Blar i SAM - Institutt for arkiv, bibliotek og informasjonsvitenskap på dokumenttype "Peer reviewed"
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Academic information searching and learning by use of Keenious and Google Scholar: a pilot study
(Information research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Introduction. This paper reports a pilot study on academic information searching and learning by use of Keenious and Google Scholar. The pilot study aims to evaluate the test design, and to learn about participants’ ... -
Academic Librarians in Data Information Literacy Instruction: A Case Study in Meteorology
(College & Research Libraries;77(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-07)E-science has reshaped meteorology due to the rate data is generated, collected, analyzed, and stored and brought data skills to a new prominence. Data information literacy—the skills needed to understand, use, manage, ... -
Aktivering av nasjonens historie: Nasjonalbiblioteket i offentligheten
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
ALM in the public sphere: How do archivists, librarians and museum professionals conceive the respective roles of their institutions in the public sphere?
(Information Research;vol. 24 no. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background. There is an increased focus on libraries, archives and museums as meeting places and public sphere institutions as well as on digitization of the institutions’ services We term these trends the social and ... -
The Anatomy of Excitement: teenagers' conceptualizations of literary quality
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Introduction. This paper suggests a theoretical model for understanding the core criterion of teen-agers’ conceptualisations (i.e. verbalisations) of literary quality, namely spenning/excitement. Method and analysis. The ... -
And be but cryonically extant: Don DeLillo and Sir Thomas Browne
(Textual Practice;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04-04)This paper argues that Don DeLillo’s 2016 novel Zero K uses a debt to Sir Thomas Browne to stage a scalar approach to literature in the Anthropocene. Zero K uses its intertextual relationship to Browne’s Urne-Buriall to ... -
"And Thou Shall Find your Path": The Manifesto in Doctoral Writing Development
(Journal of Academic Writing;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)If writing pedagogy aims at writer development rather than text fixing, understanding how the writer sees that development is a key element of our skillset as writing teachers. In this article, we argue that a writing ... -
"Andas fram mitt ansikte: En bøn?" : litteraturen som meddelelse : brev til Hans Herbjørnsrud
(Acta Nordica, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010-09) -
Archives of the Disappeared: Conceptualizing the Personal Collections of Families of Disappeared Persons
(Journal of Human Rights Practice;Volume 14, Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-16)In the search for their loved ones, the families of the disappeared create, gather, and share records. The Colombian 2016 peace agreement opened spaces for memory practices that help promote a record-keeping culture at the ... -
Archives, libraries and museums in the Nordic model of the public sphere
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of ALM organizations within a Nordic model of the public sphere. Design/methodology/approach This is a conceptual paper discussing the role of archives, ... -
Arkiv: Eitt fag to profesjonar?
(Samle, formidle, dele: 75 år med bibliotekarutdanning;, Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2015-12) -
Arven fra Amerika. Utdanning av norske barnebibliotekarer 1940-2010
(Krysspeilinger: Perspektiver på bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskap;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012) -
Avoiding negative information as a strategy for emotion regulation
(Information research;Volume 27 - 2022, Special issue, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-10)Introduction: The aim of the paper is to investigate whether the personality trait negative emotionality and sense of coherence influence emotionally motivated information avoidance, i.e., avoidance of negative information ... -
Barnekulturens veier i politikk, estetikk, forskning og formidling
(Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2015) -
Barnekulturpolitikk i Norge: Stortingsmelding nr. 18 Oppleve, skape dele: Om kultur for, med og av barn og unge
(Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift;Årgang 25, nr. 3-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-11-25)Statlig kulturpolitikk er i norsk sammenheng et av de nyere eksplisitte politikkområdene, der barne- og ungdomskulturpolitikken utgjør et lite delområde. Det var derfor en begivenhet da Kulturdepartementet og Kunnskapsde ... -
Becoming a scholar by publication – PhD students citing in interdisciplinary argumentation
(Journal of Documentation; Vol. 75, No. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse scholarly subjectivity in the context of citation practices in interdisciplinary PhD research. Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides an analysis of longitudinal ... -
Behandling av personopplysninger for arkivformål i allmennhetens interesse
(Lov og Rett;05 / 2018 (Volum 57), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-27)EUs nye personvernforordning innfører formålsangivelsen arkivformål i allmennhetens interesse som et nytt, legitimt sekundærformål for viderebehandling av personopplysninger utover det opprinnelige formålet med behandlingen. ... -
Bibliografier, baser og brukere: 70 år med referanseundervisning
(Krysspeilinger: Perspektiver på bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskap;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012) -
Bibliotek- og informasjonsfaglig utdanning: Fra etatsskole til iSchool
(Samle, formidle, dele: 75 år med bibliotekarutdanning;, Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2015-12) -
Bibliotekaren som rettleiar: Kompetanseutvikling og erfaringsdeling i eit akademisk bibliotek
(Skriftserien;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-15)Kontinuerleg læring og kompetanseutvikling er naudsynt for dei fleste profesjonar. Bibliotektilsette er ikkje noko unnatak, og frå 90-talet har forsking innan bibliotek- og informasjonsfag retta merksemda mot læring og ...