Browsing Senter for profesjonsforskning (SPS) by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 477
Female professionals’ working hours
(;nr. 9, Working paper, 2005)The aim of this paper is to examine female professionals’ working hours, particularly the tendency to work reduced hours. Earlier research indicates a considerable variation in female professionals’ working hours (Hoel ... -
Profesjonsetikkens grunnlag
(;nr. 7, Working paper, 2005)Innspill til Harald Grimens arbeidsnotat Profesjonsetikken sitt grunnlag -
Liberal Constitution-Making
(;nr. 2, Working paper, 2005)The main purpose of the paper is to theoretically flesh out a representative constitutionmaking process. It rests upon an initial account of liberal legitimacy of an action. I will secondly elaborate different theoretical ... -
Government intervention and the problem of knowledge in education policy
(;nr. 1, Working paper, 2005)This paper seeks to explore possible connections between the range of work in the sociology of education concerned with the role of government in promoting marketisation and choice in education and the issues around ... -
Educational choice and persistence in male and female dominated fields
(;nr. 3, Working paper, 2005)Even though female students now make up more than half of all higher education students in many countries, the distribution of women across fields of study is still very uneven. This study examines the gendered nature of ... -
Sannhet, frimodighet og profesjonalitet : En diskusjon om lærerprofesjonalitet inspirert av Michel Foucaults problematisering av begrepet ”Parrhesia”
(;nr. 12, Working paper, 2005)Michel Foucaults arbeider hatt en betydelig innvirkning på profesjonsforskning, særlig de siste årtier. Det gjelder også forskning om lærerollen. Mesteparten av denne forskningen knytter seg til Foucaults tidligere produksjon, ... -
Realisering av arbeidstidspreferanser blant leger og sykepleiere
(;nr. 15, Working paper, 2005)Profesjonslitteraturen gir et bilde av profesjonelle som sterkt motiverte og med arbeidet som sin viktigste livsinteresse (Freidson 2001). Profesjonelles innsats i helsesektoren støtter bare delvis opp om dette inntrykket, ... -
Profesjonsetikken sitt grunnlag
(;nr. 6, Working paper, 2005)Av og til må etikk bygge på politikk, og ikkje omvendt. Profesjonsetikk er eit døme på dette. Profesjonsetikkar har eit politisk grunnlag. Ein del av dei - truleg kontroversielle - standpunkta som føl av dette, og som eg ... -
Evidence-based practice in teaching and teacher education: What is it? What is the rationale? What is the criticism? Where to go now?
(;nr. 14, Working paper, 2005)Invited paper to a workshop at the conference Professional Development of Teachers in a Lifelong Perspective: Teacher Education, Knowledge Production and Institutional Reform. Centre for Higher Education, Greater Copenhagen ... -
What is juridification?
(;nr. 14, Working paper, 2005-03)“Juridification” is an ambiguous term, both descriptively and normatively. The authors distinguish between five dimensions of “juridification”; constitutive juridification, juridification as law’s expansion and differentiation, ... -
Professionskvalificering och handledning
(;nr. 1, Working paper, 2006)Med hjälp av några nedslag i en norsk longitudinell databas av studenter/professionsutövare i professionsutbildningar/professioner analyseras hur studenter/professionsutövare påverkas av förhållandet mellan högskola och ... -
PROFESSIONAL OCCUPATIONS AND STATUS: A sociological study of professional occupations, status and trust
(;nr. 5, Working paper, 2006)Occupation is the most important dimension behind social classes, closely connected with education and salary as well as status and prestige. The sociology of professions, since its classical period, has been related more ... -
Epistemic cultures among beginning professionals
(;nr. 8, Working paper, 2006)One of the key characteristics of professions is that they are knowledge based occupational groups. Professional education and training is therefore an essential element of professionalism. During the last 30-40 ... -
Professionalism in a knowledge society: The academic drift of professional education in the “new” professions
(;nr. 7, Working paper, 2006)A central argument in this paper is that a greater emphasis on knowledge and epistemological cultures is needed to understand the challenges of professionalism in modern globalized knowledge societies. A knowledge society ... -
DEMOCRATIC LEGITIMACY - Working agreement or rational consensus?
(;nr. 6, Working paper, 2006)The quest for deliberative democracy is connected to the difficulties with what we for the sake of simplicity refer to as a voting model of democracy.1 This model holds elections and votes as the central features of ... -
(;nr. 2, Working paper, 2006)This paper examines the job values of teachers and nurses and the realisation of these in their working life, by analyzing survey data gathered at graduation and three years after. By linking today’s professionals to the ... -
(;nr. 4, Working paper, 2006)Denne artikkelen skal handle om kva profesjonsmoral er, kva som er profesjonsmoralar sine røter og kva som er profesjonsmoralar sine primære rollar. Artikkelen si sentrale tese er at ein profesjonsmoral er eit sett av ... -
SYKEPLEIE ELLER MEDISIN? Betydningen av jobbverdier og livsstilspreferanser for kvinners yrkesvalg
(;nr. 3, Working paper, 2006)Å velge yrke er en av de viktigste beslutningene vi tar. Yrkesvalget har stor betydning for vårt daglige liv i mange år framover. I tillegg til at yrkesvalget er avgjørende for arbeidsinnhold og arbeidsvilkår, legger det ... -
Lærarrolla i ulike tider
(SPS arbeidsnotat;nr. 2, Working paper, 2007)Fagleg innlegg på seminar for Christer Brusling ved Senter for profesjonsstudier (SPS) 3. mai 2007 -
Report to Eurydice : Teachers’ autonomy - Norway
(SPS arbeidsnotat;nr. 6, Working paper, 2007)The purpose of this paper is to describe the formal restrictions, and possibilities, in teachers’ autonomy in Norway. The paper is the groundwork for a European comparison made by the Slovenian Presidency of the ...