• Innledning. Barn og unge i utveksling med rom, sted og sosiomaterialitet 

      Seim, Sissel; Sæter, Oddrun Kristine (Barn og unge. By, sted og sosiomaterialitet.;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Tema for denne antologien er hvordan fysiske/materielle forhold ved områder og institusjoner i byen samvirker med hvordan mennesker møtes, og hvordan de deltar. Barn og unges hverdagsliv, deres muligheter ...
    • Er selektivisme bedre enn universalisme i velferdspolitikken? 

      Øverbye, Einar (Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift;Årgang 2, nr. 1-2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-05)
      Det har blitt stadig vanligere å karakterisere norske velferdsordninger som «universelle»,også i autoritative politiske dokumenter. Det reiser spørsmålet om hva som karakteriserer universelle velferdsordninger, og om ...
    • Resistance and protest against Norwegian Child Welfare Services on Facebook - different perceptions of child-centring 

      Stang, Edda (Nordic Social Work Research;Volume 8, 2018 - Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-17)
      Norwegian Child Welfare Services have in recent years been subject to international and national criticism. This paper addresses the protests against Norwegian Child Welfare Services that are unfolding on international and ...
    • European health inequality through the Great Recession: Social policy matters. 

      van der Wel, Kjetil A.; Saltkjel, Therese; Chen, Wen-Hao; Dahl, Espen; Halvorsen, Knut (Sociology of Health and Illness;Volume 40, Issue 4 - May 2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-02)
      This paper investigates the association between the Great Recession and educational inequalities in self-rated general health in 25 European countries. We investigate four different indicators related to economic recession: ...
    • School competence among adolescents in low-income families: does parenting style matter? 

      Johnsen, Anja; Bjørknes, Ragnhild; Iversen, Anette Christine; Sandbæk, Mona (Journal of Child and Family Studies;27, pages 2285–2294 (2018), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-03-14)
      In the present study, we investigated parenting styles and self-perceived school competence among low-income adolescents in Norway. The purpose of the study was threefold: (1) to identify differences, if any, in self-perceived ...
    • The effect of retaining bonuses on delaying early retirement – financial incentives revisited 

      Hermansen, Åsmund; Midtsundstad, Tove Irene (Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies;Vol 8 No 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-21)
      In this paper, we analyze the effect of the retaining bonus on early retirement behavior using a unique dataset consisting of a Norwegian employer survey from 2010 combined with register data on all older employees in the ...
    • Program theory within policy-initiated evaluations: the Norwegian low-income family study 

      Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira; Tøge, Anne Grete; Fossestøl, Knut (Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work;Volume 15, Issue 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-26)
      Using as an example a project where the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Directorate developed a comprehensive model for the follow-up of low-income families, this article demonstrates the process of developing a program theory ...
    • 'On Caseworkers’ writing in Child Welfare − when less is more' 

      Skotte, Pernille Stornæss (European Journal of Social Work;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-02)
      This article describes the fragmentary and sometimes incoherent way caseworkers record cases in child welfare work. While recording practices are often criticised and the relevance of the case records, for both the child ...
    • Helsesøstre bruker program for foreldreveiledning aktivt i praksis 

      Sandvik, Berit Margrethe; Dybdahl, Ragnhild; Hauge, Solveig (Sykepleien Forskning;Volum 13, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-27)
      Bakgrunn: Godt samspill mellom barn og omsorgsgivere er vesentlig for barns utvikling. Helsepolitiske føringer understreker helsestasjonenes rolle i å styrke slikt samspill. Det er derfor viktig at helsesøstre har kompetanse ...
    • Care parading as service: Negotiating recognition and equality in user-controlled personal assistance 

      Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg; Gundersen, Tonje (Gender, Work and Organization;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-11)
      This article addresses aspects of the relationship between disabled people and their personal assistants within the user-controlled personal assistance programme in Norway (BPA). Within this programme, a disabled person ...
    • Socioeconomic inequalities in health during the Great Recession: A scoping review of the research literature 

