Browsing NOVA andre dokumenter by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 113
Absence Due to Sickness Among Female Immigrants: Disadvantages Over the Career?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The extent to which and where immigrants’ health may deteriorate in the integration process is less understood. This study extends the current knowl- edge by focusing on sickness absence in Norway among female immigrants ... -
Adolescent and young adult drunkenness and future educational attainment and labour market integration: A population-based longitudinal study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Ambivalence in adolescents’ alcohol expectancies: A longitudinal mixed methods study among 12-to-18-year-olds
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Association Between Social Isolation and Mental Well‑Being in Later Life. What is the Role of Loneliness?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this study, we evaluate whether the association between three types of social iso- lation (SI) and mental well-being (MWB) is mediated by loneliness. We include a pooled sample (N=8,525) of people aged 65 or older, ... -
Assuring patient participation and care continuity in intermediate care: Getting the most out of family meetings using the four habits model
(Health Expectations;Volume 25, Issue 5, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Introduction: As a transitional care intervention, intermediate care (IC) bridges the pathway for older patients from hospital to home. Within family meetings in IC, the older patient, his or her relatives, the interdisciplinary ... -
Bolig som velferdsgode og markedsvare i en storbykontekst – en analyse av boforhold og vanskeligstilthet
(Tidsskrift for boligforskning;Årgang 5, nr. 2-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-12-16)I denne artikkelen undersøkes ulikhetsskapende mekanismer i det norske boligmarkedet gjennom å analysere hvordan indikatorer på boforhold for vanskeligstilte varierer mellom storbyer og resten av landet i 2001 og 2015. ... -
Bostøttens egenandelsberegning – forankring i underliggende prinsipper
(BOVEL-notat;2/2024, Working paper, 2024)Formålet med prosjektet har vært å legge frem forslag til et mer prinsipielt begrunnet og forankret system for inntektsprøving av den statlige bostøtteordningen. Mens det såkalte Bostøtteutvalget i sin rapport fra 2022 ... -
Botrygghet på leiemarkedet i dyrtida. En diskusjon av virkemidler som kan redusere boutgiftsbelastningen til leieboere med lave inntekter
(BOVEL-notat;5/2023, Working paper, 2023)Utviklingen i norsk økonomi i 2022 og 2023 representerer en fare for botryggheten til leieboere med lave inntekter. De har blitt utsatt for et dobbeltsidig økonomisk sjokk i form av relativt kraftig leieprisstigning og ... -
Bruk av e-sigaretter som ungdomskultur
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Det har vært bekymring for økt bruk av e-sigaretter (vaping) blant ungdom i mange land. Nye tall fra Oslo tyder på at ungdomsvaping kan være økende. Hvorfor er det slik? Og hvor bekymret bør vi være? I denne artikkelen ... -
Caring for older parents in Norway – How does it affect labor market participation and absence from work?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)As the population ages, younger generations will increasingly be called upon to provide informal care to their aging parents. To prepare for this development, it is essential to understand how employees combine the dual ... -
Childhood Housing Tenure and Young Adult Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Sibling Comparisons in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We investigate how childhood housing careers affect young adults’ secondary school and college educational attainments, focusing on the role played by cumulative exposure to homeownership. We analyze Norwegian census and ... -
Childhood personality and academic performance: A sibling fixed-effects study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objective: This study investigated the associations between personality traits at age 8 and academic performance between ages 10 and 14, controlling for family confounds. Background: Many studies have shown links between ... -
Citizenship in democratic welfare states: a typology of social exclusion
(Chapter, 2023) -
Collaborative Management in Norwegian Municipalities: Do Middle Managers Make a Difference?
(Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration;Vol 26, No 2 (2022), Academic article, 2022)Norway is an example of the Nordic model in which the local level is of fundamental importance. However, the municipalities are relatively small and increasingly subject to decentralisation of their activities. To compensate ... -
Conditions contributing to positive and negative outcomes of children's ICT use: Protocol for scoping review
(Societies;Volume 12 / Issue 5, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-09-09)Children and young people are often labelled the “digital generation”, naturally equipped with the skills to reap the benefits of digitised education, working life and communication through social media now and in the ... -
Conditions Contributing to Positive and Negative Outcomes of Children’s ICT Use: Protocol for a Scoping Review
(Societies;Volume 12 / Issue 5, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-09-09)Children and young people are often labelled the “digital generation”, naturally equipped with the skills to reap the benefits of digitised education, working life and communication through social media now and in the ... -
Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Online supplementary material
(Others, 2024)The document contains supplementary figures for a book published in 2024 by Edward Elgar Publishing: “Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries". The figures ... -
A critical perspective on texts about housing for people with mental health and/or substance-use problems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Siden begynnelsen av 2000-tallet har ulike boligløsninger for personer med psykisk helse- og/eller rusproblematikk blitt etablert i norske kommuner. I denne studien har vi brukt en diskursiv tilnærming og analysert tekster ...