Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Title
Now showing items 9123-9142 of 17418
The L1 subject in a world of increasing individualism. Democratic paradoxes in Norwegian L1 classrooms
(L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-06-08)Ever since the 1930s when the Social Democrats took over, Norwegian public school has been based on a democratic metaphor of liberation. John Dewey´s ideas about pragmatism offered a way to think about a free individual ... -
L1CAM as a prognostic marker in stage I endometrial cancer: A validation study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background L1 cell adhesion molecule (L1CAM) overexpression has been reported to be strongly associated with poor prognosis in early stage endometrial cancer (EC). We aimed at the validation of L1CAM as a marker of ... -
La oss snakke om seksualitet! : seksuell helse hos menn med kronsik hjertesvikt
(Bachelor thesis, 2017-06)Denne oppgaven tar for seg hvordan diagnosen kronisk hjertesvikt påvirker menns seksuelle helse både fysisk og psykisk. Vi ser på hvilken betydning det har for pasienten at sykepleier snakker om det grunnleggende behovet ... -
Labelling Journalism - The Discourse of Sectional Paratexts in Print and Online Newspapers
(Nordicom Review;33(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-12)The present article explains why it is important to consider newspapers’ formats and content sections in discourse analyses. It performs a comparative analysis of the choice and naming of content sections in the print ... -
The Labor Progression Study: The use of oxytocin augmentation during labor following Zhang's guideline and the WHO partograph in a cluster randomized trial
(Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica;Volume 98, Issue 9, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-24)Introduction: This study aims to investigate the use of oxytocin augmentation during labor in nulliparous women following Zhang’s guideline or the WHO partograph. Material and methods: This is a secondary analysis of a ... -
Labour market inclusion of young people with mental health problems in Norway
(Alter: European Journal of Disability Research;Volume 15, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-06)People with mental health problems face barriers to labour market inclusion. In this study, we investigate the extent to which employers are attentive and willing to include young people with mental health problems. The ... -
Labour Market Participation for Young People with Disabilities: The Impact of Gender and Higher Education
(Work, Employment and Society;First Published September 23, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07)To what extent does higher education promote labour market participation for disabled people in school-to-work transitions and early career trajectories? This article argues that the effect of higher education on labour ... -
Labour market participation of young disabled people in Norway – A study of gendered, structural, and persistent inequality
(OsloMet Avhandling;2023 nr 28, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Disabled people’s labour market participation and disadvantages in the labour market are often associated with either impairment related productivity limitations or employer discrimination. This thesis applies structuration ... -
Labour migration from Central Asia to Russia – State Management of Migration
(NIBR-rapport 2014:5, Report, 2014)This report investigates the Russian state's management of labour migration from Central Asia. It explains recent law amendments and also brings in the perspective and experiences of relevant nonstate actors. What are the ... -
Labour Migration, Crime, and ‘Compliance Washing’: A Tailor’s Odyssey from an African Workshop to European Luxury Fashion Multinationals
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)Following a series of corporate scandals involving human rights abuses, forced labour, and unethical sourcing practices across supply chains of major corporations, we have seen a growth in voluntary, soft, as well as hard ... -
The Labour Progression study (LaPS). Assessing labour progression using different guidelines: Maternal and neonatal outcomes
(OsloMet Avhandling;2019 nr 33, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Partographs and guidelines are used to assess and monitor labour progression, and they aim to identify slow progress of labour and determine the appropriate management of labour. There is no standardised definition of ... -
The Labour Progression Study (LaPS): duration of labour following Zhang's guideline and the WHO partograph - a cluster randomised trial
(Midwifery;Volume 81, February 2020, 102578, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-18)Objective: To investigate labour duration in different phases of labour when adhering to Zhang’s guideline for labour progression compared with the WHO partograph. Design: A secondary analysis of a cluster randomised ... -
Lack of recognition at the societal level heightens turnover considerations among Nordic eldercare workers: a quantitative analysis of survey data
(BMC Health Services Research;21, Article number: 747 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-27)Background: Recruiting and retaining staff are standing challenges in eldercare. Low pay, difficult working conditions, and social relations at the workplace impact on turnover intentions. Few studies have used quantitative ... -
Laddering IPO Shares
(European Journal of Finance;Volume 25, 2019 - Issue 8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-30) -
Lag noe dere synes er moro sjæl! En autoetnografisk prosessanalyse av en devised humorforestilling og dens potensiale som identitetsmarkør
(MEST;2021, Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan en devised humorforestilling kan forstås som humor, som demokratisk fenomen, og samlet sett som identitetsmarkør for de involverte i prosessen. Gjennom en kvalitativ, autoetnografisk ... -
Et lag rundt læreren
(AFI Rapport 2014:8, Research report, 2014)Kunnskapsoppsummeringen inngår som første leveranse i et prosjekt finansiert av Utdanningsdirektoratet for å utvikle modeller for tverrfaglig/flerfaglig arbeid i skolen (et lag rundt læreren). Oppsummeringen består av 5 ... -
Lagrangian subbundles of symplectic bundles over a curve
(Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society;153 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-02-22)A symplectic bundle over an algebraic curve has a natural invariant s Lag determined by the maximal degree of its Lagrangian subbundles. This can be viewed as a generalization of the classical Segre invariants of a vector ... -
LAM professionals' roles and attitudes to user participation in Norway and Sweden
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Recent studies provide insights into library, archive and museum (LAM) professionals' attitudes toward user participation, yet they do not address how the diversity of roles LAM professionals assume may influence their ... -
The Lamer Social Competence in Preschool scale (LSCIP): Structural validity in a large Norwegian community sample
(Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-02-01)There is an increasing emphasis on the importance of social competence for children’s development, well-being, and learning. Thus age- and context-appropriate measures are needed. This study addresses the structural validity ... -
Lamotrigine effects on immune gene expression in larval zebrafish
(Epilepsy Research;Volume 178, December 2021, 106823, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-26)Purpose: Despite growing evidence that neuroinflammation and pro-inflammatory cytokines are involved in the pathogenesis of seizures and epilepsy, this knowledge has not been incorporated in the proposed mechanism of action ...