Browsing Senter for profesjonsforskning (SPS) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 466
360° Video in teacher education: A systematic review of why and how it is used in teacher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The recently developed technology of 360° video provides opportunities for teachers and teacher candidates to explore both the classroom environment and the teaching and learning process. In this paper, a systematic review ... -
Accountable for what and to whom? Changing representations and new legitimation discourses among teachers under increased external control.
(Journal of Educational Change;April 2013, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-04-06)This article discusses how teachers construct new representations about accountability and professionalism in the context of increased external control. Over the last decade in particular, concerns about the quality of ... -
Addiction and autonomy: Why emotional dysregulation in addiction impairs autonomy and why it matters
(Frontiers in Psychology;Volume 14 - 2023, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-02-06)An important philosophical issue in the study of addiction is what difference the fact that a person is addicted makes to attributions of autonomy (and responsibility) to their drug-oriented behavior. In spite of accumulating ... -
Addiction, compulsion, and weakness of the will: A dual-process perspective
(Addiction and Choice. Rethinking the Relationship;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)How should addictive behavior be explained? In terms of neurobiological illness and compulsion, or as a choice made freely, even rationally, in the face of harmful social or psychological circumstances? Some of the ... -
Addiction, Voluntary Choice, and Informed Consent: A Reply to Uusitalo and Broers
(Bioethics;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-30)In an earlier article in this journal I argued that the question of whether heroin addicts can give voluntary consent to take part in research which involves giving them a choice of free heroin does not – in contrast with ... -
Addiction: choice or compulsion?
(Frontiers in Psychiatry;4(77), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-07)Normative thinking about addiction has traditionally been divided between, on the one hand, a medical model which sees addiction as a disease characterized by compulsive and relapsing drug use over which the addict has ... -
Addressing student challenges in transnational education in Oman: the importance of student interaction with teaching staff and peers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Transnational education is rather common in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, with among the highest TNE enrolments of any region worldwide. Approximately a third of the Omani students in higher education are ... -
Advantages of upper-class backgrounds: Forms of capital, school cultures and educational performance
(Sociological Review;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-02)In this article, we chart connections between class and educational performance in comparatively egalitarian Norway. While viewing various forms of capital as integral parts of class background, we assess how educational ... -
Agentbasert modellering : en del av samfunnsvitenskapenes verktøykasse
(Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning;51 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Agentbasert modellering – en del av samfunnsvitenskapenes verktøykasse I denne artikkelen introduserer vi agentbaserte modeller og gir eksempler på hvordan slike modeller har vært brukt i analyser av sosiale fenomener. ... -
Akademisering av yrkesutdanninger - fra frigjøring til tvang
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Aktivitetspliktens innside og utside – Unge mottakere av sosialhjelp og deres erfaringer med aktivitetsplikt
(Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;Årgang 23, nr.2-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-23)Fra januar 2017 er alle norske sosialhjelpsmottakere under 30 år forpliktet til å delta i arbeidsrelatert aktivitet – det vil si at de har aktivitetsplikt. Resiprositet er en politisk begrunnelse for aktivitetsplikten, som ... -
Algoritmer til barnets beste?
(Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Det er grunn til å tro at bruk av maskinlæring som beslutningsstøtteverktøy for tildeling av velferdsytelser vil øke i fremtidens velferdsstat. Et velferdsområde hvor man i noen land har startet utprøving av denne teknologien, ... -
The ambivalence of assessment — Language assessment of minority-language children in early childhood education and care
(European Early Childhood Education Research Journal;Volume 29, 2021 - Issue 5, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-20)Language development in early childhood education and care (ECEC) has received increased policy attention in the past 20 years. Yet, few empirical studies have explored language assessment from the standpoint of ECEC ... -
Anticipated affordances: Understanding early reactions to new technologies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article proposes the concept of anticipated affordances as an analytical supplement to affordance theory. ‘Anticipated affordances’ refers to how actors anticipate or speculate on a technology’s affordances before ... -
Approaches and game elements used to tailor digital gamification for learning: A systematic literature review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The systematic review examined research on tailored digital gamification for learning based on 43 peer-reviewed articles published between 2013 and 2022. The study aimed to investigate tailored approaches and game elements, ... -
Arbeidsgivers ansvar for likestilling i arbeidslivet - en kvalitativ studie av hvordan ledere forholder seg til likestillingshensyn når de tilrettelegger for ansattes bruk av omsorgsrettigheter
(Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning;Årgang 43, nr. 2-2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Artikkelen utforsker hvordan ledere i politiet og advokatbransjen tilrettelegger for ansattes bruk av omsorgsrettigheter. Formålet er å undersøke hvordan ledere forholder seg til hensynet til likestilling ved ansattes bruk ... -
Arbeidsmarkedssituasjon for høyskoleutdannede
(HiOA Rapport;nr. 11, Research report, 2014)Denne rapporten belyser hvordan studenter som fullførte en høgskoleutdanning i 2007 har tilpasset seg arbeidsmarkedet de fire første årene etter fullført utdanning (2008 – 2011). Målet er å si noe om arbeidsmarkedsstatus ... -
Arbeidsmigrasjon, makt og styringsideologier: Norsk byggenæring i en brytningstid
(Søkelys på arbeidslivet;nr. 3 - 2015, Research report, 2015)Norsk byggenæring har tradisjonelt vært preget av høy produktivitet, høyt kompetansenivå og sterk forankring i håndverksfaglige tradisjoner, samt relativt høye lønninger og trygge arbeidsvilkår. Hva har skjedd med ... -
Are teachers increasingly leaving the profession? :
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Changes in teachers’ work, often labelled intensification, have raised concerns that teachers are leaving the profession at an increasing rate. The present paper uses high-quality data from Norwegian administrative registers ... -
Aspects of professionalism. Collective nursing – personalised teaching?
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2007)