Now showing items 137-156 of 392

    • Frivillig vaksinasjon og flokkimmunitet 

      Vikøren, Siri; Johannessen, Gøril Lehne; Leksen, Regine Meland Leksen (Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)
      Oppgaven prøver å svare på om man ved frivillig vaksinasjon kan oppnå flokkimmunitet.
    • Frivillige organisasjoners påvirkning av offentlig politikk og samfunn 

      Neumann, Astrid (Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)
      Dette er en bacheloroppgave om frivillige organisasjoners påvirkning av offentlig politikk og samfunn. Oppgaven belyser hvordan frivillige organisasjoner fremmer sine interesser, hvilke kanaler de bruker og hvordan ...
    • Frivillige organisasjoners sivilsamfunnsrolle: En studie av klima- og miljøfeltet og velferdsfeltet 

      Strømsnes, Kristin; Ervik, Rune; Reymert, Ingvild; Saglie, Jo (Senter for forskning på sivilsamfunn og frivillig sektor;, Research report, 2023)
      Denne rapporten er del to i et større forskningsprosjekt om sivilsamfunnets rolle i endring. Sivilsamfunnsorganisasjoner spiller en viktig demokratisk rolle som bindeledd mellom medborgerne og det politiske systemet. De ...
    • From Artist to Manager—Working Conditions, Career Satisfaction, and Professional Identity among Graduated Arts Management Students 

      Elstad, Beate; Jansson, Dag (Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-04)
      This paper examines the careers of artists and cultural workers who completed a one-year arts management graduate program. After the program, almost half of the participants were in positions with managerial responsibility, ...
    • From Artist to Manager—Working Conditions, Career Satisfaction, and Professional Identity among Graduated Arts Management Students 

      Elstad, Beate; Jansson, Dag (The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society;Volume 50, 2020 - Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-04)
      This paper examines the careers of artists and cultural workers who completed a one-year arts management graduate program. After the program, almost half of the participants were in positions with managerial responsibility, ...
    • From crafting what you do to building resilience for career commitment in the gig economy 

      Wong, Sut I; Kost, Dominique; Fieseler, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      he present study investigates how individual and collaborative job crafting may help digital labourers to build resilience and career commitment in the gig economy. Results based on a time-lagged survey from 334 digital ...
    • The GDPR and Unstructured Data: Is Anonymisation Possible? 

      Weitzenboeck, Emily Mary; Lison, Pierre; Cyndecka, Malgorzata Agnieszka; Langford, Malcolm (International Data Privacy Law (IDPL);, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-23)
      Much of the legal and technical literature on data anonymization has focused on structured data such as tables. However, unstructured data such as text documents or images are far more common, and the legal requirements ...
    • Gender and Globalization of Academic Labor Markets: Research and Teaching Staff at Nordic Universities 

      Pietilä, Maria; Drange, Ida; Silander, Charlotte; Vabø, Agnete (Social Inclusion;Volume 9, Issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-21)
      In this article, we investigate how the globalized academic labor market has changed the composition of teaching and research staff at Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish universities. We use national statistical data on the ...
    • Gender discrimination before mandated quotas? Evidence from Norway: 1989 to 2002 

      Strøm, Øystein R. (Scandinavian Journal of Management;31(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-07-01)
      Is the low percentage of women on boards due to discrimination? Discrimination has a time dimension; it is repeated period after period and is thus highly persistent. This persistence is tested with data from Norway before ...
    • Gendered challenges to fieldwork in conflict-affected areas 

      Jennings, Kathleen (The Companion to Peace and Conflict Fieldwork;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-27)
      This chapter takes a gendered perspective on some of the challenges and opportunities of intervention fieldwork. Based on experiences from fieldwork in Liberia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Haiti, I consider ...
    • The gesture enigma: Reconciling the prominence and insignificance of choral conductor gestures 

      Jansson, Dag; Balsnes, Anne Haugland; Durrant, Colin (Research Studies in Music Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-02)
      Curious as to why conducting gesture are both acknowledged and ignored by choral singers, this article investigates the enigmatic nature of the act of conducting. Education and research are biased toward gestural aspects ...
    • Gjeldsandel = ax + b. Hvor godt kan gjeldsandel hos norskregistrerte, børsnoterte selskaper uttrykkes lineært på grunnlag av selskapsspesifikke verdier 

      Sættem, Torstein Lauvstad; Hovland, Markus Lysholm (Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)
      Utgangspunktet for oppgavens problemstilling og innhold er et ønske om å studere et bedriftsøkonomisk felt med kvantitativ tilnærming. Det ble valgt å se på kapitalstruktur.
    • Global Impact of National Climate Policy in the Nordic Countries 

      Greaker, Mads; Golombek, Rolf; Hoel, Michael (Nordic Economic Policy Review;2019: 012, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-13)
      The Nordic countries have engaged in ambitious policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This might convince other countries to be more ambitious. We explore mechanisms by which small countries can affect emission ...
    • Goal orientation: A review of the miles traveled and the miles to go 

      Vandewalle, Don; Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Dysvik, Anders (Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior;Volume 6, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-16)
      Goal orientation, a theory that originated primarily in the educational and social psychology fields, has emerged in the past two decades as a prominent theory in organizational psychology and organizational behavior. We ...
    • Gravitasjonsmodellens forklaring av bilateral handel innen EU og EFTA 

      Gudmundsen, Live; Gulbrandsen, Frida Colleen Østvang; Cevro, Nedim (Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)
      Formål med oppgaven er å finne ut hvor godt gravitasjonsmodellen forklarer den bilaterale handelen innenfor EU og EFTA. For å besvare problemstillingen er det gjennomført en regresjonsanalyse av modellen. Forfatterne har ...
    • Group dynamics and peer-tutoring: A pedagogical tool for learning in higher education 

      Qureshi, Muhammad Azeem; Stormyhr, Even Marius (International Education Studies;5(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      The increasing diversity in students’ enrolment in higher education in Norway offers an opportunity to use collaborative learning and teamwork as a learning vehicle to exploit the synergy in the community to have formal ...
    • Group Teaching in Plenum: Active Learning in Labour Law 

      Praino, Diego (Læring om læring;Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Proceedings fra Læringsfestivalen 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-17)
      In order to maximize active learning and foster the development of legal skills (e.g. the ability to identify legal questions in practical cases, use relevant legal sources, etc.) we combine elements of group teaching and ...
    • GSP-systemet 

      Borgen, Eline; Eriksen, May Linn Skryten; Knudsen, Marte Askmo (Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)
      Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke hvilken funksjon GSP-systemet har på handelen mellom Norge og GSP-landene og hvilke endringer har innføringen av MUL+14 ordningen bidratt til?
    • Handlingsregelen sikrer ikke realverdien av oljefondet og gir uforutsigbar finanspolitikk 

      Wulfsberg, Fredrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Denne artikkelen viser hvorfor handlingsregelen ikke sikrer verdien av oljefondet for fremti- dige generasjoner slik det blir hevdet. Jeg simulerer verdien av oljefondet i 100 år med en empirisk fordeling av avkastningen ...
    • Har endringsledelse og endringsstrategi en påvirkning på forpliktelse til endring? 

      Abrahamsen, Ina Marie (Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)
      Denne oppgaven vil ta for seg temaet endringsledelse ved å se nærmere på problemstillingen «Har endringsledelse en påvirkning på forpliktelse til endring». Fokuset på endring innad i organisasjoner er stadig økende og det ...