Blar i SPS - PhD in the Study of Professions på tittel
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Social technologies and social relationships - The moral implications of using technologies to stay connected
(OsloMet Avhandling;2024 nr 48, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In this thesis, I discuss moral issues that arise when social relationships intersect with social technologies. Drawing on a wide range of perspectives from philosophy, ethics, and empirical observations, I identify and ... -
Taking Roles Seriously. On Professional Duty and Virtue
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2016)This PhD project investigates how central moral concepts apply to the morality of professional roles. The moral language of duty and virtue is commonly invoked to legitimise or criticize the actions and attitudes of ... -
Teacher professionalism and collaboration in the workplace
(Doctoral thesis, 2022)This article-based thesis aims to better understand how teachers develop professionally in workplace collaboration. The empirical data comes from an ethnographically inspired study conducted over a year with a teacher team ... -
Those who leave and those who stay: Features of internationally mobile vs. domestic students
(Journal of International Students;volume 11, issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-15)In this paper, we investigated how internationally mobile students from Norway diverge from students in Norway regarding social background, grades obtained at upper secondary school, and motivation to study. Data from two ... -
Tid, rom og kirurgers autonomi – En etnografisk studie av sykehuskirurgers arbeidsorganisering, arbeidspraksis og profesjonelle autonomi
(OsloMet Avhandling 2020;Nr. 27, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2020)Tema for denne avhandlingen er sykehuskirurgers arbeidsorganisering, arbeidspraksiser og individuelle profesjonelle autonomi. Et sentralt spørsmål som stilles er på hvilke måter påvirker den temporale og stedlige ... -
Utdanning er utdanning? Underrepresenterte grupper i høyere utdanning og valg knytta til fagfelt
(OsloMet Avhandling 2019;Nr. 19, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2019)I denne avhandlingen følger vi to grupper som historisk har vært underrepresentert i høyere utdanning i Norge; studenter med lav sosial bakgrunn og studenter med foreldre fra Asia, Afrika, Sør- og Mellom-Amerika, samt ... -
What We Owe to Our Children. Relationships and Obligations in Public Care
(OsloMet Avhandling;2018, nr 22, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2018)Public care is part of the child protection system. Public care institutions are childrearing institutions where foster parents or employees in residential institutions assume responsibility for the daily care and ... -
Which patient’s keeper? Partiality and justice in nursing care
(HiOA avhandling;4(2013), Peer reviewed; Doctoral thesis, 2013)This thesis studies the conflicting normative claims of partiality and impartiality in nursing care. The principal focus and aim of the study is to establish an argument for permissible partiality in nursing care. ... -
Å krysse fremfor å beskytte grenser. Om ergoterapeut-, fysioterapeut-, lege- og sykepleierstudenters deltakelse og læring i tverrprofesjonell praksis
(Skriftserien avhandling;(7), Peer reviewed; Doctoral thesis, 2015)Tema for avhandlingen er studenters møte med og deltakelse i tverrprofesjonell virksomhet i sine praksisstudier. Jeg utforsker hvordan ergoterapeut-, fysioterapeut-, lege- og sykepleierstudenter lærer ved å delta i ...