Now showing items 61-80 of 333

    • Design anthropological approaches in collaborative museum curation 

      Stuedahl, Dagny; Lefkaditou, Ageliki; Ellefsen, Gro Synnøve; Skåtun, Torhild (Design Studies;Volume 75, July 2021, 101021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-12)
      Museums show an increasing interest in participatory activities that open their premises and processes to diverse audiences. Inspired by this turn within museums, the exhibition FOLK adopted a multi-level co-design approach ...
    • Det skjønne kjønn - En undersøkelse av hvilke temaer menn og kvinner ble intervjuet om i "Portrettet" i VG Helg i 2016 

      Uksnøy, Elisabeth Ulla (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      I en video på Facebook publisert av P3-programleder Christine Dancke, må norske kjendismenn svare på ubehagelige og flaue spørsmål med et fellestrekk: Alle er spørsmål kvinner vanligvis får. I denne oppgaven har jeg undersøkt ...
    • Dialogue as a Journalistic Ideal 

      Hornmoen, Harald; Steensen, Steen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-16)
      Discussions and practices related to participatory and interactive journalism emphasize the dialogical aspects of journalism. However, throughout history, the idea of dialogue in journalism has taken a variety of forms. ...
    • Dialogues and Difficulties. Transnational Cooperation in Journalism Education. 

      Orgeret, Kristin (Chapter; Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2016)
      The profession and pedagogy of journalism are both at a crossroads, and questions linked to how journalism education can best provide skills, knowledge and experiences that enable students to contribute positively to ...
    • Digital Challenges on the Norwegian Media Scene 

      Ottosen, Rune; Krumsvik, Arne Håskjold (Nordicom Review;33 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This article summarises findings from a research project on the digitisation of Norwegian newsrooms, analysing trends in the industry and changes in user-habits. Findings suggest that most journalists are positive about ...
    • Digital Innovation During Terror and Crises 

      Konow Lund, Maria; Hågvar, Yngve Benestad; Olsson, Eva-Karin (Digital Journalism;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-25)
      Terror attacks are moments of chaos and destabilization. From a journalistic perspective, terror attacks disrupt everyday news work where journalists find themselves struggling to restore order and report the event at hand ...
    • Digital Journalism (Studies); Defining the Field 

      Eldridge II, Scott A.; Hess, Kristy; Tandoc JR, Edson; Westlund, Oscar (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-12)
      This book brings together a collection of articles published in a Digital Journalism special issue in 2019 titled “Digital Journalism (Studies) - Defining the Field”, edited by the four of us in our capacity as the Digital ...
    • Digitization and Editorial Change in Online Media. Findings from a Norwegian Research Project 

      Ottosen, Rune; Krumsvik, Arne Håskjold (Nordicom Information;32 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
    • Discussing emotions in digital journalism 

      Orgeret, Kristin (Digital Journalism;Volume 8, 2020 - Issue 2: Digital Journalism and Emotions, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-09)
      Until recently, the notion of emotion in media studies and commu- nication research was mostly examined through the lens of cultural studies, media effects, and visuals. Research on emotion in journal- ism has been slow ...
    • Discussing Emotions in Digital Journalism 

      Orgeret, Kristin (Digital Journalism;Volume 8, 2020 - Issue 2: Digital Journalism and Emotions, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-09)
      Until recently, the notion of emotion in media studies and communication research was mostly examined through the lens of cultural studies, media effects, and visuals. Research on emotion in journal- ism has been slow to ...
    • Diskurser om de andre, identitet og norskhet 

      Eide, Elisabeth (Sakprosa;Bind 10, Nr. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Artikkelen analyserer debatten i et utvalg norske riksaviser, etter lanseringen av Brochmann II-rapporten (1. februar 2017). Brochmann II-utvalgets mandat var å utrede virkningen av høy innvandring for samfunnsøkonomien ...
    • The Dislocation of News Journalism: A Conceptual Framework for the Study of Epistemologies of Digital Journalism 

      Ekström, Mats; Westlund, Oscar (Media and Communication;Volume 7, Issue 1 (2019): Journalism and Social Media: Redistribution of Power?, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-11)
      This article focuses on news journalism, social media platforms and power, and key implications for epistemology. The conceptual framework presented is intended to inspire and guide future studies relating to the emerging ...
    • Djevelen ligger i diskursen. En kritisk diskursanalyse av Marte Krogh-saken i VG 

      Hågvar, Yngve Benestad (Norsk Medietidsskrift;20(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article is a critical discourse analysis of a provocative news story later heavily criticized for being based on a misquotation. The analysis shows how the quote is offensive primarily by being assigned to a ...
    • "Do You Tweet When Your Friends Are Getting Shot?" Victims' Experience With, and Perspectives on, the Use of Social Media During a Terror Attack 

      Frey, Elsebeth (Social Media + Society;Volume: 4, issue: 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-03)
      On 22 July 2011, a lone wolf terrorist attacked Norway. At the island of Utøya, he killed 69 people. This article asks how the youth at the camp on the island used social media (SoMe) in the emergency situation caused by ...
    • Du vil ikke tro hvordan titlene i sportsjournalistikk varierer fra nettutgaven til papiravisa - En studie av sportsjournalistikkens titler i nett- og papiraviser 

      Tangen, Herman Borgstrøm (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Du har helt sikkert hørt om "clickbait", men hva er det? Hvordan påvirker det sportsjournalistikken som jeg verdsetter så høyt? Denne oppgaven gir deg et svar på hvordan og i hvilken grad "clickbait" påvirker den digitale ...
    • East/West: New Divisions, New Connections in a Populist Political Reality 

      Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Intercultural Communication Studies;Vol 28, No 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper takes as its title the overall theme of the 25th Conference of The International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS). Delivered as the brief presidential address at the opening of the ...
    • En hvit flekk på mediekartet 

      Krøvel, Roy (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
    • "En mægtig folkeomveltning, et vældig vulkanutbrud" Den russiske revolusjon i ukebladene Allers og Hjemmet 

      Fonn, Birgitte Kjos (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Den russiske revolusjon fant sted på et tidspunkt da det var bred oppmerksomhet om utenrikssaker i avisene. Dette hadde mange grunner. Utenlands - dekningen i Norge hadde generelt tatt seg opp utover på 1800-tallet ...
    • Environmentally friendly oil and gas production Analyzing Governmental Argumentation and Press Deliberation on Oil Policy 

      Hornmoen, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-03-22)
      This paper exemplifies an approach to analyzing political arguments and press deliberation on the issue of climate change and oil policy. I apply political discourse analysis to examine an oil minister’s press conference ...
    • The Epistemologies of Breaking News 

      Ekström, Mats; Waldenstrom, Amanda; Westlund, Oscar (Journalism Studies;Volume 22, 2021 - Issue 2: Future on Journalism, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-28)
      The study analyses the epistemologies of online breaking news, focusing on the distinctive epistemic practices and challenges in the production of continuous news updates and online live broadcast. The analytical framework ...