• The course of self-efficacy for therapeutic use of self in Norwegian occupational therapy students: a 10-month follow-up study 

      Schwank, Kathrin; Carstensen, Tove; Yazdani, Farzaneh; Bonsaksen, Tore (Occupational Therapy International;2018(Article ID 2962747), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background. Occupational therapy students need to develop self-efficacy for managing the therapeutic relationship in practice. This study examined the 10-month trajectories of Norwegian students’ self-efficacy for use of ...
    • Covariations between the Indian Oceandipole and ENSO: a modeling study 

      Wang, Hui; Kumar, Arun; Narapusetty, Balachandrudu; Seip, Knut Lehre (Climate Dynamics;November 2019, Volume 53, Issue 9–10, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-11)
      The coevolution of the Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is examined using both observational data and coupled global climate model simulations. The covariability of IOD and ENSO is analyzed ...
    • Coverage Strategy for Small-Cell UAV-Based Networks in IoT Environment 

      Aoueileyine, Mohamed Ould-Elhassen; Allani, Ramzi; Bouallegue, Ridha; Yazidi, Anis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In wireless communication, small cells are low-powered cellular base stations that can be used to enhance the coverage and capacity of wireless networks in areas where traditional cell towers may not be practical or ...
    • Covered Interest Rate Parity 

      Raja, Mohammad Hamza; Jaweed, Khawar (Master thesis, 2014)
      The idea of covered interest rate parity (CIP) states that simultaneous purchase and sale of two currencies should not result in profit. This parity condition is examined using error correction model (ECM), descriptive ...
    • Covering Mindanao: The Safety of Local vs. Non-local Journalists in the Field 

      Høiby, Marte (Journalism Practice;Volume 14, 2020 - Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-08)
      In this study, I examine the perilous conditions facing Filipino journalists covering the Mindanao region, focusing on differences in threats and dangers faced by those who are local to the region and those parachuting in ...
    • The COVID Connection: Pandemic Anxiety, COVID-19 Comprehension, and Digital Confidence 

      Robinson, Laura; Schulz, Jeremy; Wiborg, Øyvind; Johnston, Elisha (American Behavioral Scientist;Volume: 65, issue: 12, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-12)
      This article presents logistic models examining how pandemic anxiety and COVID-19 comprehension vary with digital confidence among adults in the United States during the first wave of the pandemic. As we demonstrate ...
    • Covid, work reorganisation and trust: the importance of employment relations 

      Drange, Ida; Falkum, Eivind; Wathne, Christin Thea (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The world met the COVID-19 pandemic with various national stra- tegies to handle the crisis. In Norway, upon the advice of health authorities, the government imposed a societal lockdown on 12 March 2020. This had major ...
    • COVID- 19 media coverage decreasing despite deepening crisis 

      Pearman, Olivia; Boykoff, Maxwell; Osborne-Gowey, Jeremiah; Aoyagi, Midori; Ballantyne, Anne Gammelgaard; Chandler, Patrick; Daly, Meaghan E.; Doi, Kaori; Fernández-Reyes, Rogelio; Jiménez-Goméz, Isidro; Nacu-Schmidt, Ami; McAllister, Lucy; McNatt, Marisa; Mocatta, Gaby; Petersen, Lars Kjerulf; Simonsen, Anne Hege; Ytterstad, Andreas (The Lancet Planetary Health;Volume 5, Issue 1, E6-E7, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01-01)
      The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread rapidly across the globe, and yet media coverage of the pandemic has decreased since the initial flurry of attention received during the beginning of the crisis in early 2020. ...
    • COVID-19 and Global Increases in Cybersecurity Attacks: Review of Possible Adverse Artificial Intelligence Attacks 

      Alzarqawee, Aws Naser Jaber; Fritsch, Lothar (International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC);2021 25th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference, Conference object, 2022)
      The World Health Organization's (WHO) coronavirus disease dashboard has recorded over 207 million confirmed infections and over 4 million deaths. There has been an increasing vulnerability in cybersecurity amongst businesses, ...
    • COVID-19 and the Nordic Paradox: A call to measure the inequality reducing benefits of welfare systems in the wake of the pandemic 

      Friedman, Joseph; Calderon-Villarreal, Alhelí; Heggebø, Kristian; Balaj, Mirza; Bambra, Clare; Eikemo, Terje Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The Nordic Paradox of inequality describes how the Nordic countries have puzzlingly high levels of relative health inequalities compared to other nations, despite extensive universal welfare systems and progressive tax ...
    • Covid-19 blant innvandrere i Norge, vurdering av tiltak og erfaringer fra felt, delrapport 1 

