonstrated the co-dependence of different human and natural factors, as well as connections between societal organization, natural sustainability and individual ...
    • Designkompetanse i et gjennomgående utdanningsløp 

      Nielsen, Liv Merete; Digranes, Ingvild (Techne series : Research in sloyd education and crafts science. A;19(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Designere, beslutningstakere, investorer, brukere og konsumenter har ulike roller i en designprosess. Alle vil på et tidspunkt ta valg som får konsekvenser for en bærekraftig framtid, om det er gjennom byutvikling, kjøp ...
    • Design literacy - from primary education to universit level 

      Digranes, Ingvild; Nielsen, Liv Merete (Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference, 2012 Bangkok;Volume 03, Conference object, 2012-09-01)
      This paper is based on on-going research into design education at several educational levels. What is said, and what is done? In the DESIGN LITERACY project, we focus on the content of a continuous design education, ...
    • Barnelitteraturkritikkens samtidige estetikk 

      Christensen-Scheel, Boel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-09-04)
      Kritikken kan ha mange roller og funksjoner, fra kjøpsveiledende til kunstvurderende, fra poetisk til politisk. Dette spennet viser bredden i behovet for løpende kritisk tenkning, og det viser at kritikk i stor grad dreier ...
    • Design literacy for longer lasting products 

      Nielsen, Liv Merete; Brænne, Karen (Studies in Material thinking;9, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Abstract: In this article, we discuss the design literacy concept from a Nordic educational perspective. Design literacy is used for the expression of competence, where different ways of communicating meaning, function ...
    • Innsikt, utsikt og oversikt. Transparens og glassvegger i nye skoleanlegg 

      Lefdal, Else Margrethe (FORMakademisk;6(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article discusses the openness and transparency in school buildings. I focus on new secondary schools constructed with transparency, flexible room solutions and extensive use of glass walls. With indoor glass walls, ...
    • Negotiating the image of the city: A discussion of skilled perception and the role of artists in the redevelopment of Bjørvika 

      Myrvold, Charlotte Blanche (InFormation - Nordic Journal of Art and Research;2(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      In the master plan of the redevelopment of the former industrial harbor Bjørvika, funding for art is stipulated along with access to the site during the construction phase. This article looks at an intervention, from 2005, ...
    • Visualising ideas: a camera is not enough 

      Nielsen, Liv Merete (DRS Cumulus;2013, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
    • See Me! A Discussion on the Quality of Performing Arts for Children Based on a Performative Approach 

      Nagel, Lisa (InFormation-Nordic Journal of Art and Research;2(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      In this article, the writer discusses and analyses what happens to the evaluation of quality in performing arts for children when we move from the notion of art as an object to art as an event. Erika Fischer-Lichte´s ...
    • Creativity in the subject Art and Crafts: the weak link between learning and assessment 

      Lutnæs, Eva (DRS Cumulus;2013, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This paper explores the assessment of creativity in the Norwegian school subject Art and Crafts. Creativity, or its sibling, originality is frequently used as an assessment criterion in assignments given to pupils at the ...
    • Recalling memories through reminiscence theatre 

      Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens (InFormation-Nordic Journal of Art and Research;2(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The purpose of this article is to study how a reminiscence theatre production develops dramaturgically, and to discuss what impact it has on the participants who take part in the project “The aged as a resource”. The theatre ...
    • Applied Art: Innovative Thinking from a Material Perspective 

      Fjærli, Anneli Hoel; Haugland, Ida (InFormation-Nordic Journal of Art and Research;2(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The modern world is continuously engaged in a racing processes aimed towards building a favourable future society. In this development, the apparent tools seem to be related to theoretical thought, new technology, avant-garde ...
    • The Making of FQ, or How to Pick up Pellets of Information in the Clouds of Fantasy 

      Bergaust, Kristin (InFormation - Nordic Journal of Art and Research;2(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      In an attempt to look at how content could be developed in dialogue with the use of visual documentary material, this article traces key ideas and references that were important to the making of an animation “FQ”. A research ...
    • Application and autonomy – the reach and span of contemporary art didactics 

      Christensen-Scheel, Boel (InFormation - Nordic Journal of Art and Research;2(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Aesthetics, as both a variety of practices and a field of research, has now begun a journey toward society and more applied thinking – that is, how can art, art thinking, and different forms of sensuousness interact with ...
    • Learning by watching: what we can learn from the Inuit’s design learning 

      Reitan, Janne Beate (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      In this paper , I explore a single case of vernacular clothing design — the learning and practice of design for contemporary Iñupiaq - Inuit clothing made by the women of Kaktovik, North Alaska — and I ...