• Dybdelæring i et yrkesfaglig perspektiv 

      Dahlback, Jorunn; Hansen, Kari; Haaland, Grete; Vagle, Inger (Skandinavisk tidsskrift for yrker og profesjoner i utvikling;Vol 6, No.1 2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-24)
      Dybdelæring er et sentralt begrep i fagfornyelsen og ny overordnet del av læreplanverket i Kunnskapsløftet 2020 (LK20). Denne artikkelen har til hensikt å synliggjøre hva dybdelæring kan være i yrkesfaglig videregående ...
    • Editorial: Assessment in Nordic VET 

      Nore, Hæge; Lindberg, Viveca (Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training;Volume 10 Issue 3 – Special Issue: Assessment in Nordic VET (Bedömning av yrkeskunnande i nordiskt perspektiv), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-22)
      Ten years ago, during a research exchange at Stockholm University, we organised a workshop on assessment in Nordic VET. At that time Viveca Lindberg had recently undertaken a review of Swedish research for Vetenskapsrådet ...
    • Editorial: Inclusion in vocational education and training (VET) 

      Schmid, Evi; Garrels, Veerle (Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE);Vol. 6 No. 3-4 (2022): Special Issue: Inclusion in vocational education and training, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-11-14)
      The background for this special issue is the role that vocational education and training (VET) plays in the inclusion of young people from different educational and social backgrounds. Rising skill demands have made upper ...
    • The emerging promise of touchscreen devices for individuals with intellectual disabilities 

      Kversøy, Kjartan Skogly; Kellems, Ryan O.; Alhassan, Abdul-Razak Kuyini; Bussey, Heidi C.; Kversøy, Sofie Daae (Multimodal Technologies and Interaction;volume 4, issue 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Abstract This article explores the emerging promise touchscreen devices hold for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID). Many individuals with ID that struggle to read, write or use voice assisted strategies can ...
    • Employer willingness to hire people with intellectual disability: The influence of employer experience, perception of work, and social responsibility 

      Dean, Evan Edward; Garrels, Veerle; Sigstad, Hanne Marie Høybråten; Wendelborg, Christian (Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation;Volume 57, issue 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-07-15)
      Background: For people with intellectual disability (ID), competitive integrated employment (CIE) offers many important benefits, including opportunities for inclusion as well as enhanced mental health and quality of life. ...
    • Employment for persons with intellectual disability in the Nordic countries: A scoping review 

      Garrels, Veerle; Sigstad, Hanne Marie Høybråten (JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities;Volume 34, Issue 4, July 2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-11)
      Background: The Nordic countries are renowned for their inclusive policies, yet persons with intellectual disability remain largely excluded from the labor market. A review of the existing knowledge base may inform policy ...
    • En utdanningsreforms møte med ulike skolekulturer og forståelsesrammer 

      Karstensen, Steinar; Aakernes, Nina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Hensikten med denne artikkelen er å bidra med kunnskap om hvordan ulike skolekulturer og yrkesfaglæreres ulike utdannings- og yrkesbakgrunn har preget tolkningen av læreplanen i et nytt utdanningsprogram. Utdanningsreformer ...
    • Endringsbehov i norsk yrkesopplæring? - Elevers, lærlingers og yrkesfaglærere erfaringer med yrkesopplæring i Vg1 

      Bødtker-Lund, Daniel; Hansen, Kari; Haaland, Grete; Vagle, Inger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Artikkelen belyser hvordan opplæringens innhold i Vg1 erfares av elever, lærlinger og lærere, som grunnlag for vurdering av endringsbehov i norsk yrkesopplæring. Problemstillingen artikkelen gir svar på er: Hvordan fungerer ...
    • Ensuring Curriculum Relevance in Vocational Education and Training: Epistemological Perspectives in a Curriculum Research Project 

      Hiim, Hilde (International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training;Vol 4 No 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-26)
      This article addresses challenges regarding relevance in vocational education and training (VET) curricula. Recent research on Norwegian VET shows that the educational content is not sufficiently related to the students’ ...
    • Erfaringer med bruk av simulering som transferstrategi 

