• Female attrition from the police profession 

      Alecu, Andreea Ioana; Fekjær, Silje Bringsrud (Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management;Vol. 43 No. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-02)
      Purpose: Do female police recruits drop out of police education and/or leave the profession more often than men, and has this changed over time? Can gender differences be explained by the background characteristics and ...
    • Female professionals’ working hours 

      Abrahamsen, Bente (;nr. 9, Working paper, 2005)
      The aim of this paper is to examine female professionals’ working hours, particularly the tendency to work reduced hours. Earlier research indicates a considerable variation in female professionals’ working hours (Hoel ...
    • Finansieringssystemer og faglige «stammekriger»: en trussel mot ytringsfrihet i akademia? 

      Mangset, Marte; Midtbøen, Arnfinn Haagensen; Wollebæk, Dag (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Den akademiske friheten skal sikre forskere frihet til å ytre sine faglige synspunkter, men både faglig perspektivmangfold og forskeres ytringsrom kan møte mange barrierer. Hvordan forskningen er organisert og finansiert, ...
    • Flertydighet og fleksibilitet: En etnografisk studie av legevaktens profesjonsgrenser 

      Johannessen, Lars E. F. (Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift;Årgang 2, nr. 3-2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-08)
      Denne artikkelen er en etnografisk studie av profesjonsgrenser på arbeidsplassen – også kalt arbeidsplassjurisdiksjon. Mer spesifikt fokuserer artikkelen på grenser for diagnostikk, slik disse ble trukket mellom leger og ...
    • Flipped classroom strategies and innovative teaching approaches in physics education: A systematic review 

      Tunggyshbay, Meiirbek; Balta, Nuri; Admiraal, Wilfried (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      More and more educators are adopting the flipped classroom approach (FC) in their teaching, which entails using video-based learning outside of the classroom and interactive group learning activities inside. The aim of ...
    • "For me, it is important to maintain self while adapting". Understanding Chinese foreign language teachers' identity in an Intercultural context 

      Liu, Xu; Mearns, Tessa; Admiraal, Wilfried (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This qualitative exploratory study addresses how Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) teachers perceive their identity in an intercultural context in the Netherlands. In this study with twenty-one native Chinese-speakin ...
    • Forskning om profesjonsutvikling i skolen - med kollegial veiledning i fokus: ”Som man roper i skogen, får man svar” 

      Raaen, Finn Daniel (;nr. 13, Working paper, 2005)
      I de fleste europeiske land er det igangsatt mer og mindre systematiske forsøks- og utviklingsprosjekt for nyutdannete lærere, med tanke på å lette deres overgang fra utdanning til profesjonell yrkesutøvelse. I Norge har ...
    • Forskningsbasert barnehagelærerutdanning? 

      Vågan, André; Havnes, Anton (Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift;97(4-5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Artikkelen skisserer et perspektiv på forskningsbasert barnehagelærerutdanning som i større grad enn tidligere legger til grunn det særegne ved yrkesfeltet og det potensialet studentaktive læringsformer har for ...
    • Forståelser av kausalbegrepet i samfunnsvitenskapene 

      Tufte, Per Arne (Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning;54(3), Journal article, 2013)
    • Fra høgskole til universitet : Utfordringer knyttet til profesjonsrettet profil 

      Havnes, Anton (HiO rapport 2011;nr. 8, Research report, 2011)
      I mange norske høgskoler foregår det to parallelle strategiske prosesser: Fusjonering av høgskoler i større enheter og tilrettelegging for å oppnå universitetsstatus. Tre høgskoler har blitt universitet (Agder, Stavanger ...
    • Frafall fra profesjonsutdanningene ved OsloMet 

      Nedregård, Oda; Abrahamsen, Bente (Oslomet rapport;Nr. 8, Research report, 2018)
      Formålet med studien har vært å få mer kunnskap om årsaker til frafall fra profesjonsutdanningene ved OsloMet. Tilstandsrapporten for høyere utdanning (2016) viser at frafallet ved OsloMet har vært opp mot 30 prosent de ...
    • Frafallsundersøkelse : StudData panel 2 

      Storøy, Siri (SPS arbeidsnotat;nr. 3 - 2010, Working paper, 2010)
      Dette notatet er utarbeidet for forskere som jobber med datamaterialet fra StudData undersøkelsen. Temaet er frafallet i StudData undersøkelsen. StudData er en longitudinell spørreskjemaundersøkelse som følger tre kull ...
    • Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Discourse. Examining a justificatory strategy 

      Molander, Anders; Holst, Cathrine (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Article 19 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and ...
    • From Class Politics to Classed Politics 

      Jarness, Vegard; Flemmen, Magne; Rosenlund, Lennart (Sociology;Volume 53, issue 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02)
      Questions of political conflict have always been central to class analysis; changing political fault lines were a key argument in the debates about the ‘death of class’. The ensuing ‘cultural turn’ in class analysis has ...
    • From Guiding Apprentices To Teaching Students:Fundamental Challenges in the Identity Transitionfrom Occupational Practitioner to Vocational Educator 

      Kolkin Sarastuen, Nora (Vocations and Learning;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-02)
      The transition from occupational practitioner to vocational educator means moving from the logic of production to the logic of teaching; the purpose of knowledge changes from enhancing production to enhancing learning. ...
    • From school improvement to student cases: teacher collaborative work as a context for professional development 

      Shavard, Galina (Professional Development in Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01-25)
      Research has extensively linked teacher collaborative work with opportunities for both explicit and implicit professional development. However, while teachers work together more often than before, little is known about how ...
    • Frontline implementation of welfare conditionality in Norway: A maternalistic practice 

      Gjersøe, Heidi Moen; Leseth, Anne; Vilhena, Susana (Social Policy and Administration;First published 09 December 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-19)
      Welfare conditionality is both ambitious and ambiguous for the frontline workers who put policy into practice. Since January 2017, the Norwegian frontline service should require social assistance benefit recipients under ...
    • Frontline managers' perceptions and justifications of behavioural conditionality 

      Sadeghi, Talieh; Terum, Lars Inge (Social Policy & Administration;Volume 54, Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-06)
      The debate on behavioural conditionality is characterised by abundant controversies. Frontline managers have a particularly important role in implementing these policies because their interpretation of the welfare policies ...
    • Frontline provision of integrated welfare and employment services: Organising for activation competency 

      Gjersøe, Heidi Moen (International Journal of Social Welfare;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-16)
      Using the Norwegian case of an integrated welfare and employment service organisation, this study examined how organisational factors of this far-reaching, street-level agency have affected frontline workers’ opportunities ...
    • Frontline workers’ competency in activation work 

      Sadeghi, Talieh; Fekjær, Silje Bringsrud (International Journal of Social Welfare;Volume 28, Issue 1 - January 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-02)
      Frontline workers play a crucial role in implementing activation policies. Nevertheless, research on the competencies required for activation work is limited. We explored activation competency based on a survey of 1,735 ...