Browsing TKD - Institutt for produktdesign by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 138
Navigator of the seas: Aft contrum deck 8-10
(Visual arts, 2002) -
Serenade of the seas: main centrum deck 4-11
(Visual arts, 2003) -
Bisbegra bo og omsorgssenter: Kristiansand 2004
(Design product, 2004) -
Utsmykking av Fagereng skole Tromsø 2005
(Visual arts, 2005) -
Utsmykking av trapperom ved Vindingstad skole Gjøvik
(Visual arts, 2006) -
Glasskunst: Kolbotn kultur- og aktivitetssenter
(Visual arts, 2006) -
A note on the vibrational efficacy in molecule-surface reactions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009)The effectiveness of vibrational energy in promoting dissociation of molecules colliding with surfaces can be measured through the so-called vibrational efficacy. It is by many thought to be a pure “energetic” measure and ... -
Bachelor og master hovedprosjekter 2010 : produktdesign - Høgskolen i Akershus / [foto: Kyrre Andersen]
(Book, 2010)Katalog i produktdesign -
Kunstprosjekt under bruene: Elvebredden kunstpark Skedsmo kommune
(Visual arts, 2010)Kunstutvalget for Elvebredden Kunstpark ber om forslag til mulig kunstprosjekt under bruene som krysser Nitelva. Veibru, jernbane- og gangbru krysser elva like ved hverandre. Gamle brukar av hogd stein samt gedigne pilarer ... -
A theoretical study of H2 dissociation on ( √3 x √3 )R30° CO/Ru (0001)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-04-13) -
Ba ma : produktdesign HIAK 2011
(Book, 2011)Eksamensarbeider fra Produktdesign (2011) presentert i en felles katalog. -
Det var en gang en krakk : 18.-26. feb. 2011, utstilling IKEA Slependen
(Book, 2011)Førsteårsstudenter på produktdesignstudiet ved Høgskolen i Akershus har forvandlet IKEA-krakken ODDVAR til nye uttrykk, former, ideer og funksjoner. Med utgangspunkt i et hverdagsobjekt ble studentene utfordret til å ... -
Switch : katalog og belysningsobjekter 2BA produktdesign HIAK
(Design product, 2011-05)Katalog belysningsobjekter i produktdesign -
Participatory Design for Well-being
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)Participatory design can meet the needs of the individuals’ well-being in hospitals; however constraints occur in such a complex context. A case study of exploratory participatory design processes with health professionals ... -
Bachelor and master : product design 2012
(Book, 2012)Utstillingskatalog: studentenes avsluttende prosjekter. Exhibition catalogue -
push: katalog belysningsobjekter 2BA produktdesign HiOA : utstilling DogA 16. mai-24. mai 2012
(Book, 2012-05)Katalog belysningsobjekter i produktdesign, 2012 -
The essential dialogue: a Norwegian study of art communication in mental health care
(Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services;50 (8), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-08)This study focuses on how semi-structured art dialogues can be used to communicate with older patients with impaired mental health. The study was conducted on a geropsychiatric ward at a university hospital in Norway. To ... -
Designing burial monuments to increase emotional awareness in product design
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)The motivation for writing this paper is the growing concern in society towards the amount of products we produce containing low utility and sustainability. Through emotional awareness the student can design meaningful ... -
Exploring the design of mousetraps
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)Based on a case study of a collection of a couple of hundred mousetraps this paper presents a systematic categorisation of their principles of technical construction, material consistence and principles of function. This ...