Nye registreringer

  • Exploring Interpretable AI Methods for ECG Data Classification 

    Ojha, Jaya; Haugerud, Hårek; Yazidi, Anis; Lind, Pedro (Chapter, 2024)
    We address ECG data classification, using methods from explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). In particular, we focus on the extended performance of the ST-CNN-5 model compared to established mod- els. The model ...
  • Exploring Human Cognition From Eye-Movements: Is There Unconscious Visual Information? 

    Mathema, Rujeena; Lind, Pedro; Lencastre, Pedro (Chapter, 2024)
    In this study, we investigate whether fast-vanishing visual stimuli can carry information that affects human behavior, even when in- dividuals report not seeing it. The impact of fast-vanishing cues on oculomotor functions ...
  • Federated Constrastive Learning and Visual Transformers for Personal Recommendation 

    Belhadi, Asma; Djenouri, Youcef; Andrade, Fabio Augusto de Alcantara; Srivastava, Gautam (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    This paper introduces a novel solution for personal recommendation in consumer electronic applications. It addresses, on the one hand, the data confidentiality during the training, by exploring federated learning and trusted ...
  • Spatio-temporal visual learning for home-based monitoring 

    Djenouri, Youcef; Belbachir, Nabil; Cano, Alberto; Belhadi, Asma (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    This paper introduces a novel concept for Home-based Monitoring (HM) that enables robust analysis and understanding of activities towards improved caring and safety. Spatio-Temporal Visual Learning for HM (STVL-HM) is a ...
  • Deepfakes: current and future trends 

    Gambín, Ángel Fernández; Yazidi, Anis; Vasilakos, Athanasios; Haugerud, Hårek; Djenouri, Youcef (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Advances in Deep Learning (DL), Big Data and image processing have facilitated online disinformation spreading through Deepfakes. This entails severe threats including public opinion manipulation, geopolitical tensions, ...
  • Enhancing smart road safety with federated learning for Near Crash Detection to advance the development of the Internet of Vehicles 

    Djenouri, Youcef; Belbachir, Nabil; Michalak, Tomasz; Belhadi, Asma; Srivastava, Gautam (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    We introduce an innovative methodology for the identification of vehicular collisions within Internet of Vehicles (IoV) applications. This approach combines a knowledge base system with deep learning for model selection ...
  • Trustworthy machine learning in the context of security and privacy 

    Upreti, Ramesh; Lind, Pedro; Elmokashfi, Ahmed; Yazidi, Anis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Artificial intelligence-based algorithms are widely adopted in critical applications such as healthcare and autonomous vehicles. Mitigating the security and privacy issues of AI models, and enhancing their trustworthiness ...
  • Lévy Flight Model of Gaze Trajectories to Assist in ADHD Diagnoses 

    Papanikolaou, Christos; Sharma, Akriti; Lind, Pedro; Lencastre, Pedro (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Theprecisemathematicaldescriptionofgazepatternsremainsatopicofongoingdebate, impacting the practical analysis of eye-tracking data. In this context, we present evidence supporting the appropriateness of a Lévy flight ...
  • Identifying Autism Gaze Patterns in Five-Second Data Records 

    Lencastre, Pedro; Lotfigolian, Maryam; Lind, Pedro (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    One of the most challenging problems when diagnosing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the need for long sets of data. Collecting data during such long periods is challenging, particularly when dealing with children. This ...
  • Modeling Wind-Speed Statistics beyond the Weibull Distribution 

    Lencastre, Pedro; Yazidi, Anis; Lind, Pedro (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    While it is well known that the Weibull distribution is a good model for wind-speed measurements and can be explained through simple statistical arguments, how such a model holds for shorter time periods is still an open ...
  • The Timing and Strength of Inequality Concerns in the UK Public Debate: Google Trends, Elections and the Macroeconomy 

    Seip, Knut Lehre; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Inequality among people has several unwanted effects, in humanistic, social and economic contexts. Several studies address distributional preferences among groups, but little is known about when inequality issues are focused ...
  • Frequency-Histogram Coarse Graining in Elementary and 2-Dimensional Cellular Automata 

    Jain, Sanyam; Nichele, Stefano (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Cellular automata and other discrete dynamical systems have long been studied as models of emergent complexity. Recently, neural cellular automata have been proposed as models to investigate the emerge of a more general ...
  • Mind Your Step: A Diary Study of a Person with Visual Impairment Navigating a City with a Smart Cane 

    Kuriakose, Bineeth; Cosescu, Irina; Shrestha, Raju; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Communications in Computer and Information Science;, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2023)
    Several studies have documented the navigation requirements and preferences of people with visual impairments. The primary methods used in such studies were interviews and surveys. With the same goal, this study employed ...
  • Capturing Emerging Complexity in Lenia 

