• Lateral displacement capacity of reinforced concrete elements damaged by corrosion 

      Imperatore, Stefania; Kioumarsi, Mahdi (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering;Volume 652, Number 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of corrosion on the lateral displacement capacity and on the global ductility of reinforced concrete (RC) elements, using finite element (FE) analysis. The corrosive ...
    • Laundry Care Regimes: Do the Practices of Keeping Clothes Clean Have Different Environmental Impacts Based on the Fibre Content? 

      Laitala, Kirsi; Klepp, Ingun Grimstad; Kettlewell, Roy; Wiedemann, Stephen (Sustainability;Volume 12, Issue 18, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-12)
      Clothing maintenance is necessary for keeping clothing and textiles functional and socially acceptable, but it has environmental consequences due to the use of energy, water and chemicals. This article discusses whether ...
    • "Lav terskel, rask oppfølging" 

      Gaski, Margrete; Lie, Ivar (NIBR prosjektrapport 2001:22, Report, 2001)
      Rapporten er en evaluering av opprettelsen av ungdomsservicekontorer i de fire kommunene Karasjok, Kautokeino, Porsanger og Tana i Indre Finnmark. Rapporten viser at kontorene har noe ulike aktivitetsprofil. Organiseringen ...
    • Lavinnskuddsboliger - en felle for boligkjøpere? 

      Barlindhaug, Rolf; Astrup, Kim; Nordahl, Berit (NIBR-rapport 2009:7, Report, 2009)
      Fire prosent av beboerne i lavinnskuddsboliger bygget i perioden 2005-2008 misligholdt felleskostnadene i 2008. Rentenedgang vil bidra til å dempe fremtidige betalingsproblemer, mens større arbeidsledighet vil virke motsatt. ...
    • Lavt sensorsamsvar : kan det bedres? 

      Bjølseth, Gunnar; Havnes, Anton; Lauvås, Per (UNIPED;34 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Etter innføringen av Kvalitetsreformen er kravet om ekstern sensur redusert betydelig i høgre utdanning. Antallet sensorer er også redusert. Dermed forutsettes det at sensureringen holder høy kvalitet, også når den bare ...
    • Lånefinansiert forbruk i Norge anno 2019 

      Poppe, Christian; Borgeraas, Elling; Bakkeli, Nan Zou (Rapport;13-2019, Research report, 2019)
      Rapporten anlegger et helhetsperspektiv på lån til forbruk, og er basert på premisset om at t husholdenes opptak og bruk av lån gjennom ulike låneprodukter forutsetter en sosial aksept. Analysene omhandler to hovedprobl ...
    • Lånefinansiert forbruk i Norge anno 2019 

      Poppe, Christian; Borgeraas, Elling; Bakkeli, Nan Zou (SIFO Rapport;2019:13, Research report, 2019-12-18)
      Rapporten anlegger et helhetsperspektiv på lån til forbruk, og er basert på premisset om at t husholdenes opptak og bruk av lån gjennom ulike låneprodukter forutsetter en sosial aksept. Analysene omhandler to hovedproble ...
    • Låneopptak 1995-96. Husholdningenes atferd i lånemarkedet de siste to år 

      Poppe, Christian (Arbeidsnotat 6-1997, Notat, 1997)
      I det siste har spørsmålet om vi er på vei inn i en ny jappetid vært mye fremme i media. Parallelt med oppslag om sterkt økende boligpriser, stor aktivitet i lånemarkedet og vekst i det private forbruket, meldes det om ...
    • Låneopptak 1995-96. Husholdningenes atferd i lånemarkedet de siste to år 

      Poppe, Christian (Arbeidsnotat 6-1997, Notat, 1997)
      I det siste har spørsmålet om vi er på vei inn i en ny jappetid vært mye fremme i media. Parallelt med oppslag om sterkt økende boligpriser, stor aktivitet i lånemarkedet og vekst i det private forbruket, meldes det om ...
    • Låneopptak og betalingsproblemer. Husholdningenes risiko-eksponering under høykonjunkturen 1995-1998 

      Poppe, Christian (Arbeidsnotat 6-1999, Report, 1999)
      Perioden 1995–98 var en markant oppgangstid for Norge, med både sysselsettingsvekst og reallønnsvekst. Den økonomiske krisen som innledet dette tiåret var et tilbakelagt stadium. Men så kom renteoppgangen høsten 1998, og ...
    • Leader self-efficacy and role ambiguity and follower leader-member exchange 

      Kuvaas, Bård; Buch, Robert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-17)
      Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate whether leader self-efficacy and leader role ambiguity are related to follower LMX. In addition, we examine whether the relationship between follower LMX and turnover ...
    • Leader-member exchange relationships and follower outcomes: The mediating role of perceiving goals as invariable 

      Kuvaas, Bård; Buch, Robert (Human Resource Management;Volume 57, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01)
      In the present study, we investigated whether perceiving goals as invariable mediated the link between leader-member exchange (LMX) relationships and role overload, turnover intention, and work performance. Perceiving goals ...
    • Leadership and change in a Norwegian school context: Tensions as productive driving forces. 

      Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug; Aas, Marit (Educational Management Administration & Leadership;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-29)
      This article examines the leadership of school principals who, based on the narrative case of the Blueberry School, discuss how they as principals would have responded to a similar problematic situation regarding a school ...
    • Leadership by fragmented destruction after a merger: an example from a facility of acute psychiatry 

      Berg, John Erik; Grimeland, Jorid (Mental Illness;5 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-10-14)
      Hospitals are labor intensive facilities based on highly skilled employees. A merger of hospitals is an effort to increase and rationalize this production. Decisions behind a merger are made at the top leadership level. ...
    • Leadership in low- and underperforming schools—two contrasting Scandinavian cases 

      Ahlstrøm, Bjørn; Aas, Marit (International Journal of Leadership in Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11-25)
      In this paper, we investigate how professional cultures and situated, material and external contexts relate to dynamic low- and underperforming schools in Scandinavia, particularly how the leadership is constructed through ...
    • Leadership Strategies in Diverse Intake Environments 

      Ballangrud, Brit Bolken; Paulsen, Jan Merok (Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE);Vol 2 No 2-3 (2018): Special Issue: Leading and organizing the education for citizenship of the world, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-02)
      The case study subjected in this paper was designed to illuminate how school leadership strategies and interventions mediate external demands, in the form of the academic press, for raised outcomes, imposed from the policy ...
    • Leadership, staffing and quality of care in nursing homes 

      Havig, Anders Kvale; Skogstad, Anders; Kjekshus, Lars Erik; Romøren, Tor Inge (BMC Health Services Research;11:327, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-11-28)
      Background Leadership and staffing are recognised as important factors for quality of care. This study examines the effects of ward leaders' task- and relationship-oriented leadership styles, staffing levels, ratio of ...
    • Leading co-creation for the green shift 

      Hofstad, Hege; Sørensen, Eva; Torfing, Jacob; Vedeld, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      European cities are formulating ambitious climate mitigation goals and calling for the mobilization of societal resources through the co-creation of innovative solutions to help them achieve their goals. To improve the ...
    • Leading for better outcomes: social work as knowledge work 

      Rønningstad, Chris (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This article explores how leadership practices have the potential to improve decisions and outcomes in social work. Through a literature review, the article identifies social work managers’ use of adaptive, administrative ...