      Heggebø, Kristian; Tøge, Anne Grete; Dahl, Espen; Berg, John Erik (Scandinavian Journal of Public Health;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-10)
      Aims: The so-called “Great Recession” in Europe triggered widespread concerns about population health, as reflected by an upsurge in empirical research on the health impacts of the economic crisis. A growing body of empirical ...
    • Governance of the young unemployed - a comparative study of the UK, Germany and Norway 

      Kane, Aina Aune; Köhler-Olsen, Julia (European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance;Volume 5: Issue 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-04)
      In this article, we focus on how the United Kingdom, Germany and Norway govern and balance young unemployed claimants’ right to social benefits with conditions of compulsory activities, with the aim of their transition ...
    • Challenges and dilemmas working with high-conflict families in child protection casework 

      Sudland, Cecilie (Child & Family Social Work;2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Social workers within child protection services report that families marked by high levels of conflict between separated parents are among the most challenging cases to handle. Few studies however have focussed on how ...
    • Aktivitetsfaget i barnevernspedagogutdanningen – i et nytteperspektiv 

      Fuglestad, Svein; Grønning, Elisabeth; Storø, Jan (Tidsskriftet Norges barnevern;Vol 96, nr 1-2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Aktivitetsfaget er sentralt i barnevernspedagogutdanningen. Faget har imidlertid ikke vært gjenstand for forskning og er i liten grad beskrevet i faglitteraturen. I denne artikkelen gjengir vi funnene fra en undersøkelse ...
    • Parenting in exile: Refugee parents’ multivoiced narratives. 

      Bergset, Kari; Ulvik, Oddbjørg Skjær (International Social Work;First Published March 13, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article investigates how refugees’ narratives of parental practices can be explored and conceptualised. Existing research approaches are critically discussed. Interviews are carried out with parents in 16 refugee ...
    • Rekkevidden av statens menneskerettslige plikt til å bekjempe økonomisk og sosial ulikhet 

      Köhler-Olsen, Julia (Nordisk socialrättslig tidskrift;Nr 19–20.2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Although economic and social human rights have been part of legal and judicial review in various national and international jurisdictions for a respectable time, the use of thorough legal and judicial review on social ...
    • Kamuflert ekspertrolle - et paradoks i endringsarbeid 

      Høiby, Anne; Ranger, Marianne Neverland (Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;Årgang 22, nr. 4-2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      I velferdsarbeid er det behov for en tosidig kompetanse: ekspert-/regel-/substanskunnskap og brukerorientert tilnærming. Vårt bidrag i dette feltet er at vi har studert samtalekompetansens betydning for å imøtekomme ...
    • «Jeg fikk blankpusset håpet om at jeg hadde en framtid» Opplevelser av god hjelp i møter med Nav 

      Natland, Sidsel; Bjerke, Erik; Torstensen, Tom Byberg (Fontene forskning;12(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Artikkelen presenterer funn fra brukerstyrte dialogseminarer med tjenestemottakere i Nav om deres gode erfaringer med Nav. Et sentralt utgangspunkt er oppfatningen av at mennesker med behov for langvarig oppfølging fra ...
    • Whiffs of home. Ethnographic comparison in a collaborative research study across European cities 

      Bonfanti, Sara; Massa, Aurora; Nieto, Alejandro Miranda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This article discusses how a process of ethnographic comparison has taken place in a project dealing with home and migration, with a particular focus on the social qualities of smell. This project highlights comparative ...
    • Experiences of daily life and oral rehabilitation in oligodontia - a qualitative study. 

      Saltnes, SS; Geirdal, Amy Østertun; Sæves, Rønnaug Ingun; Jensen, Janicke Liaaen; Nordgarden, Hilde (Acta Odontologica Scandinavica;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-01-16)
      Objective: Quantitative research indicate increased anxiety and poorer mental health related quality of life (QoL) in individuals with oligodontia (congenitally absence of six or more teeth). The aim of this qualitative ...