Now showing items 285-304 of 1088

    • Engaging employers in vocational rehabilitation: Understanding the new significance of knowledge brokers 

      Aksnes, Siri Yde (Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation;Volume 50, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-08)
      BACKGROUND:Policymakers have a growing interest in the role played by employers in promoting labour market participation for jobseekers with support needs. This is reflected in the development of demand-led approaches which ...
    • Engaging with policy practitioners to promote institutionalisation of public participation in science, technology and innovation policy 

      Kudo, Mitsuru; Yoshizawa, Go; Kano, Kei (JCOM - Journal of Science Communication;Volume 17, Issue 04, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-03)
      This paper is a reflective account of a public participation project the authors conducted in Japan in 2012–2015, as part of the central government’s initiative for evidence-based policy-making. The reflection focusses on ...
    • Enhanced local-level willingness and ability to settle refugees: Decentralization and local responses to the refugee crises in Norway 

      Søholt, Susanne; Aasland, Aadne (Journal of Urban Affairs;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-11)
      The sudden mass influx of asylum-seekers in Europe in 2015, emplaced major stresses on refugee reception systems and challenged central – local migration policymaking. This article explores how this crisis affected ...
    • Enhetsskolens ulike lærerblikk 

      Smette, Ingrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      I den norske skolen finnes det spenninger mellom utjevning og det å fremme konkurranse, mellom lærerens rolle som fagformidler og som utøver av omsorg. Men hvordan forstås og håndteres slike spenninger i lokale skoler? ...
    • Environmental and Ethical Perceptions Related to Clothing Labels Among Norwegian Consumers 

      Laitala, Kirsi Maria; Klepp, Ingun Grimstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Norwegian consumers know little about eco-labeled garments as almost none are available on the market. Therefore, consumers who want to make environmentally sound choiceshave to act based on other information. This article ...
    • Environmental Citizenship in a Nordic Civic and Citizenship Education Context 

      Cheah, Saiki Lucy; Huang, Lihong (Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education; Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Special Issue: ICCS 2016 Teachers' Perspectives on Civic and Citizenship Education, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      his study uses data from the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 (ICCS 2016) conducted in four Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden (students, N=18,962; teachers, N=6,119; school ...
    • Environmental impacts associated with the production, use, and end-of-life of a woollen garment 

      Wiedemann, Stephen G.; Biggs, Leo; Nebel, Barbara; Bauch, Katarina; Laitala, Kirsi; Klepp, Ingun Grimstad; Swan, Paul G.; Watson, Kalinda (The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment;Volume 25, issue 8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-25)
      Purpose The textiles industry is a substantial contributor to environmental impacts through the production, processing, use, and end-of-life of garments. Wool is a high value, natural, and renewable fibre that is used to ...
    • Environmental Policy in General Equilibrium: New Insights from a Canonical Model 

      Garnache, Cloé; Mérel, Pierre R. (Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists;Volume 9, Number 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-11-05)
      This paper derives the incidence of a pollution tax in a stylized general equilibrium framework, building on previous work by Fullerton and Heutel. Using the CPI as numeraire, we show that tax incidence is a simpler problem ...
    • Environmental values and attitudes among farmers in China – a case study in the watershed of Yuqiao reservoir of Tianjin Municipality, China 

      Orderud, Geir; Vogt, Rolf David (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Failure to curb water pollution in China brings to the fore the issue of environmental values and attitudes among Chinese farmers. Applying the New Ecological Paradigm Scale this study finds that the pro-environmental value ...
    • Er asymmetrisk informasjon en drivkraft for konflikter i det norske boligmarkedet? 

