Blar i SEN - Documents på utgivelsesdato
Viser treff 1-20 av 44
On knowledge bases and maps of knowledge : some guiddities on getting to know in contemporary higher education
(Nordic Studies in Education;30 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)The article briefly introduces a normative and epistemological backdrop to our institutional mapping of knowledge. The assignment given to higher education may be said, in very general terms, to contribute to our knowledge ... -
Sammenligning av to undersøkelsesmetoder innen psykomotorisk tradisjon : GFM-52 og DOK
(Fysioterapeuten;22 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-02-12)Hensikt: Innen psykomotorisk fysioterapi er det utviklet to relativt like undersøkelsesmetoder: Global Fysioterapi Metode-52 (GFM-52) og Den Omfattende Kroppsundersøkelsen (DOK). Denne studiens hensikt var å sammenligne ... -
Undermineres arbeidsviljen av velferdsstaten?
(Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;14 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-12)Det er frykt for at en velferdsstat med sjenerøse trygdeordninger over tid vil undergrave arbeidsinvolveringen med det resultat at stadig flere vil foretrekke å leve på trygd. Denne studien viser at arbeidsinvolveringen i ... -
From IT to Tablet: Current Use and Future Needs in Kindergartens
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)This article describes chronologically the main lines of the implementation of ICT in kindergartens, and ICT’s place in education programmes from the mid-1990s until today. It discusses the lack of interest among public ... -
Entry into nursing: An ethnographic study of newly qualified nurses taking on the nursing role in a hospital setting
(Nursing Research and Practice;2012(ID 690348 ), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The transition from student to working nurse has long been recognized as challenging. This paper presents the findings of research into the opportunities and limitations encountered by newly qualified nurses when taking ... -
Utvikling av læreres undervisningspraksis i matematikk som en utforskende og reflekterende virksomhet. En teoretisk og empirisk grunnet drøfting.
(Acta Didactica Norge;7(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)I artikkelen retter jeg søkelyset mot læreres utvikling av egen undervisningspraksis og lærerkompetanse i matematikk. Mitt utgangspunkt er å se lærerkompetanse som noe profesjons- og handlingsrettet og å se læreres utvikling ... -
Strategier i forskningsveiledning? En analyse av veilederes tilbakemelding på tekst
(Uniped;36(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Denne artikkelen vil belyse spørsmålet om forskningsveiledere i høyere utdanning har noen strategier for sin veiledningsvirksomhet og hva som eventuelt kjennetegner slike strategier. Utgangspunktet ligger i analyse ... -
Development of the Palpation Domain for Muscle and Skin in the Global Body Examination
(Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain;21(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-03)Objectives: To develop new scales within palpation of muscle and skin domains based on 16 items from the Global Physiotherapy Examination and 46 items from the Comprehensive Body Examination [CBE], and to investigate how ... -
Education for All in Norway: Unpacking Quality and Equity
(Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences;116, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-02-21)The discourses of equity and quality in education have permeated the international debates about education whether they occur in the context of research, policy, curriculum or teaching and learning. Rather than being ... -
Investigating possible causal relations among physical, chemical and biological variables across regions in the Gulf of Maine
(Hydrobiologia;744(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-10-15)We examine potential causal relations between ecosystem variables in four regions of the Gulf of Maine under two major assumptions: (i) a causal cyclic variable will precede, or lead, its effect variable; e.g., a peak ... -
Diversitet i lærerutdanningene. Bidrag til en profesjonsorientert forståelse av fag og kunnskapsområder
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Artikkelen drøfter forståelsen av lærerutdanningsfagene som profesjonsfag i en flerkulturell samfunnskontekst. Fokus for drøftingen er spenningen mellom fagenes egenart og fagenes flerkulturelle profil, belyst med ... -
Fra grandiositet til gjensidighet. Utdrag fra en psykoterapi med en narcissistisk forstyrret gutt
(Mellanrummet: Tidsskrift om barn- og ungdomspsykoterapi;33, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Såvidt jeg vet har ingen prøvd å evidensbasere at psykodynamisk orientert leketerapi ”virker”. Selv om jeg mener at vi også må fremme forskning som virker så høyt som mulig i evidens-hierarkiet, kan det også være viktig ... -
Temperature, growth season length and phytoplankton abundance in the Gulf of Maine
(Marine & Freshwater Research;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-03-19)I show that the relation between annual average phytoplankton concentration (as mg Chl-a.m-3) and in situ sea surface temperature, SST, is positive (Chl-a â 0.5 Ã SST, r = 0.8, p < 0.001) at an average temperature of ... -
Competing disciplinarities in curricular L1. A Norwegian case
(L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature;15, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-08-17)This article explores historical changes within curricular L1 in search for key mechanisms that can illuminate the role of kinds of disciplinarity in current educational reforms. The article investigates written curricula ... -
The Role and Style of Meetings in a Native Village in Mexico City: A Contribution towards the Analysis of Meetings
(European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies;0(99), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-27)This article explores the role of meetings and the style in which they are carried out in the local community of San Lorenzo Acopilco in Mexico City. The community predates the Spanish conquest, and thus forms part of this ... -
Leading the game, losing the competition: identifying leaders and followers in a repeated game
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)We explore a new method for identifying leaders and followers, LF, in repeated games by analyzing an experimental, repeated (50 rounds) game where Row player shifts the payoff between small and large values – a type of ... -
The Road Not Taken: the fate of W.E.B. Du Bois's Science of Society
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Do Norwegian Textbooks for Compulsory Education Promote Geological System Thinking?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Geology is one of many topics in the Norwegian curricula for Natural Science and Geography in compulsory education. System thinking is a strategy to promote conceptual development. The purpose of this study is to investigate ... -
Back to learning: the role of mentorship
(Conference object, 2020)Mentoring as a desired practice in educational organizations has come to the forefront in discussions about learning and teaching in recent decades. How to develop good practices as mentors / masters in schools and workplaces ... -
Can Animals Refer? Meta-Positioning Studies of Animal Semantics
(Biosemiotics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-16)This meta-study applies a socio-semiotic framework combining five basic communicational aspects, form, content, act, time, and space, developed to help answering the question Can animals refer? It further operates with ...