      Spetalen, Halvor; Sannerud, Ronny (Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training;3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      I denne artikkelen stiller vi spørsmålet: Er simulering egnet som læringsaktivitet når spesifikk praksis er tenkt trent og overført fra en simuleringskontekst til en nærmere bestemt anvendelseskontekst? For å besvare ...
    • Erfaringslæring og yrkesfaglærere: en kvalitativ studie 

      Inglar, Tron (Peer reviewed; Doctoral thesis, 2009)
      Den pedagogiske utdanningen av yrkesfaglærere i Norge har en relativt kort historie. Statens yrkeslærerskole ble institusjonalisert i 1947 og avløste instruktørkursene man hadde gjennomført noen år1. Institusjonen har ...
    • Ethical Pitfalls in Research with Young People: How Can They Be Identified and Addressed? 

      Schmid, Evi; Garrels, Veerle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This article aims to shed light on ethical pitfalls that may occur when research- ers conduct research with young people (aged 15–24). Young age itself does not automatically indicate vulnerability. Yet, young research ...
    • Experiences with the use of simulation as transfer strategy 

      Spetalen, Halvor; Sannerud, Ronny (Research report, 2015)
      In this article, we ask: Is simulation suitable as a learning activity when specific practices are thought to be trained and transferred from a simulation context to a specified application context? To answer this question, ...
    • Exploring the Use of Virtual Characters (Avatars), Live Animation, and Augmented Reality to Teach Social Skills to Individuals with Autism 

      Kellems, Ryan; Charlton, Cade; Kversøy, Kjartan Skogly; Miklós, Gyori (Multimodal Technologies and Interaction;Volume 4, Issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-08-11)
      Individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities struggle to acquire and appropriately use social skills to improve the quality of their lives. These critical skills can be difficult to teach because they are ...
    • Fagfornyelsen 500 dager etter – Erfaringer fra restaurant- og matfag 

      Spetalen, Halvor (Research report, 2022)
      Fagfornyelsen er den tredje store reformen i norsk fag- og yrkesopplæring siden Reform94 i 1994 og Kunnskapsløftet i 2006. Fagfornyelsen ble planlagt fra 2018 og innført i Vg1 fra høsten 2020, i Vg2 fra høsten 2021 og i ...
    • Farvel til mesteren? 

      Spetalen, Halvor (Journal article, 2009)
      Kan generelle læreplaner i restaurant- og matfagene og tendenser til standardisering i restaurantbransjen reduserer muligheten til å utvikle profesjonelle yrkesutøvere med mesterkompetanse? At andre bransjer møter flere ...
    • Feministisk aksjonsforskning i det yrkesfaglige feltet 

      Amble, Nina; Møller, Ellen; Vagle, Inger (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2017)
      In classic action research, democratization through broad participation in work organizations’ development work has been thought to take care of minorities and underrepresented groups (Gustavsen et al. 2010). This so-called ...
    • Finnes det en faglig felleskomponent for TIP yrkene? 

      Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland; Landmark, Brynjar Fowels; Schønfeldt, Espen Braathen (Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training;4(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Yrkesfaglig opplæring til et bestemt yrke gir en yrkeskompetanse med eller uten fag- eller svennebrev. Opplæringen foregår både i den videregående skolen og i bedrifter. Første år på programfaget Teknikk og industriell ...
    • Five years with vocational teacher education online 

      Karstensen, Steinar; Oudmayer, Runar (Linköping University Electronic Press;Volume 10 Issue 1 (2020): Special Issue: Technology-Mediated Learning in VET – Perspectives on Changing Educational Landscapes in the 21st Century, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-02)
      After running online Technical and Vocational Teacher Education (TVTE) classes for five years we have collated our experiences and thematically probed them through the following questions: (1) What are the pedagogical and ...
    • Flerkulturalitet i opplæring av helsefagarbeidere 

      Bergsli, Oddhild (Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This study will focus on multicultural competence as a topic in vocational training of health care workers in upper secondary school in Norway. The research question is: How do vocational teachers practice multiculturalism ...