      Thorjussen, Christian Bernhard Holth; Schjøll, Alexander (Tidsskrift for boligforskning;Årgang 4, nr. 2-2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-17)
      Det hevdes at det norske boligmarkedet er preget av et høyt konfliktnivå mellom kjøper og selger av brukte boliger. Et høyt konfliktnivå er uheldig fordi det kan tyde på at prissettingen er feil, og at ressurser går med ...
    • Er omsorgsfulle fedre omsorgsfulle sønner? Likestilling hjemme og hjelp til eldre foreldre 

      Herlofson, Katharina; Ugreninov, Elisabeth (Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning;55(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Diskusjoner om likestilling i familien dreier seg i hovedsak om par med små barn, og debatter om nye mannsroller handler for det meste om menn som fedre. I denne artikkelen tar vi et tre-generasjonsperspektiv og belyser ...
    • Erfaringer med å sikre arkitektonisk kvalitet gjennom planlegging 

      Andersen, Bengt; Dalseide, Astri Margareta; Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær; Skrede, Joar; Staven, Helle Dyrendahl; Mamelund, Svenn-Erik (AFI FoU-resultat;2020:04, Research report, 2020)
      Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet (AFI) ved OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet har, i samarbeid med arkitektkontoret Kåmmån, Norsk institutt for by- og regionsforskning (NIBR, OsloMet) og Norsk instiutt for kulturminneforskning (NIKU), ...
    • Et forsøk på å beskrive det foranderlige. En analyse av stedsendring på Romsås 

      Danielsen, Kirsten (Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift;Årgang 1, nr. 6-2017, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Denne artikkelen er et forsøk på å forstå og beskrive stedsendring i drabantbyen Romsås – en veletablert drabantby med en 40 år lang historie. Endringene kan faseinndeles: en optimistisk planleggingsfase, en nedturfase ...
    • Et velfungerende leiemarked? 

      Sandlie, Hans Christian; Sørvoll, Jardar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Norsk boligpolitikk er preget av en tydelig prioritering av eierboligen, og hovedmålet er at flest mulig skal ha mulighet til å eie egen bolig. Denne eierlinjen har bidratt til en stemoderlig behandling av leiesektoren. ...
    • Et voksende prekariat? Langvarige tilknytninger til arbeidslivet blant kjernegruppene i arbeidsmarkedet 

      Elstad, Jon Ivar; Heggebø, Kristian (Søkelys på arbeidslivet;Årgang 36, nr. 3-2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-30)
      Artikkelen bruker registerdata for å analysere fordelingen av fem typer langvarige arbeidstilknytninger blant voksne alder ca. 30–55 år. Andelen som kontinuerlig hadde mer enn 3,5G i årlig arbeidsinntekt, økte fra 51 ...
    • Et Øst-Vest skille for eldres livskvalitet i Europa? En sammenligning av ensomhet og depressive symptomer i 12 land 

      Slagsvold, Britt; Hansen, Thomas (Nordisk Østforum;Volume 33, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This study explores late-life loneliness and depression in European countries, noting the role of micro-level differences in socioeconomic status, health, and social variables. Findings from cross-sectional, nationally ...
    • Ethics and access when consent must come first: consequences of formalised ethics for ethnographic research in schools 

      Smette, Ingrid (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-13)
      Schools as fieldwork sites are tempting because they appear to provide easy access to a field. The researcher has permission to be in the place of study, and those studied are obliged to be there – teachers through their ...
    • Ethics of relational and representational disclosures in qualitative migration research 

      Bell, Justyna; Trąbka, Agnieszka; Pustulka, Paula (Qualitative Research Journal;Volume 20, Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-25)
      This article engages with the framework of performativity to unpack ethical challenges of interviewing migrants in the setting of shared ethnic background of researchers and participants. From a temporal perspective of ...
    • Ethics of relational and representational disclosures in qualitative migration research 

      Bell, Justyna; Trąbka, Agnieszka; Pustulka, Paula (Qualitative Research Journal;Volume 20, Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-25)
      This article engages with the framework of performativity to unpack ethical challenges of interviewing migrants in the setting of shared ethnic background of researchers and participants. From a temporal perspective of ...
    • Ethnic Diversity and Firm Performance in Norway 

      Umblijs, Janis; Drange, Ida; Orupabo, Julia (Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Ethnic diversity has received increased research attention in Nordic countries; however, only a few studies have looked at it from the perspective of firms. In this study, we analyze whether changes in ethnic diversity ...