• Nurses' assessments of horizontal collaboration in municipal health and care services for older adults: A cross-sectional study 

      Skinner, Marianne S.; Veenstra, Marijke; Sogstad, Maren (Research in Nursing and Health;Volume 44, Issue 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-25)
      Interprofessional and interorganizational collaboration is considered key to achieving high‐quality care and positive patient outcomes, but there is limited research into how nurses working in nursing homes and home care ...
    • Nurses' assessments of staffing adequacy in care services for older patients following hospital discharge 

      Veenstra, Marijke; Gautun, Heidi (Journal of Advanced Nursing;Volume 77, Issue 2, February 2021, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-22)
      Aims: To explore community nurses' assessments of staffing adequacy in care provision for older patients following hospital discharge and analyse the extent to which their assessments are associated with characteristics ...
    • Nurses' experiences of transitions of older patients from hospitals to community care. A nation-wide survey in Norway 

      Gautun, Heidi; Bratt, Christopher; Billings, Jenny (Health Science Reports;Volume 3, Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-16)
      Background and Aims: Moving older patients from hospitals to community services is a critical phase of integrated care. Yet, large-scale research on the quality of these transitions has been missing. Consequently, it has ...
    • Nye eldre – nye former for frivillighet? Frivillighetsmønstre og motivbegrunnelser sett i lys av endringer i verdier, utdanningsnivå og mestring 

      Utsi Onstad, Oda; Joranger, Pål; Hansen, Thomas (Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;Årgang 24, nr. 4-2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-21)
      Morgendagens eldre forventes å utgjøre en betydelig ressurs for frivillig sektor. Mer ressurser i kraft av bedre helse, økt utdanning og mestring trekker i den retning. Samtidig kan mer individualistiske verdier trekke ...
    • Nye former for tilhørighet. Migrantorganisasjoner for barn og ungdom i en norsk sivilsamfunnskontekst 

      Ødegård, Guro; Takle, Marianne (Fra kollektiv til konnektiv handling? Nye former for samfunnsengasjement og kollektiv handling i Norge;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-07)
      The traditional Scandinavian voluntary sector model is under pressure. The aim of this chapter is to identify the importance of individuals’ cultural back-ground in creating new forms of community and belonging ...
    • Nye seksualiteter, nye kjønn? 

      Pedersen, Willy; Slagstad, Ketil; von Soest, Tilmann (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-18)
      Fifty years ago, the concept “sexual script” was coined to describe sexual activities as social and learned interactions. Such scripts gradually change, however, and result in what we may label “generational sexualities”. ...
    • Nye tall om ungdom: Skandinaviske ungdommers tillit til samtid og framtid 

      Huang, Lihong; Bruun, Jens; Lieberkind, Jonas; Arensmeier, Cecilia (Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning;Årgang 18, nr. 1–2018. Temanummer: Ungt medborgerskap. Kunnskap, mobilisering og deltakelse. ICCS 2016, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-23)
      Ungdoms syn på sin samtid og sin framtid gir oss informasjon om deres bilde av samfunnet, og i denne artikkelen beskrives14-åringers oppfatninger gjennom ICCS-studien fra Danmark, Norge og Sverige. På en side beskriver ...
    • Offline, online. Digitale ungdomsliv gjennom tre tiår 

      Bakken, Anders; Hegna, Kristinn; Sletten, Mira Aaboen (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Being a teenager in 2021 is different from being a teenager thirty years ago. Although many of the basic questions related to identity and social belonging are the same, the framework around young people’s everyday life – ...
    • Old-Age Exclusion: Active Ageing, Ageism and Agency 

      de Travernier, Wouter; Aartsen, Marja (Social Inclusion;Volume 7, Issue 3 (2019): Old-Age Exclusion, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-29)
      This editorial serves a double purpose. It introduces the articles and commentary comprising this thematic issue on old-ageexclusion, and simultaneously aims to make a concise contribution to the discussion on the relation ...
    • Older Workers in Digitalizing Workplaces: A Systematic Literature Review 