    Jain, Sanyam; Shrestha, Aarati; Nichele, Stefano (Communications in Computer and Information Science;, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2023)
    This work investigates the emergent complexity in Lenia, an artificial life platform that simulates ecosystems of digital creatures. Lenia’s ecosystem consists of a continuous cellular automaton where simple artificial ...
  • The Usability of Persistent and Non-Persistent Headers on Web Pages 

    Murano, Pietro; Kongshaug, Petter (International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems;, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2024)
    Websites are used for many different purposes and can also be designed in different ways with different styles. Certain website designs use persistent headers, while some alternatively use non-persistent headers. Online ...
  • ScopeSense: An 8.5-Month Sport, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Lifelogging Dataset 

    Riegler, Michael Alexander; Thambawita, Vajira; Nguyen, Thu; Hicks, Steven Alexander; Pettersen, Svein Arne; Telle-Hansen, Vibeke; Johansen, Dag; Jain, Ramesh; Halvorsen, Pål (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS);, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    Nowadays, most people have a smartphone that can track their everyday activities. Furthermore, a significant number of people wear advanced smartwatches to track several vital biomarkers in addition to activity data. ...
  • Exploring Multilingual Word Embedding Alignments in BERT Models: A Case Study of English and Norwegian 

    Aaby, Pernille; Biermann, Daniel; Yazidi, Anis; Borges Moreno e Mello, Gustavo; Palumbo, Fabrizio (Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2023)
    Contextual language models, such as transformers, can solve a wide range of language tasks ranging from text classification to question answering and machine translation. Like many deep learning models, the performance ...
  • Multimedia Datasets: Challenges and Future Possibilities 

    Nguyen, Thu; Storås, Andrea; Thambawita, Vajira L B; Hicks, Steven; Halvorsen, Pål; Riegler, Michael Alexander (Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2023)
    Public multimedia datasets can enhance knowledge discovery and model development as more researchers have the opportunity to contribute to exploring them. However, as these datasets become larger and more multimodal, besides ...
  • Random sparse generators of Markovian evolution and their spectral properties 

    Nakerst, Goran; Denysov, Sergiy; Haque, Masudul (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    The evolution of a complex multi-state system is often interpreted as a continuous-time Markovian process. To model the relaxation dynamics of such systems, we introduce an ensemble of random sparse matrices which can be ...
  • Intelligent digital tools for screening of brain connectivity and dementia risk estimation in people affected by mild cognitive impairment: the AI-Mind clinical study protocol 

    Haraldsen, Ira Hebold; Hatlestad-Hall, Christoffer; Marra, Camillo; Renvall, Hanna; Maestú, Fernando; Acosta-Hernández, Jorge; Alfonsin, Soraya; Andersson, Vebjørn; Anand, Abhilash; Ayllón, Victor; Babic, Aleksandar; Belhadi, Asma; Birck, Cindy; Bruña, Ricardo; Caraglia, Naike; Carrarini, Claudia; Christensen, Erik; Cicchetti, Americo; Daugbjerg, Signe; Di Bidino, Rossella; Diaz-Ponce, Ana; Drews, Ainar; Giuffrè, Guido Maria; Georges, Jean; Gil-Gregorio, Pedro; Gove, Dianne; Govers, Tim M.; Hallock, Harry; Hietanen, Marja; Holmen, Lone; Hotta, Jaakko; Kaski, Samuel; Khadka, Rabindra; Kinnunen, Antti S.; Koivisto, Anne M.; Kulashekhar, Shrikanth; Larsen, Denis; Liljeström, Mia; Lind, Pedro; Marcos Dolado, Alberto; Marshall, Serena; Merz, Susanne; Miraglia, Francesca; Montonen, Juha; Mäntynen, Ville; Øksengård, Anne Rita; Olazarán, Javier; Paajanen, Teemu; Peña, José M.; Peña, Luis; Peniche, Daniel lrabien; Sanz Perez, Ana; Radwan, Mohamed; Ramírez-Toraño, Federico; Rodríguez-Pedrero, Andrea; Saarinen, Timo; Salas-Carrillo, Mario; Salmelin, Riitta; Sousa, Sonia; Suyuthi, Abdillah; Toft, Mathias; Toharia, Pablo; Tveitstøl, Thomas; Tveter, Mats; Upreti, Ramesh; Vermeulen, Robin J.; Vecchio, Fabrizio; Yazidi, Anis; Rossini, Paolo Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    More than 10 million Europeans show signs of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a transitional stage between normal brain aging and dementia stage memory disorder. The path MCI takes can be divergent; while some maintain ...

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