• News Flows, Inter-Media Connectivity and Societal Resilience in Times of Crisis 

      Steensen, Steen; Eide, Tine (Digital Journalism;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-23)
      This article analyzes how inter-media connections and news flows can establish societal resilience in times of crisis. The article is framed by understandings of the discursive practice of news as polyvocal and networked, ...
    • News Media's Rhetoric on Facebook 

      Hågvar, Yngve Benestad (Journalism Practice;Volume 13, 2019 - Issue 7, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-08)
      While Facebook is an important distribution channel for today’s media houses, there is a lack of research on how news outlets choose to present their stories in social media. The present study aims to narrow this gap by ...
    • News organizations 

      Westlund, Oscar; Ekström, Mats (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The first studies on news routines emerged in the 1950s, and since then a wealth of studies have followed that focus on routines among journalists in newsrooms. Clearly, however, much has happened in journalism since ...
    • News organizations and routines 

      Westlund, Oscar; Ekström, Mats (Handbook of Journalism Studies, Karin Wahl-Jorgensen & Thomas Hanitzsch (Eds.);, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-06)
      The first studies on news routines emerged in the 1950s, and since then a wealth of studies have followed that focus on routines among journalists in newsrooms. Clearly, however, much has happened in journalism since then; ...
    • News: Mobiles, Mobilities and Their Meeting Points 

      Duffy, Andrew; Ling, Rich; Kim, Nuri; Tandoc JR, Edson; Westlund, Oscar (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-29)
      In the field of quantum mechanics (at least in its more accessible and demotic form), Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that the more precisely the position of a particle can be established, the less possible it ...
    • Newsafety: Infrastructures, Practices and Consequences 

      Westlund, Oscar; Krøvel, Roy; Orgeret, Kristin (Journalism Practice;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Journalism is often referred to as one of the most important knowledge-producing institutions in society, yet also one facing numerous challenges, among which the safety of journalists critical. Public visibility as a ...
    • Norsk fred i Colombia. En undersøkelse av norsk pressedekning av Colombia –i fire riksdekkende papiraviser– i perioden september 2016 - mars 2017. 

      Danielsen, Dina Jeanette (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Høsten 2016 underskrev den colombianske regjeringen en fredsavtale med geriljagruppen FARC, og endte en over 50 år lang borgerkrig. Norge var en av tilretteleggerne for fredsavtalen og senere det året vant den colombianske ...
    • Norsk kjendisjournalistikk på nett 

      Grøtte, Marit (Norsk medietidsskrift;21(02), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Kjendisjournalistikken har inntatt nyhetsmediene for lengst, og særlig i tabloidpressens nettaviser vies det mye plass til slikt stoff. Denne artikkelen ser på hvordan kjendisjournalistikken i de to norske nettavisene ...
    • Norway´s New(s) Wars - Syria in Norwegian Mass Media 

      Ottosen, Rune (Nordlit; Nr 42 (2019): Manufacturing Monsters, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Through two case studies, this article will explore how Norwegian news media framed the Norwegian military presence in Syria. Earlier research by the author has shown how the legal aspects of NATO’s out-of-area operations ...
    • Nudges, emojis, and memes: Mapping interpassivity theory onto digital civic culture 

      Mozdeika, Lukas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Once lauded for liberating audiences from their passive state by granting voice, the digital public sphere today increasingly resem- bles a cacophony of disjointed voices datafied for the gain of giant tech firms. Instead ...
    • Nye måter å dekke Vesten på. En studie av internasjonalt stoff i to norske aviser 1975–2005 

      Fonn, Birgitte Kjos (Mediehistorisk tidsskrift;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Like etter 2. verdenskrig var norsk journalistikk påtagelig «vestvendt», delvis som følge av den kalde krigen. Senere endret den kalde krigen karakter, og da Østblokken gikk i oppløsning, tok det vi kaller «globaliseringen» ...
    • Offer, hemmet, aktiv, borger? : medieerfaringer blant individer med nedsatt funksjonsevne 

      Eide, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      The article presents a study of the media experiences of a group of media actors with disabilities. The actors belong to large minorities in Norway – groups that have been the focus of several official reports and propositions, ...
    • Online Feature Journalism: a Clash of Discourses 

      Steensen, Steen (Journalism Practice;3 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-02)
      Although online journalism still is dominated by breaking news coverage, new genres are emerging that differentiate it more and more from old media journalism. This article explores the emergence of feature journalism in ...
    • Online Journalism and the Promises of New Technology : a Critical Review and Look Ahead 

      Steensen, Steen (Journalism Studies;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-09-04)
      Research about online journalism has been dominated by a discourse of technological innovation. The ‘‘success’’ of online journalism is often measured by the extent to which it utilizes technological assets like ...
    • Online newspaper repositories and Norwegian-Russian media frames of Svalbard 

      Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Academic article, 2013)
      Online newspaper repositories of two leading Norwegian and Russian daily newspapers (Aftenposten and Rossiyskaya gazeta [Российская газета]) offer different media frames of the Arctic group of islands known as Svalbard. ...
    • Organizational and occupational innovation when implementing a Covid-19 live tracker in VG newsroom 

      Konow Lund, Maria; Mtchedlidze, Junai; Barland, Jens (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Academic research on whether and how innovation during crises results in durable changes in practice remains scant. The Covid-19 pandemic brought with it new opportunities to look at both innovation and transformations in ...
    • "Pandemisk paranoia"? En analyse av nyhetsomtalen av "svineinfluensaen" i norske aviser 

      Hornmoen, Harald (Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning;52 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      The study analyzes how a selection of Norwegian newspapers represented the swine flu in two critical phases in 2009. The analysis suggests how the news coverage was one-dimensional. Little space was provided for critical ...
    • ”Pandemisk paranoia?” En analyse av nyhetsomtalen av svineinfluensaen i norske aviser 

      Hornmoen, Harald (Research report, 2013)
      Studien er analyse av hvordan et utvalg norske aviser (papiraviser) representerte og konstruerte svineinfluensaen og trusselen knyttet til denne i to kritiske faser i sykdommens utviklingsforløp. Den første fasen var da ...
    • Patient narratives: Health journalists’ reflections, dilemmas and criticism of a compelling journalistic tool 

      Figenschou, Tine Ustad (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Media stories of health and illness are omnipresent. The plethora of available health stories not only inform and educate, they invite us to engage, identify and act, thereby priming basic feelings of fear, ...
    • Perceptions of Intra-Organizational Collaboration and Media Workers Interests in Media Innovations 

      Westlund, Oscar; Krumsvik, Arne H. (The Journal of Media Innovations;1(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This article contributes with a unique quantitative study of newspaper executives’ perceptions on the interest and collaboration contained within digital media innovation among staff in the editorial, business and IT ...