Now showing items 1-20 of 959

    • Adaptive learning with artificial barriers yielding Nash equilibria in general games 

      Oommen, John B.; Yazidi, Anis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)
      Artificial barriers in Learning Automata (LA) is a powerful and yet under-explored concept although it was first pro- posed in the 1980s. Introducing artificial non-absorbing barriers makes the LA schemes resilient to ...
    • Advances in information technology and its implication on privacy 

      Hassan, Ismail (Network and system administration : research surveys;Vol. 1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2004)
      Over the past three decades, computers and information technology in general have experienced an enormous growth and development. This amazing new technology is profoundly affecting and changing the functioning of societies ...
    • Families of Artinian and one-dimensional algebras 

      Kleppe, Jan Oddvar (Journal of Algebra;311, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      The purpose of this paper is to study families of Artinian or one dimensional quotients of a polynomial ring R with a special look to level algebras. Let GradAlg^H(R) be the scheme parametrizing graded quotients of R with ...
    • Unobstructedness and dimension of families of codimension 3 ACM algebras 

      Kleppe, Jan Oddvar; Miro-Roig, Rosa Maria (Contemporary Mathematics;448, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      The goal of this paper is to study irreducible families of codimension 3, Cohen-Macaulay quotients A of a polynomial ring R=k[x_0,x_1,...,x_n]; mainly, we study families of graded Cohen-Macaulay quotients A of codimension ...
    • Unobstructedness and dimension of families of Gorenstein algebras 

      Kleppe, Jan Oddvar (Collectanea Mathematica; 58(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      The goal of this paper is to develop tools to study maximal families of Gorenstein quotients A of a polynomial ring R. We prove a very general Theorem on deformations of the homogeneous coordinate ring of a scheme Proj A ...
    • Digitalized story making in the classroom : a social semiotic perspective on gender, multimodality and learning 

      Skaar, Håvard ( : Media, technology and lifelong learning;3 (1), Academic article, 2007)
      The article takes the case of pupils in a fifth-year primary school class (10-11 years old) who use text and pictures in their creative writing on the classroom computers. The study confirms what the research ...
    • If I had a rich picture… : insights into the use of “soft” methodological tools to support the development of interprofessional education 

      Fougner, Marit; Habib, Laurence (Journal of Interprofessional Care;22 (5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      This paper describes a methodological experiment that aimed to test a small number of tools borrowed from Soft Systems Methodology. Those tools were intended to support action research for a project in interprofessional ...
    • Solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation using uniform complex scaling 

      Bengtsson, Jakob; Lindroth, Eva; Selstø, Sølve (Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      The formalism of complex rotation of the radial coordinate is studied in the context of time-dependent systems. The applicability of this method is discussed and illustrated with numerical examples involving atoms exposed ...
    • The structure behind it all 

      Lindroth, Eva; Argenti, Luca; Bengtsson, Jakob; Ferro, Fabrizio; Genkin, Michael; Selstø, Sølve (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009)
      The talk discussed collisions where the structure of the systems involved plays a decisive role for the outcome of the event. For many types of charge changing processes the presence of resonant states can change the ...
    • Ideals generated by submaximal minors 

      Kleppe, Jan Oddvar; Miro-Roig, Rosa Maria (Algebra & Number Theory;3 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      The goal of this paper is to study irreducible families W(b;a) of codimension 4, arithmetically Gorenstein schemes X of P^n defined by the submaximal minors of a t x t matrix A whose entries are homogeneous forms of degree ...
    • Solution of the Dirac equation for hydrogenlike systems exposed to intense electromagnetic pulses 

      Selstø, Sølve; Bengtsson, Jakob; Lindroth, Eva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      The time-dependent Dirac equation is solved numerically and compared to the corresponding prediction of the nonrelativistic Schrödinger equation for hydrogenlike systems exposed to intense laser pulses. It is found that ...
    • Branded selves : how children in Norway relate to marketing on a social network site 

      Skaar, Håvard (Journal of children and media;3 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-07-22)
      Theories of branding and self presentation inform an ethnographic study of how a group of classmates aged 11–12 construct identities by use of the brands and branded resources made available to them on the social network ...
    • Online MCQ - formative or summative assessment? : experiences from a higher educational environment 

      Johannesen, Monica; Habib, Laurence (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Within the field of Higher Education there has been a growing interest in formative assessment. A range of online tools for multiple choice questions (MCQ) are often made available to academic staff, but the extent and ...
    • Studies or Leisure? : a Cross-cultural Comparison of Taiwanese and Norwegian Engineering Students' Preferences for University Life 

      Jian, Hua-Li; Sandnes, Frode Eika; Huang, Yo-Ping; Huang, Yueh-Min; Hagen, Simen (International journal of engineering education;26 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      An insight into students' preferences and expectations of life at university is useful when trying to understand drop-out percentages and design study programs, especially in the global competition for students. This ...
    • Visual Scoping of Private Information Displayed on Shared Tabletop Surfaces 

      Hagen, Simen; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Informations sharing in meetings or conference calls are often done by displaying the information on a shared display, e.g. a projected or shared display, or a shared surface as a table. The amount of information on the ...
    • Prosjekt Ymer : grafikkprosessering på sky 

      Granstad, Linda; Begnum, Kyrre (Norsk Informatikkonferanse;2010, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Skyteknologi er en teknologi som tilbyr et spekter av nye tjenester som er lite utprøvd på mange felt. Et av disse områdene er bruk av sky i forbindelse med grafikkprosessering. Vil det være mulig å få en renderfarm til ...
    • Fuzzy Environment Mapping for Robot Navigation Based on Grid Computing 

      Kao, Li-Jen; Huang, Yo-Ping; Sandnes, Frode Eika; Hsiao, Mann-Jung (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      In order to navigate autonomously, a mobile robot needs to build an environment map where the robot is navigating. Currently, the sensors are mounted on the robot to detect if the obstacles exist and then the map immediate ...
    • Experiences with RFID-Based Interactive Learning in Museums 

      Huang, Yo-Ping; Chang, Yueh-Tsun; Sandnes, Frode Eika (International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems;3 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Tourism plays an important role in the economies of many countries. Tourism can secure employment, foreign exchange earnings, investment and regional development. To attract more tourists and local visitors, many stakeholders ...
    • Discovering Fuzzy Association Rules from Patient's Daily Text Messages to Diagnose Melancholia 

      Huang, Yo-Ping; Chiu, Hong-Wen; Chuan, Wei-Po; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      With the constant stress from work load and daily life people may show symptoms of melancholia. However, most people are reluctant to describe it or may not know that they already have it. In this paper a novel system ...
    • A Simple Content-based Strategy for Estimating the Geographical Location of a Webcam 

      Sandnes, Frode Eika (Lecture Notes in Computer Science = Lecture notes in artificial intelligence;6297, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      This study proposes a strategy for determining the approximate geographical location of a webcam based on a sequence of images taken at regular intervals. For a time-stamped image sequence spanning 24 hours the approximate ...