Now showing items 5203-5222 of 17143

    • Feelings of Worthlessness Links Depressive Symptoms and Parental Stress: A Network Analysis during the COVID-19 Pandemic 

      Skjerdingstad, Nora; Sinkerud Johnson, Miriam; Johnson, Sverre Urnes; Hoffart, Asle; Ebrahimi, Omid Vakili (European psychiatry;Volume 64, Issue 1, 2021, e50, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-27)
      Background. The prevalent co-occurrence between parental stress and depression has been established prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. However, no studies to date have identified the connections through ...
    • Fees, Reputation and Information Production in the Credit Rating Industry 

      Bizzotto, Jacopo; Vigier, Adrien Henri (American Economic Journal: Microeconomics;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      We compare a credit rating agency’s incentives to acquire costly information when it is only paid for giving favorable ratings to the corresponding incentives when the agency is paid upfront, i.e. irrespective of the ...
    • Felles fokus: En stuide av skolemiljøprogrammer i norsk skole. 

      Eriksen, Ingunn Marie; Hegna, Kristinn; Bakken, Anders; Lyng, Selma Therese (NOVA Rapport 15/14, Report, 2014)
      Dette er første rapport fra prosjektet «En studie av elevenes psykososiale miljø». Målet er dels å gi en uavhengig vurdering av effektstudiene av antimobbe- og læringsmiljøprogrammer i norsk skole, dels å analysere bruken ...
    • Felles læring i lokal handling 

      Breit, Eric; Falkum, Eivind (AFI FoU-resultat 2015, Report, 2015)
      Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet har gjennomført prosjektet «Samarbeid om delmål 2 i IA-avtalen» for Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet. Utgangspunktet for prosjektet har vært et økende antall unge personer som står utenfor ...
    • Felles revisor i fusjoner og oppkjøp. Skaper felles revisor i fusjoner og oppkjøp verdiendringer? 

      Larsen, Lena; Nygaard, Therese Karoline (Master thesis, 2018)
      The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the outcomes of mergers and acquisition in Norway. More specifically, we are examining if there is any difference in abnormal return to shareholders when a common auditor ...
    • Fellesfaktorer i familieterapi - En litteraturstudie av hva som bidrar til terapeutisk endring 

      Falkenberg, Marie Lie (Master thesis, 2016)
      Familieterapi har utviklet seg i ulike retninger, eller skoler, hvor fokuset ligger på ulike intervensjoner eller teknikker, samt på ulike perspektiver på hvordan det definerte problemet oppstår, opprettholdes og løses. ...
    • Fellesoppmerksomhet og kilder til ny atferd 

      Holth, Per (Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse;39 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Fellesoppmerksomhet innebærer en synkronisering av oppmerksomhet hos to eller flere individer mot noe i omgivelsene. Forskning på dette feltet startet innenfor kognitiv utviklingspsykologi på 1970-tallet. Denne forskningen ...
    • Fellesskapende praksis. En ny modul i GROM-prosjektet 

      Restad, Frode; Lyng, Selma Therese; Nørbech, Stine; Gulliksen, Synne Solhaug (AFI Notat;2023:02, Report, 2023-04-24)
      I denne modulbeskrivelsen utdyper vi hovedanbefalingen gitt i AFI-rapport 2023:12, "Gode relasjoner og godt miljø i skolen?", om å videreutvikle GROM-prosjektets faglige grunnlag med fokus på gruppedynamikk og fellesskapende ...
    • Fellesskapet som ressurs. En oppgave om sosialt gruppearbeid med jenter utsatt for seksuelle overgrep 

      Lerstad, Solveig (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Bacheloroppgaven belyser hvordan sosialt gruppearbeid kan være et verktøy for å bistå utsatte i bearbeidelsesprosessen av seksuelt overgrep. Teori forklarer at skam- og skyldfølelse kan være en medvirkende årsak til hvorfor ...
    • Fellessøk – er museene klare? Katalogisering av gjenstander ved norske kulturhistoriske museer 

      Brekke, Marte (Master thesis, 2008)
      Norske museer har lange tradisjoner for å katalogisere og klassifisere gjenstander. De siste årene har det vært et politisk ønske å samle alle samlingskataloger ved norske museer til ett fellessøk. Gjennom et fellessøk ...
    • FeLT- The Futures of Living Technologies 

      Bergaust, Kristin; Nichele, Stefano (Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC);Proceedings of POM Beirut 2019, Conference object, 2019-06)
      FeLT- The Futures of Living Technologies is a research project, but also an initiative to build an environment for interdisciplinary research and education of national and international significance with a strong innovative ...
    • Female attrition from the police profession 

      Alecu, Andreea Ioana; Fekjær, Silje Bringsrud (Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management;Vol. 43 No. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-02)
      Purpose: Do female police recruits drop out of police education and/or leave the profession more often than men, and has this changed over time? Can gender differences be explained by the background characteristics and ...
    • Female employment and voter turnout - Evidence from India 

      Kotsadam, Andreas; Kjelsrud, Anders (Journal of Politics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Previous research on the effects of employment on voter turnout yields mixed results. Combining data from the largest workfare program in the world with data from over 50,000 Indian polling stations we show that increased ...
    • Female Investigative Journalists: Overcoming Threats, Intimidation, and Violence with Gendered Strategies 

      Konow Lund, Maria; Høiby, Marte (Journalism Practice;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-19)
      During the past two decades, numerous investigative journalist networks have emerged globally, through which participants collaborate and share data. This relatively new practice thrives on the opportunities offered by ...
    • Female Pakistani carers’ views on future formal and informal care for their older relatives in Norway 

      Arora, Sanjana; Rechel, Bernd; Bergland, Astrid; Straiton, Melanie Lindsay; Debesay, Jonas (BMC Health Services Research;20:603, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-01)
      Background: The aging of Pakistani immigrants in Norway raises questions related to their increased need for care and help from relatives, as well as those concerning what future formal and informal care and healthcare ...
    • Female professionals’ working hours 

      Abrahamsen, Bente (;nr. 9, Working paper, 2005)
      The aim of this paper is to examine female professionals’ working hours, particularly the tendency to work reduced hours. Earlier research indicates a considerable variation in female professionals’ working hours (Hoel ...
    • Female rats release a trapped cagemate following shaping of the door opening response: Opening latency when the restrainer was baited with food, was empty, or contained a cagemate 

      Andersen, Danielle; Johansen, Espen Borgå (PLoS ONE;14 (10): e0223039, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-13)
      Research on pro-social rat behaviour is growing within the fields of comparative psychology and social neuroscience. However, much work remains on mapping important variables influencing this behaviour, and there is even ...
    • Feministisk aksjonsforskning i det yrkesfaglige feltet 

      Amble, Nina; Møller, Ellen; Vagle, Inger (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2017)
      In classic action research, democratization through broad participation in work organizations’ development work has been thought to take care of minorities and underrepresented groups (Gustavsen et al. 2010). This so-called ...
    • Fertility patterns of migrants from low-fertility countries in Norway 

      Tønnessen, Marianne; Mussino, Eleonora (Demographic Research;Volume 42, article 31, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-13)
      Background: Most research on migrant fertility focuses on immigrants from high-fertility countries who have moved to countries with lower fertility. Little is known about the fertility of immigrant women from countries ...
    • Fertility, Gap Between Ideal and Reality: Cross-Sectional Analysis of Fertility Decline in 17 High-Income Countries 

      Haruta, Miki (Master thesis, 2020)
      To maintain the current population of a country in the long run, the key threshold of the fertility level is 2.1 births per women. Among the approximately 80 countries that so far have reached this so-called replacement ...