Now showing items 1-20 of 354

    • The SST method: a tool for analysing Web information search processes 

      Pharo, Nils; Järvelin, Kalervo (Information Processing & Management, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)
      The article presents the search situation transition (SST) method for analysing Web information search (WIS) processes. The idea of the method is to analyse searching behaviour, the process, in detail and connect both the ...
    • Context Matters: An Analysis of assessments of XML Documents 

      Pharo, Nils; Nordlie, Ragnar (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      The paper analyses searchers’ assessments of usefulness and specificity on different levels of granularity in XML-coded documents. Documents are assessed on 10 usefulness/specificity combinations and on the granularity ...
    • 'Irrational' searchers and IR-rational researchers 

      Pharo, Nils; Järvelin, Kalervo (Journal of The American Society For Information Science And Technology, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)
      In this article we look at the prescriptions advocated by Web search textbooks in the light of a selection of empirical data of real Web information search processes. We use the strategy of disjointed incrementalism, which ...
    • Quality information on the internet: Norwegian library students on the search 

      Sveum, Tor (New Library World;107 (7/8), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      Purpose In the autumn of 2006, two groups of students from the Faculty of Journalism, Library and Information Science at Oslo University College participated in a cooperative project with the Norwegian online reference ...
    • Public libraries, social capital, and low intensive meeting places 

      Audunson, Ragnar; Vårheim, Andreas; Aabø, Svanhild; Dokk Holm, Erling (Information research;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      Introduction. This paper presents a research project aiming at eliciting the potential of public libraries in building social capital, and promoting generalized trust in today's multicultural society. Method. Two approaches ...
    • Leseferdighet og skolevesen 1740-1830 pietister, "potetprester" og et ungt norsk Storting 

      Byberg, Lis (Heimen; 45 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      At leseferdigheten blant folk flest økte markant på 1700-tallet, har flere årsaker. I denne artikkelen vil jeg særlig fokusere på innsatsen til to aktørgrupper: Pietistene, som spilte en viktig rolle i første halvdel ...
    • The effect of granularity and order in XML element retrieval 

      Pharo, Nils (Information Processing & Management, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      The article presents an analysis of the effect of granularity and order in an XML encoded collection of full text journal articles. 218 sessions of searchers performing simulated work tasks in the collection have been ...
    • Folkebibliotekets bidrag til sosial integrasjon: Foreløpige funn fra Place-prosjektet 

      Vårheim, Andreas; Audunson, Ragnar; Aabø, Svanhild (Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift;11 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
    • Do libraries matter? Public libraries and the creation of social capital 

      Vårheim, Andreas; Steinmo, Sven; Ide, Eisaku (Journal of Documentation;64(6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      Purpose – Librarians and the library profession keep repeating that libraries contribute greatly to generating social capital by “building community”. However, little evidence of this has been presented. This paper aims ...
    • Overview of the INEX 2008 Interactive Track 

      Pharo, Nils; Nordlie, Ragnar; Fachry, Khairun Nisa (Lecture Notes in Computer Science;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      This paper presents the organization of the INEX 2008 interactive track. In this year’s iTrack we aimed at exploring the value of element retrieval for two different task types, fact-finding and research tasks. Two research ...
    • Public libraries: places creating social capital? 

      Vårheim, Andreas (Library hi tech;27(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to show why studies of public libraries, regarding their possible contribution in creating social capital, are important for social capital research in general, and are important for ...
    • Fra mangfold til enfold. Norsk litteraturpolitikk og norske lesevaner i forandring 

      Naper, Cecilie (Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift;26,(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
    • Klassifikasjon og indeksering 

      Ådland, Marit Kristine; Anjer, Jon (Book, 2009)
      Dette materialet er skrevet for studentene til bruk 1. år ved bibliotek- og informasjonsstudiene, Høgskolen i Oslo. Første versjon ble utarbeidet i undervisningsåret 1996/97 i flere deler av Jon Anjer. Etter dette har det ...
    • Libraries and return on investment (ROI): A meta-analysis 

      Aabø, Svanhild (New Library World;110, (7/8), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Purpose of this paper: The need to communicate the value of libraries is growing, and especially now during the global financial crisis. As a response library valuation research is expanding and there is now a need for a ...
    • Overview of the INEX 2009 Interactive Track 

      Pharo, Nils; Nordlie, Ragnar; Fuhr, Norbert; Beckers, Thomas; Fachry, Khairun Nisa (Lecture Notes in Computer Science;6203, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      In the paper we present the organization of the INEX 2009 interactive track. For the 2009 experiments the iTrack has gathered data on user search behavior in a collection consisting of book metadata taken from the online ...
    • OUC's participation in the 2009 INEX Book Track 

      Preminger, Michael; Nordlie, Ragnar; Pharo, Nils (Lecture Notes in Computer Science = Lecture notes in artificial intelligence;6203, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      In this article we describe the Oslo University College's participation in the INEX 2009 Book track. This year's tasks have been featuring complex topics, containing aspects. These lend themselves to use in both the book ...
    • Local studies collections, librarians and the Norwegian local history wiki 

      Sveum, Tor (New Library World;111 (5/6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relevance of local studies collections and contributions from local studies librarians to a Norwegian local history wiki. Design/methodology/approach – The paper will ...
    • Verdier i bevegelse : litteraturformidlingen, bibliotekarprofesjonen og utdanningen 

      Tveit, Åse Kristine; Oterholm, Knut (Dansk biblioteksForskning;6 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Artikkelen belyser forståelsen av litteraturformidling og hvilke verdier som legitimerer den i dag, gjennom to intervjuundersøkelser og en spørreundersøkelse. Informantene er ansatte og ledelse ved tre folkebibliotek, og ...
    • Produksjon og innovasjon. Kunnskapsbasert praksis i norske folkebibliotek. 

      Høivik, Tord (Dansk biblioteksforskning;6 (2-3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Artiklen omhandler anvendelsen af kunnskapsbasert bibliotekpraksis (KBP) i den norske folkebibliotekssektor. KBP svarer i Norge til EBP i Danmark og EBLIP i Sverige. Den sætter fokus på det både spændende og anspændte ...
    • Framtidig bibliotekarkompetanse - hva mener arbeidsgiverne? 

      Gundersen, Arne (Research report, 2010)
      Rapporten ser på tre forhold: Hva vil være det kvantitative behovet for bibliotekfaglig utdannet arbeidskraft fram mot 2010? Innenfor hvilke bransjer og sektorer er det rimelig å regne med økt/redusert etterspørsel etter ...