      Komp-Leukkunen, Kathrin; Poli, Arianna; Hellevik, Tale; Herlofson, Katharina; Heuer, Annika; Norum, Roger; Solem, Per Erik; Khan, Jawaria; Rantanen, Visa; Motel-Klingebiel, Andreas (The journal of aging and social change;Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-08-04)
      Workplace digitalization created a sea change in work practices and it altered the situation of older workers. Digitalization entails the increased use of digital technologies, such as computers and online services. Older ...
    • Oljefondet - i solidaritet med fremtidige generasjoner 

      Takle, Marianne (Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift;Nr. 03-04 / 2018 (Volum 35), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-06)
      Norske myndigheter beskriver Oljefondet som sparing til fremtidige generasjoner. Dette er problematisk. Uttrykket er en variant av et begrep om ‘solidaritet med fremtidige generasjoner’. I Norge blir dette brukt til å ...
    • Omsorgsarbeid i et hverdagslivsperspektiv 

      Vabø, Mia (Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning;Årg.4 Nr. 3, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-21)
      Omsorgsarbeid blir ofte beskrevet som et relasjonelt arbeid – et arbeid som berører forholdet mellom den som gir og den som mottar omsorg. Når relasjoner (dyader) blir det primære analytiske fokus, kan det lett føre til ...
    • One Order Fits All? Birth Order and Education in Immigrant Families 

      Isungset, Martin Arstad; Lillehagen, Mats; Ugreninov, Elisabeth (European Sociological Review;Volume 36, Issue 1, February 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-01)
      Birth order causes social inequality between siblings. In Western countries, earlier-born perform better than later-born. In non-Western countries, however, earlier-born generally perform worse than later-born. We use ...
    • Openness in Scandinavian Classrooms: Student Perceptions of Teaching Practices and High Achievers of Civic Knowledge 

      Huang, Lihong; Biseth, Heidi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-04-29)
      In this paper, we explore how teaching practices in classrooms influence students’ civic knowledge achievement in three Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Using data from the 2009 International ...
    • Opting out of youth sports: how can we understand the social processes involved? 

      Persson, Marlene; Espedalen, Lars Erik; Stefansen, Kari; Strandbu, Åse (Sport, Education and Society;Published online 06 Sep 201, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-02)
      Sports researchers often examine the subject of youth quitting sports through quantitative surveys using fixed-choice questionnaires. In this paper, we analyze 1,248 descriptions offered by youth in the survey Young in ...
    • Overgrepsutsattes erfaringer med spesialiserte lavterskeltilbud. Symbolsk anerkjennelse, solidariske fellesskap 

      Østby, Lene; Stefansen, Kari; Smette, Ingrid (Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;Årgang 25, nr. 1-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-02)
      Et godt utbygd hjelpetilbud til overgrepsutsatte regnes i dag som et åpenbart samfunnsansvar. De ulike tiltakene som finnes, utgjør til sammen et komplekst tjenestelandskap. Denne artikkelen handler om spesialiserte ...
    • Pandemics, past, and present: The role of biological anthropology in interdisciplinary pandemic studies 

      Dimka, Jessica; P. van Doren, Taylor; Battles, Heather (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • Parenthood and happiness: a review of folk theories versus empirical evidence 

      Hansen, Thomas (Social Indicators Research;108(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-08)
      This paper reviews and compares folk theories and empirical evidence about the influence of parenthood on happiness and life satisfaction. The review of attitudes toward parenthood and childlessness reveals that people ...
    • Past year cannabis use among Norwegian adolescents: Time trends based on the Ungdata surveys 2010–2019 

      Heradstveit, Ove; Nilsen, Sondre Aasen; Breivik, Kyrre; Bakken, Anders; Haug, Thomas; Stormark, Kjell Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      To describe trends in cannabis use from 2010 to 2019 among Norwegian adolescents and relate these to individual- and municipal-level variables. Design: Data from nationwide repeated cross-sectional surveys collected in ...
    • Pålogga lokalsamfunn 

      Tolgensbakk, Ida (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      At the centre of attention in local history - as an academic field and as a passion - is the local community. But what is a local community? As a concept, it rests somewhere between the 'ethnic group' of anthropologists ...