Now showing items 41-60 of 471

    • Utviklingsarbeid 

      Johannesdottir, Helga (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Mer vekt på studentaktive arbeidsformer står sentralt i nyere pedagogisk praksis, med grunnlag i pedagogisk teori og forskning. Dette er også føringer som ble gitt i Kvalitetsreformen fra 2002. Denne artikkelen beskriver ...
    • Out of home care in Norway and Sweden - similar and different 

      Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth; Höjer, Ingrid; Sjöblom, Yvonne; Storø, Jan (Psychosocial Intervention/Intervencion Psicosocia;22(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      An overview of the current situation in the out-of-home care in Norway and Sweden is presented in this article; also the development in later years is described and discussed. Socially, politically and culturally there ...
    • Psychological Distress among Young Norwegian Health Professionals 

      Nerdrum, Per; Geirdal, Amy Østertun (Professions & Professionalism;3(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      High psychological distress has been shown to be a risk for acquisition of skills that are necessary when working in the health professions. In this study, we present longitudinal data on psychological distress among 169 ...
    • Knowledge of love: narratives of romance told by 12-year-old children 

      Haldar, Marit (Gender and Education;;25 (5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-05-14)
      This article reports research on young people's conceptualisations of love and romance through a gender perspective. The data are stories written by 12-year-old girls and boys in Norway who were asked to fantasise about ...
    • Poverty, shame and the class journey in public imagination 

      Gubrium, Erika (Distinktion : Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-07-15)
      Bringing together social science and literary sensibilities, this article employs a focused content analysis of the texts of three influential Norwegian novels for their personal portrayal of the relationship between ...
    • Understanding the longer-term effects of family group conferences 

      Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira; Johansen, Sissel (European Journal of Social Work;;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-07-16)
      Few studies estimate the longer-term effects of family group conferences (FGCs), as previous research has been mainly qualitative or has focused only on the shorter-term effects of FGCs. This study analyses, using a ...
    • A study of coordinator positionings in family group conferences 

      Natland, Sidsel; Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira (Nordic Social Work Research;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-09)
      Although the coordinator is essential in mobilizing and remobilizing the social network of individual participants during the family group conference (FGC) process, we lack knowledge on the coordinators’ meaning and their ...
    • Laser diverticulotomy for Zenker's diverticulum-does it improve quality of life? 

      Skaug, Håkon Pharo; Geirdal, Amy Østertun; Brøndbo, Kjell (European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology;270(9), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-09)
      To determine quality of life (QoL) in individuals with dysphagia related to identified Zenker’s diverticulum before (T1) and one year after undergoing endoscopic laser diverticulotomy surgery (T2). A total of 43 individuals ...
    • Health related social exclusion in Europe: a multilevel study of the role of welfare generosity 

      Saltkjel, Therese; van der Wel, Kjetil A.; Dahl, Espen (International journal for equity in health;12(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-09-28)
      Introduction The aim of this paper was to investigate the association between health, social position, social participation and the welfare state. Extending recent research on the social consequences of poor health, we ...
    • Positioning and subjectivation in research interviews: why bother talking to a researcher? 

      Jansen, Anne (International Journal of Social Research Methodology;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-10-04)
      Qualitative research interviews constitute specific contexts for creating and telling stories. This study illuminates the significance of the research interview on the subjectivation of participants who are usually rendered ...
    • "Å spille med begge hender – om dialogen mellom innhold og form i undervisning om språkets makt" 

      Skorpen, Berit (UNIPED;36(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-10-18)
      Artikkelen omhandler forholdet mellom faglig innhold og pedagogisk form i seminarundervisning – et såkalt fordypningsverksted – på bachelornivå. Undervisningens tema er det potensialet faglig språk har til å krenke klienter ...
    • New directions in evidence-based policy research: a critical analysis of the literature 

      Oliver, Kathryn; Lorenc, Theo; Innvær, Simon (Health Research Policy and Systems;12(34), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Despite 40 years of research into evidence-based policy (EBP) and a continued drive from both policymakers and researchers to increase research uptake in policy, barriers to the use of evidence are persistently identified ...
    • Det italienske velferdsregimet: Fortsatt katolsk, konservativt og korporativt? 

      Stjernø, Steinar (Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;17(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      I velferdsforskningen har det etter Esping-Andersens The three worlds of welfare capitalism (1990) vært vanlig å skille mellom tre ulike typer velferdsregimer – det sosialdemokratiske/nordiske, det liberale angelsaksiske ...
    • Barnets tilknytning til riket : en analyse av juridisk argumentasjon i utlendingsforvaltningen 

      Ilstad, Janne Thu (Kritisk juss;40(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Interesseavveiningen mellom hensynet til barnets beste (og herunder tilknytningen til riket) og innvandringsregulerende hensyn i asylsaker som angår lengeværende barn, har i lang tid vært gjenstand for debatt. I ...
    • Developing Child-Centered Social Policies: When Professionalism Takes Over 

      Hennum, Nicole (Social Sciences;3(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      No nation today can be understood as being fully child-centered, but many are pursuing social policies heavily favoring children. The emphasis on individual rights and the growth of scientific knowledge underpinning many ...
    • Policing Norwegian Welfare: Disciplining and Differentiating within the Bottom Rungs 

      Gubrium, Erika (Social Inclusion;2(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Policing is a disciplining means for using welfare services to govern welfare recipients towards a desired behaviour or goal. We apply Foucault’s (1977) definition of institutional discipline as a means for exploring how ...
    • The effect of hospital mergers on long-term sickness absence among hospital employees: a fixed effects multivariate regression analysis using panel data 

      Kjekshus, Lars Erik; Bernstrøm, Vilde Hoff; Dahl, Espen; Lorentzen, Thomas (BMC Health Services Research;14(art.50), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Background: Hospitals are merging to become more cost-effective. Mergers are often complex and difficult processes with variable outcomes. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of mergers on long-term sickness absence ...
    • Bruk av video i undervisning av veiledere - en samtenkende og personorientert læringsform 

      Broman, Åse (Uniped;37(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • Hvordan blir barnevernets oppdrag framstilt i kommunikasjonsstrategiene? 

      Frey, Elsebeth; Johansen, Marit (Fontene forskning;7(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Vi undersøker hvordan barnevernets to siste kommunikasjonsstrategier framstiller barnevernets oppdrag. Både Et åpent barnevern og Barnevernet – en hjelper vil bedre barnevernets omdømme og høyne dets legitimitet. Vi ...
    • All Part of the Job? The contribution of the Psychosocial and Physical Work Environment to Health Inequalities in Europe and the European Health Divide 

      Toch-Marquardt, Marlen; Bambra, Clare; Lunau, Thorsten; van Der Wel, Kjetil A.; Witvliet, Margot I.; Dragano, Nico; Eikemo, Terje Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This study is the first to examine the contribution of both psychosocial and physical risk factors to occupational inequalities in self-assessed health in Europe. Data from 27 countries were obtained from the 2010 European ...