      Arnesen, Trude Margrete; Bjørbæk, Mona; Brekke, Jan-Paul; Duahle, Hodon; Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess; Eide, Helena Niemi; Ezzati, Rojan Tordhol; Fevåg, Julie; Flatø, Martin; Fretheim, Atle; Gawad, Mohamed; Gele, Abdi Ali; Godøy, Anna Aasen; Grøtting, Maja Weemes; Hernæs, Kjersti Helene; Hussaini, Lema; Kristoffersen, Anja Bråthen; Labberton, Angela Susan; Lindman, Anja Elsrud Schou; Mohammed, Naeema Saeed Sheekh; Nordstrøm, Charlott Elise Gyllenhammar; Qureshi, Samera Azeem; Spilker, Ragnhild Anne Caroline Storste; Strand, Bjørn Heine; Telle, Kjetil Elias; Tsige, Selam Andegiorgis; Vinjerui, Kristin Hestmann (Research report, 2021-07-05)
      Pandemien har vært preget av stadige endringer i smittetrykk, kunnskapsnivå og tiltaksbyrde. Dette kapittelet forsøker å peke på noen overordnede læringspunkter fra analysene som er presentert senere i rapporten. Punktene ...
    • Covid-19 i ISPK-modell med renteregel 

      Wulfsberg, Fredrik; Holden, Steinar (Working Paper;4/2020, Working paper, 2020-10-30)
      Vi bruker en ISPK-modell til å analysere effekter av pandemien på norsk økonomi og hvilke implikasjoner dette har for penge- og finanspolitikk. Smitteverntiltak og frykt for smitte har gitt en dramatisk nedgang i potensielt ...
    • Covid-19 og makroøkonomisk politikk 

      Holden, Steinar; Wulfsberg, Fredrik (Samfunnsøkonomen;Nr. 3 • 2021 • 135. årgang, Academic article, 2021)
      Vi bruker en ISPK-modell til å analysere effekter av pandemien på norsk økonomi og hvilke implikasjoner dette har for penge- og finanspolitikk. Smitteverntiltak og frykt for smitte har gitt en dramatisk nedgang i potensielt ...
    • The COVID-19 Pandemic and Cultural Industries in the Nordic Region: Emerging strategies in film and drama productions 

      Gaustad, Terje; Booth, Peter (Academic chapter, 2021-12-24)
      For producers of film and TV-drama series, Covid-19 was a Black Swan event, a low-probability, high-impact event that is almost impossible for decision makers to forecast. The pandemic, and the government and industry ...
    • COVID-19 vaccination and infection among people with self-reported chronic health conditions and disabilities vs. people without medical risk factors in a survey sample from Oslo 

      Dimka, Jessica (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      People with disabilities and chronic health conditions are at higher risk of poor outcomes to COVID-19, yet may have lower rates of vaccination due to differences in prioritization strategies, accessibility issues, vaccine ...
    • COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in eastern Oslo: Addressing sociodemographic determinants and main reasons for vaccine hesitancy. A cross-sectional study. 

      Steinmetz, Lara (Master thesis, 2022)
      Background: Vaccines are an essential public health strategy to curb viral infection spreading and hinge on vaccine uptake which may be threatened by vaccine hesitant individuals. This study therefore aims to address ...
    • Covid-19. Dør-til-dør-aksjoner, mobile teststasjoner og endring i testandel blant norsk- og utenlandsfødte i bydel Stovner, Oslo 

      Vinjerui, Kristin Hestmann; Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess; Fretheim, Atle (Research report, 2021-03-25)
      Høy testandel er viktig i arbeidet mot spredning av covid-19. Stovner bydel gjennomførte dør-til-dør-aksjoner der innbyggerne ble oppfordret til å teste seg, i februar-mars 2021. I tilknytning til aksjonene ble det utplassert ...
    • Covid-19: ammestart under en global pandemi 

      Stette, Ann Helen Høghjelle; Thorsteinsen, Catherine; Henriksen, Lena (Sykepleien Forskning;16 (85747), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-11)
      Bakgrunn: Amming og morsmelk har en rekke helsefordeler for både mor og barn. For at kvinner skal få til ammingen, er det viktig med støtte fra partneren deres, og helseinstitusjonen må ha en strukturert og positiv tilnærming ...
    • Covid-19: informasjon, etterlevelse og vaksinasjon blant innvandrere–en kunnskapsoppsummering 

      Orderud, Geir Inge; Ruud, Marit Ekne; Wiig, Henrik; Tronstad, Kristian Rose (NIBR-rapport;2021:11, Research report, 2021-06)
      Denne rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag fra Kunnskapsdepartementet. Formålet med rapporten har vært tredelt. Kunnskapsoppsummeringen skal sammenfatte erfaringer med å nå frem med covid-19 relatert informasjon til innvandrermiljøer, ...
    • COVID-19: information access, trust and adherence to health advice among migrants in Norway 

      Madar, Ahmed A.; Benavente, Pierina; Czapka, Elzbieta; Herrero-Arias, Raquel; Haj-Younes, Jasmin; Hasha, Wegdan Hamed Nasser; Møen, Kathy A.; Ortiz-Barreda, Gaby; Diaz, Esperanza (Archives of Public Health;80, Article number: 15 (2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-04)
      Background: Migrants in Norway bear a higher burden of COVID-19 infections and hospitalization as compared to non-migrants. The aim of our study was to understand how migrants perceive their own health risk, how they access ...