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dc.contributor.authorMoen, Bjørg
dc.description.abstractThe senior centers are important for the preventive health work for elders. They are localized in local communities and this makes them open (accessible) to many elderly people. Still there are few elders with migrant background who visit the centers. This in spite of endeavors to include them in centers. There seems to be a barrier for many elders with migrant background to feel at home in the centers. There are however some senior centers who have succeeded to include elderly people with migrant background. The report describe how these centers have organized their activities and services to reach out to also this category elders. The focus will primarily be on Grö¼nerløkka seniorsenter which represents a good example of how to make a senior center an attractive place for elders with migrant background. « I look forward to Thursday» is an expression from the women with Pakistani background at Grö¼nerløkka seniorsenter, and is indicative of the feeling of the center. The report will also describe other types of meeting places for elders as migrants' organizations and cultural associations, and particularly associations for women with Pakistani background. They represent ethnic segregated associations, where women meet each other primarily for social gathering. The associations arrange however also seminars to inform and teach the women of themes concerning health, social services, nutrition and diet and socializing children. Celebrations of Islamic holy days and Norwegian memorable days are important social gatherings for the women. The associations give women an opportunity to have a social life outside family and home. Especially elderly people have here the opportunity to meet people with the same background as themselves. The women can talk about memories and experiences from Pakistan in urdu/punjabi. Most of the women have not had paid work, they are mostly together with people with Pakistani background and have scarce or no knowledge of the Norwegian language. The report is about people with Pakistani background, but one would find parallel experiences in other ethnic groups. Men with migrant background have got less attention than women concerning the need for meeting places. They have better knowledge about the majority society than most women, and better possibilities to move around outside their home. Mosques are more open to men than women. When interviewed the men however express the need for meeting places outside home and mosque. A group of men also meet at the Grö¼nerløkka seniorsenter, and they experience this as important for both mental and psysical health. The men appreciate to sit and talk together and discuss Pakistani and Norwegian policy as well as problems in families and health. The report is meant as a summary of experiences and knowledge which Grö¼nerløkka seniorcenter can contribute with after ten years of experience of including people with migrant backgrounds in the center. An important starting point is a group leader who knows the language and the cultural background of the elders. Another important person on Grö¼nerløkka seniorsenter is the social worker. She comes once a week to assist women and men to solve all kinds of problems as for example contact the right public services, rights concerning divorce, selling and buying apartments etc. None of the centers is able to employ a social worker alone, but to employ one social worker who ambulates between several centers could be a solution.en
dc.description.abstractRapporten er et delprosjekt som inngår i prosjektet «Eldre innvandrere - tilpasning av pleie og omsorgstilbudet», som er finansiert av Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet. Delprosjektet har hatt som målsetting å se nærmere på hva ulike møteplasser har å si for eldre med innvandrerbakgrunn. I undersøkelsen er det valgt ut enkelte møteplasser - Grö¼nerløkka seniorsenter og kulturelle foreninger som har lykkes i å tilrettelegge for sosiale fellesskap som oppleves viktige og nyttige. De gir eldre en mulighet for å treffe likesinnede med samme språklige og kulturelle bakgrunn som dem selv. På seniorsenteret har de i tillegg tilgang til offentlige tilbud og tjenester som veiledning, informasjon og ulike aktiviteter. Både menn og kvinner med innvandrerbakgrunn uttrykker et behov for møteplasser utenfor hjem og familie. Møteplassene motvirker isolasjon og bidrar til tilhørighet i et fellesskap. De er viktige tiltak i det forebyggende helsearbeidet.no_NB
dc.publisherOslo Metropolitan University - OsloMet: NOVA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNOVA Rapport 7/09
dc.title«Jeg gleder meg til torsdag»no_NB

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