Blar i SVA - Work Research Institute (AFI) på utgivelsesdato
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The Places of Memory in a Square of Monuments: Conceptions of Past, Freedom and History at Szabadság Tér
(E-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association;5 (8), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)In this paper I try to approach contemporary Hungarian political culture through an analysis of the history of changing monuments at Szabadság Tér in Budapest. The paper has as its point of origin a protest/irredentist ... -
Lean organisering i norsk arbeidsliv: slutten på medvirkning?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Den norske samarbeidsmodellen blir bejublet og utforsket for tiden, vanligvis definert som samspillet mellom velferdsstat, makroøkonomiske styringsmodeller og trepartssamarbeidet. Vi ser i denne artikkelen mer spesifikt ... -
Svake høyfrekvente elektromagnetiske felt - en vurdering av helserisiko og forvaltningspraksis
(Rapport: Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt;2012:3, Research report, 2012)Bruk av utstyr som sender ut radiobølger har økt i senere år. Trådløs kommunikasjonsteknologi som mobiltelefoni dominerer. De siste årene har krav om stadig bedre dekning, teknologi i nye generasjoner og utvidede funksjoner ... -
Organising Ethics: The Case of the Norwegian Army
(Etikk i praksis;1(1), Academic article, 2012)This article shows how institutionalism, a theory in organisational social science, provides a model for diagnosing organisational challenges that influence the ethical practices and integration in the Norwegian Army. ... -
Standardisation in the Field of Nanotechnology: Some Issues of Legitimacy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-12)Nanotechnology will allegedly have a revolutionary impact in a wide range of fields, but has also created novel concerns about health, safety and the environment (HSE). Nanotechnology regulation ... -
Individuell versus nettverksbasert kompetansemegling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)I artikkelen beskrives elementene i en ny generasjon nettverksbasert kompetansemegling. Spørsmålene som stilles, er følgende: Hvordan har kompetansemegling utviklet seg til nå? Hvordan foregår nettverksbasert kompetansemegling, ... -
Den nye ateismens grunnlag og argumentasjon
(DIN: Religionsvitenskapelig tidsskrift;(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Den nye ateismen påberoper seg en moralsk og epistemologisk overlegenhet ved å være fundert i vitenskapen. Med utgangspunkt i Ulrich Becks tese om risikosamfunnet ser jeg på oppkomsten av den naturalistiske religionskritikken ... -
Remedy through paradox? Constructions of internal legitimacy in a publicly discredited organization
(Management Communication Quarterly;28(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This article examines how members of publicly discredited organizations discursively construct senses of internal legitimacy. Drawing on a case study of the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration—an organization that ... -
How do restructuring processes influence low- and unskilled immigrant and non-immigrant workers and their managers in a Norwegian hospital?
(Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies;4(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)It is a well-known fact that workplace restructuring has undesirable effects on the psychosocial work environment, health, and sick leave, but no attention has been given to the health effects of work environments ... -
Organizing capacities and union priorities in the hotel sector in Oslo, Dublin, and Toronto
(Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies;4(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)In this article, we draw international comparisons between industrial relations regimes in the hotel sector and compare relevant trade union experiences in the selected metropolitan areas of Oslo, Dublin, and Toronto. ... -
Facilitating innovation in networks composed of non-mandated relations
(International Journal of Action Research;10(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This paper explores the processes of transforming a network of nonmandated exchange relations into a cohesive and innovative partnership. The question this paper attempts to answer is how to speed up innovation processes ... -
Dialogues in innovation: Interactive learning and interactive research as means for a context sensitive regional innovation policy
(International Journal of Action Research;10(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Theoretical and empirical studies that demonstrate and discuss the importance of interactive learning for releasing the innovation potential within national as well as regional innovation systems have been steadily increasing ... -
Translating knowing that into knowing how: The case of trust in regional network building
(International Journal of Action Research;10(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)By asking: Can action research help transmit ordinary, conventional, descriptive-analytic knowledge?, we set out to explore the complementarity between the descriptive-analytic "knowing that" and the practical "knowing ... -
Action research for democracy - A Scandinavian approach
(International Journal of Action Research;10(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Many proponents of action research for democracy seem to presuppose that to anchor action research in democratic ideals is a sufficient base for action researchers to legitimate their democratic purposes and intentions. ... -
Are assessments responding to a dynamic environment? Evidence from four emerging techno-scientific domains
(Science and Public Policy;41(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-05-23)Assessments of emerging science and technologies can assist actors to anticipate and influence techno-scientific development. Although the importance of contextual factors in techno-scientific development has been stressed, ... -
Assessments of emerging science and technologies: Mapping the landscape
(Science and Public Policy;41(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-05-23)This paper presents comparative work from the EST-Frame project on technology appraisal. It focuses on studies of ‘advisory domains’ (more or less distinct traditions for assessment of technologies, such as risk analysis, ... -
Public involvement and narrative fallacies of nanotechnologies
(NanoEthics;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-08-12)This paper analyzes a European research project called ‘Deepening Ethical Engagement and Participation in Emerging Nanotechnologies’ with the abbreviation DEEPEN. The DEEPEN’s findings and conclusions on the narratives, ... -
Vikarbyrådirektivet: liberalisering eller likebehandling?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Artikkelen diskuterer den historiske og regulatoriske bakgrunnen for, og mulige virkninger av, implementeringen av Vikarbyrådirektivet. Dette gjøres med utgangspunkt i en todelt prosess som innebærer (1) en ... -
Reembedding Lean: The Japanese Cultural and Religious Context of a World Changing Management Concept
(International Journal of Sociology;Volume 45, Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)James Womack, Daniel Jones, and Daniel Roos rhetorically positioned the management concept “lean” for the business world in the early 1990s, claiming that lean would change the world for the better. In this article, I ... -
Patent-holders on expert committees. Can there be a conflict of interest?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The presence of experts holding patents and simultaneously providing policy advice on areas in which they hold these patents poses several normative questions. Through a comparative study of several IPCC ...