Browsing SAM - Institutt for journalistikk og mediefag by Title
Now showing items 166-185 of 358
Intermediaries of change: How media-focused non-governmental organizations shape meta-journalistic discourse in Ukraine
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Ukrainian media is currently undergoing its most challenging period in history. Still transitioning from political and economic instrumentalization, it has been significantly affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, ... -
Interpretive communities of resistance: Emerging counterpublics of immigration alarmism on social media
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Debates over immigration have become a defining political cleavage closely related to moral values, perceptions of threat, and the rise of online anti-immigration networks and agitation. Based on in-depth interviews with ... -
(Making Transparency Possible: an interdisciplinary dialogue;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-13)Each year local and national economies throughout the world lose billions of dollars through so-called illicit financial flows. Conservative estimates indicate that over a billion dollars are diverted illegitimately out ... -
Introduction: Research, Education, and Self-Determination in Sámi and Indigenous Journalism.
(Journal of Global Indigeneity (JGI);, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article advances the critical importance of Indigenous journalism – both as a field and practice – for Indigenous peoples’ right to self-determination. The co-authors demonstrate this through discussions of education, ... -
Investigations of a journalistic blind spot: Class, constructors, and carers in Norwegian media
(Nordicom Review;Volume 42 (2021): Issue s3 (April 2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-07)Recent studies argue that the contemporary working class has largely disappeared from the news media. Another strand of literature demonstrates that the traditional labour beat has lost newsroom prestige due to changes in ... -
Invisible Locative Media: Key Considerations at the Nexus of Place and Digital Journalism
(Media and Communication;Vol 7, No 1, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-19)Mobility and location awareness are pervasive and foundational elements of contemporary communication systems, and a descriptive term to synthesize them, “locative media”, has gained wide spread use throughout mobile media ... -
Is Peace a Smiling Woman? Femininities and Masculinities in Conflict and Peace Coverage
(Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2016)The chapter studies how concepts of gender, w ar and peace are understood and applied in the coverage of international strategies for c onflict and peace in examples from Norwegian newspapers. The theoretical backdrop ... -
Islamske terrorister eller norsk ekstremist?
(Pressehistorisk tidsskrift;(24), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-12-15) -
“It’s New to Us”: Exploring Authentic Innovation in Local News Settings
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Many local newsrooms across the globe have been forced to re‐assess (and re‐assert) their value and function during a period of intense digital disruption. “Innovate or die” has become an accepted mantra as governments, ... -
Jernhælen i redaksjonen : pressen i det okkuperte Norge
(Pressehistorisk tidsskrift;(13), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-06)9. april 40 veltet om på det norske avislandskapet og forandret hverdagen for landets pressefolk og avisutgivere. Okkupantmakten trengte informasjonskanaler, men ville selv styre dem - og de norske presseorganisasjonene ... -
Journalism and source criticism: Revised approaches to assessing truth-claims
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article presents a hermeneutical epistemology for the assessment and production of truth-claims in journalism. This epistemology is based on Gadamer’s functional hermeneutics, and it advances the concept of source ... -
Journalism as a Strategic Action Field: How to Study Contestations and Power Dynamics between Professional Journalism and Its Challengers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper argues the benefits of approaching the ongoing con- tentions and power dynamics in journalism as a strategic action field (JSAF). This meso-level, actor-centered analytical framework offers insights into how ... -
Journalism theory
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-06)Journalism studies is a multidisciplinary field of academic inquiry. As such, it employs theory from a wide range of academic disciplines and traditions, and – as its object of study changes – is in constant search of new ... -
Journalism under pressure in conflict zones: A study of journalists and editors in seven countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Through interviews with 100 journalists and editors in seven countries, the authors examine safety as the main challenge for journalists covering war and conflict in both local and international contexts. The article places ... -
Journalism’s epistemic crisis and its solution: Disinformation, datafication and source criticism
(Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism;Volume: 20, Issue: 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-10)Journalism in many cultures is today in an epistemic crisis. The mains drivers of this crisis are discourses of disinformation and the general datafication of society, which combined render dubious the ways in which ... -
Journalistic Narratives of Success and Failure at the Bali Climate Change Conference in 2007
(Intercultural Communication Studies;20 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)This article investigates how journalists employed pre-defined culturally grounded meta-narratives and genres in journalistic communication of climate change at the Bali summit in 2007. The journalists investigated in this ... -
Journalistikkens logikk? Debatten om en sakprosa-etikk i Norge
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The Norwegian publishing industry has no ethical framework along the lines of the Ethical Code of Practice for the Press, or for that matter the Norwegian research ethics guidelines. However, since 2000, several non-fiction ... -
Journalistisk langtidsvarsel: Narrativ analyse av framtidsfortellinger i norske nyhetsmedier
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Journalistiske fortellinger om framtiden preger både norske og internasjonale nyhetsmedier. Men hvilke teknikker bruker journalistene til å fortelle sannferdig om noe som ennå ikke har skjedd? Artikkelen diskuterer hvordan ... -
Kan medieforskningen bidra til å løse den globale klimakrisen? Forskere som motkrefter til ”alternative fakta”
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Hva kan medieforskningen gjøre for å løse den globale klimakrisen, når selv garvede klimaforskere annonserer at verden ikke kan reddes? Medieforskningen har tross alt ikke naturens tålegrenser som sitt forskningsobjekt, ... -
Key Communicators’ Perspectives on the Use of Social Media in Risks and Crises
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017-09-14)This chapter examines how key communicators understand and evaluate opportunities and challenges of using social media in risk and crisis situations. We have conducted semi-structured interviews with several risk and crisis ...