Browsing LUI - Master i International education and development by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 108
Hegemoni og motstand i den sudanske grunnskolen : sør-sudanske læreres erfaringer fra Khartoum
(Master thesis, 2003)General Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir, president i Sudan og leder for det styrende partiet National Congress (NC), innførte i 1990 omfattende utdanningsreformer i Sudan. Utdanning på alle nivåer skulle nå være dominert av ... -
Litteraturbasert undervisning i en flerkulturell skole : utfordringer og muligheter
(Master thesis, 2009)I denne avhandlingen undersøker jeg hvordan lærerne i tre fjerdeklasser på en flerkulturell barneskole arbeider med litteraturbasert undervisning. Avhandlingen er en del av det forskningsbaserte skoleutviklingsprosjektet ... -
Tilpasset opplæring og bruk av skolebiblioteket som læringsarena
(Master thesis, 2009)Tema for denne avhandling er Tilpasset opplæring og bruk av skolebiblioteket som læringsarena. Jeg undersøker begrepet tilpasset opplæring og hvilken rolle bruk av skolebiblioteket som læringsarena har i realiseringen ... -
Balancing local cultural values and donor expectations in institutional practice : A case study of the NGO Light House as an agent of HIV/AIDS prevention in Bangladesh
(Master thesis, 2009)This study explores how a local NGO in Bogra, Bangladesh is balancing influences of surrounding, local cultural values and external donor assistance in its HIV/AIDS prevention practice. Having stayed in the country for ... -
Skolens rolle i Sør-Afrikas kamp mot HIV/AIDS-pandemien
(Master thesis, 2009)Temaet for min oppgave er det sørafrikanske utdanningssystemets rolle i kampen mot HIV/AIDS. Den overordnede problemstillingen min er som følger: Har det sørafrikanske utdanningssystemet mulighet til å virke som en sosial ... -
From Christopher Columbus to Evo Morales : indigenous exclusion and inclusion in urban education in El Alto, Bolivia
(Master thesis, 2009)This thesis looks into the educational system in Bolivia, with a main focus on the implementation of intercultural and bilingual education (EIB) in the urban areas. According to the current educational reform from 1994, ... -
The Lost Boys of Sudan : the reintegration process of school children associated with armed forces and groups
(Master thesis, 2009)The signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005 marked the end of Africa’s longest civil war between the government of Sudan and Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement. A few years prior to the signing ... -
Det norske Holocaust et tema i allmennlærerutdanningen? : om lærerstudenters kunnskap og historiebevissthet
(Master thesis, 2009-05)Tema for denne oppgaven er det norske Holocaust og denne historiens plass i allmennlærerutdanningen. I den forbindelse undersøker jeg følgende problemstilling: Hvilke kunnskaper har lærerstudenter om det norske Holocaust, ... -
Does education make a difference? : an exploration of education and gender in a South African context
(Master thesis, 2010)This thesis examines the role of education in the process of transforming gender norms in marginalized societies, based on a study in a South African township. Education is understood as a crucial tool when societies ... -
Familielæring på en skole og dens bidrag til utvikling av skole-hjem-samarbeid i arbeidet med barns literasitet
(Master thesis, 2010)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan familielæring på en skole bidrar til utvikling av skole-hjemsamarbeid i arbeidet med utvikling av barns literasitet. Det er en kasusstudie med to forskningsspørsmål: På hvilken ... -
Fighting denationalization: Rise and fall of the educational dream in Russia Abroad. A study of educational activities aimed at language and cultural maintenance among Russian immigrants in Christiania/ Oslo, 1920-1945.
(Master thesis, 2010)This thesis primarily aims to contribute to the contemporary educational science as a historical case study in language and cultural maintenance of the Russian Diaspora in Norway, providing the informative background for ... -
Educational Decentralization in Southern Sudan : a study of community participation and democratic leadership in two primary schools in Central Equatoria State, Southern Sudan
(Master thesis, 2010)The purpose of this study is to explore what governance structures and leadership styles enhance community participation in school governance. The study specifically explored community participation and democratic leadership ... -
Teenage motherhood : dilemma or delight? : a study of the life world of adolescent mothers in Buenos Aires
(Master thesis, 2010)This thesis is based on six weeks of fieldwork in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the autumn 2009. It investigates the lived experiences of a group of teenage mothers who have grown up in institutions. Although biomedical ... -
Sport for Development : Addressing HIV/AIDS in Zambian Underserved Community Schools through Sport and Physical Education Programmes : an analysis of the contextual realities of programme participants
(Master thesis, 2010)This study addresses the implications of sport for development. It focuses on how sport and Physical Education (PE) programmes are being used in addressing HIV/AIDS in Zambian under-served community schools. It, however, ... -
Flerkulturell og tospråklig – problem eller ressurs? : om kunnskapspolitikkens tilnærming for språklig og kulturelt mangfold i skolen
(Master thesis, 2010-08)Fokus og tema for denne masteroppgaven er rettet mot kunnskapspolitikkens tilnærming for språklig og kulturelt mangfold i skolen. Hensikten er å undersøke om det å være flerkulturell og tospråklig betraktes som et problem ... -
The vulnerability of the girls to HIV/AIDS in conflicts : examining factors that increase girls vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in Darfur conflict - South Darfur
(Master thesis, 2011)Sudan region of Darfur has been experiencing an internal war which has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and displaced millions of the civilian population. The purpose of this study is to examine factors that increase ... -
"The Multicultural" : constructions in the curriculum of Norwegian primary schoolteacher education
(Master thesis, 2011)This thesis examines how a concept, “the multicultural”, is constructed in discourses in the current Norwegian primary schoolteacher education. The focus of this thesis is directed towards one institution, Oslo University ... -
Utviklingen av et skolebibliotek i en flerkulturell kontekst
(Master thesis, 2011)Tema for denne avhandlingen er utvikling av skolebibliotek i en flerkulturell skole. Jeg undersøker hvilke arbeidsoppgaver en pedagog med en funksjon som skolebibliotekar har i en tidlig fase av utvikling av et skolebibliotek ... -
Democracy and Schools in Southern Sudan : A Study of the Role of Primary Schools in Promoting Democracy
(Master thesis, 2011)Most democratic societies expect their schools to play an important role in helping citizens to develop a set of attitudes, values, beliefs and knowledge that are conducive to the maintenance of democratic institutions. ... -
Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) in post conflict South Sudan: A study of challenges facing reintegration of ex-combatants (XCs) in selected areas of South Sudan. Master
(Master thesis, 2011)This study critically examines the strategy and the challenges of the reintegration of excombatantsin South Sudan. This study was conducted in Juba and Unity State. Data for the study were collected and analyzed using ...