Now showing items 42-61 of 319

    • Cultural policy, the public sphere and public libraries: a comparison of Norwegian, American and Japanese models 

      Widdersheim, Michael; Koizumi, Masanori; Larsen, Håkon (International Journal of Cultural Policy;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-16)
      This study compares cultural policy, public libraries,and the public sphere in Norway, the United States, and Japan. Results of the comparison indicate that Norway emphasizes physical meeting spaces and the public sphere. ...
    • Da 'Bibliotekrevolusjonen' kom til Norge. Amerikansk innflytelse i norske fag- og folkebibliotek 

      Frisvold, Øivind (Samle, formidle, dele: 75 år med bibliotekarutdanning;, Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2015-12)
    • Decentralized subject indexing of television programs: the effects of using a semi-controlled indexing language 

      Søbak, Veslemøy D.B.; Pharo, Nils (Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-06-13)
      We have performed an exploratory case study to understand how subject indexing performed by television production staff using a semi-controlled vocabulary affects indexing quality. In the study, we used triangulation, ...
    • «Deep reading» i biblioteket: et kritisk lys på håndteringen av e-bøker i fag- og folkebibliotek 

      Dahl, Tor Arne; Mangen, Anne (Nordisk Tidsskrift for informationsvitenskap- og kulturformidling;4(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Bibliotekene ivrer etter å kunne tilby e-bøker til lånerne. I Norge har de fleste fagbibliotekene lenge hatt store samlinger av e-bøker, mens folkebibliotekene først fra 2013 kunne tilby norskspråklige titler. I denne ...
    • Den digitale offentligheten i kultur- og bibliotekpolitikken 

      Larsen, Håkon; Solheim, Per Aleksander (Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies; Vol 1 No 2 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-22)
      Echo chambers, fake news, filter bubbles and algorithms have been framed as great threats to our contemporary democracies and public spheres. In the Nordic countries, the state plays an active role in sustaining democracy ...
    • Den groteske Jegeren: Estetikkens samfunnsrelevans i Per Dybvigs Jegeren: En fortelling fra skogen 

      Ridderstrøm, Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      egeren: En fortelling fra skogen (2015) av Per Dybvig er ei bildebok og kunstbok som viser gnager-lignende dyr med overraskende utvekster på kroppen. Grotesk estetikk og ulike typer hybriditet er gjennomgående i verket, ...
    • Det åpne bibliotek: Forskningsbibliotek i endring 

      Anderson, Astrid; Fagerlid, Cicilie; Larsen, Håkon; Straume, Ingerid (Book; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Dagens forskningsbibliotek lever ikke opp til stereotypien av støvete, stille rom med hysjende bibliotekarer. Snarere er bibliotekene ofte i forkant av den teknologiske utviklingen. Tenkningen om deres samfunnsoppdrag ...
    • Det digitale informasjonssamfunnet, demokratiet og offentligheten Kultur- og bibliotekspolitikk i en digital tid 

      Solheim, Per Aleksander (Master thesis, 2020)
      Det digitale informasjonssamfunnet har medført nye utfordringer for demokratiet og offentligheten. Ekkokamre, falske nyheter og andre problemstillinger har ført til økende bekymring for hvordan dette kan påvirke demokratiske ...
    • Det fenomenologiske blikket - et materialistisk perspektiv 

      Skjerdingstad, Kjell Ivar (Krysspeilinger: Perspektiver på bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskap;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)
    • Developing an empirical measure of everyday information mastering 

      Heinström, Jannica; Sormunen, Eero; Savolainen, Reijo; Ek, Stefan (Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-19)
      The aim of the study was to develop an empirical measure for everyday information mastering (EIM). EIM describes the ways that individuals, based on their beliefs, attitudes, and expectations, orient themselves to information ...
    • The Development and Production of Literature Within an Easy Language and a Universal Design Perspective 

      Berget, Gerd; Bugge, Hanna (Publishing research quarterly;Volume 38, issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04-08)
      Finding suitable books for pleasure reading is difcult for many people with reading challenges. Consequently, authors and publishing houses must consider user diversity when developing books. Easy Language comprises an ...
    • Differences and similarities between LAMs, and their pursuit of commons challenges 

      Rydbeck, Kerstin; Larsen, Håkon; Hvenegaard Rasmussen, Casper (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-15)
      This final chapter focuses on the results from the 16 previous chapters of the book. It discusses differences and similarities between LAMs (libraries, archives, and museums) based on the situation in the Scandinavian ...
    • Digital Chronofiles of Life Experience 

      Gurrin, Cathal; Johansen, Håvard; Sødring, Thomas; Johansen, Dag (Lecture Notes in Computer Science;8852, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Technology has brought us to the point where we are able to digitally sample life experience in rich multimedia detail, often referred to as lifelogging. In this paper we explore the potential of lifelogging for the ...
    • Digital chronofiles of life experience social informatics 

      Gurrin, Cathal; Johansen, Håvard; Sødring, Thomas; Johansen, Dag (Lecture Notes in Computer Science;8852, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-05)
      Technology has brought us to the point where we are able to digitally sample life experience in rich multimedia detail, often referred to as lifelogging. In this paper we explore the potential of lifelogging for the ...
    • Digital hjelp på biblioteket 

      Olsen, Heidi Kristin; Skare, Roswitha; Vårheim, Andreas (Skriftserien;2020, Chapter, 2020)
      Bibliotek yter hjelp med digitale gjøremål i hverdag som i krisetider. Brukere av folkebibliotekene verden over trenger hjelp med mye annet enn å finne riktig bok, for eksempel hjelp med digitale tjenester eller verktøy. ...
    • Digital Library Education in Europe: A Survey 

      Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Shuva, Nafiz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Research in digital libraries (DLs) has gained much interest across the globe. Most funding related to DL are available for building DLs, rather than producing digital librarians by developing the DL curricula and offering ...
    • The dimensions of streaming: toward a typology of an evolving concept 

      Spilker, Hendrik Storstein; Colbjørnsen, Terje (Media, Culture and Society;Volume: 42, issue: 7-8, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-27)
      Based on research on the development of streaming solutions across media forms and industries, this article traces the dynamics and dimensions of the notion of streaming. It theorizes streaming as an evolving concept, and ...
    • Discovery Systems as an Alternative to Stand-Alone Databases. The Example of Primo at BI Norwegian Business School 

      Dabin, Emanuelle; Preminger, Michael (Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education;Vol. 10, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-31)
      Discovery systems (DS) harvest metadata from various sources into one central index. This data can be searched through thanks to an intuitive interface, which also redirects users to fulltext resources in their native ...
    • A discussion frame for explaining records that are based on algorithmic output 

      Andresen, Herbjørn (Records Management Journal;29(EarlyCite), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Purpose The purpose of this paper is to raise attention within the records management community about evolving demands for explanations that make it possible to understand the content of records, also when they reflect ...
    • Do libraries matter? Public libraries and the creation of social capital 

      Vårheim, Andreas; Steinmo, Sven; Ide, Eisaku (Journal of Documentation;64(6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      Purpose – Librarians and the library profession keep repeating that libraries contribute greatly to generating social capital by “building community”. However, little evidence of this has been presented. This paper aims ...