SPS - PhD in the Study of Professions
Recent Submissions
Aktiveringspolitikk: oppslutning og effekter på politisk deltakelse
(OsloMet Avhandling;2025 nr. 13, Doctoral thesis, 2025)Denne avhandlingen studerer den politiske oppslutningen om aktiveringspolitiske reformer og hvordan det å eksponeres for aktiveringstiltak påvirker politisk deltakelse. Hensikten med aktiveringspolitiske reformer er å få ... -
Embodied performance of operational work in a highsecurity prison
(OsloMet Avhandling;2024 nr 15, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This dissertation explores how frontline workers maintain safety and security in organisations, based on an ethnography of work in a Norwegian high-security prison. The primary focus is on how prison officers and operational ... -
Preparing student teachers for teacher–artist collaboration: A study on aligning the practices of education and art in teacher education
(OsloMet Avhandling;2024 no 17, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Although collaboration with artists is common in the teaching profession, teachers are insufficiently prepared for such collaborations. This article-based thesis investigates how the practices of education and art can be ... -
Mellom etablert praksis og nye ideer for arbeidsinkludering: Pådrivere for endring i Nav og psykisk helsearbeid
(OsloMet Avhandling;2024 nr 23, Doctoral thesis, 2024)I avhandlingen utforskes hvordan nye ideer om inkludering i arbeidslivet utspiller seg gjennom organisatoriske endringsprosesser i Arbeids- og velferdsetaten (Nav) og tjenester innenfor psykisk helsearbeid. Arbeidsinkludering, ... -
Social technologies and social relationships - The moral implications of using technologies to stay connected
(OsloMet Avhandling;2024 nr 48, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In this thesis, I discuss moral issues that arise when social relationships intersect with social technologies. Drawing on a wide range of perspectives from philosophy, ethics, and empirical observations, I identify and ... -
Den omhyggelig planlagte livsbane. Psykoteknikken og profesjonaliseringen av norske psykologer 1920-1947
(OsloMet Avhandling;2024 nr 14, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen er en undersøkelse psykoteknikkens betydning for profesjonaliseringen av norske psykologer i perioden fra 1920 til 1947. «Psykoteknikk» var på denne tiden et begrep for anvendt psykologi, særlig i ... -
Like lærere leker best. Om lærerspesialistenes rolle i skolen og profesjonen
(OsloMet Avhandling;2021 nr 32, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Denne artikkelbaserte avhandlingen handler om de norske lærerspesialistene, og hvordan deres rolle formes i samspillet mellom skole og profesjon. Internasjonalt har de siste tiårene vært preget av økende satsing på ... -
Teacher professionalism and collaboration in the workplace
(Doctoral thesis, 2022)This article-based thesis aims to better understand how teachers develop professionally in workplace collaboration. The empirical data comes from an ethnographically inspired study conducted over a year with a teacher team ... -
Constructing the School-Ready Child - A Study of ECEC Teachers’ Experiences of Preparing Children for School
(OsloMet Avhandling;2023 nr 7, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This article-based thesis offers a study of how the increasing policy emphasis on children’s school readiness shapes Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) teachers’ work. I am particularly concerned with Norwegian and ... -
Making the ship work: An ethnography of maritime labour in global shipping
(OsloMet Avhandling;2023 nr 10, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This dissertation is an anthropological study of the organisation of maritime work and life among seafarers in different parts of the world. It discusses the labour experiences of seafarers, whose everyday work within a ... -
Overgangen fra fagarbeider til yrkesfaglærer. Yrkesfaglærerutdanning som overgangsarena fra ett yrke til et annet
(OsloMet Avhandling 2021;Nr 16, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)I denne avhandlingen studerer jeg hva som kjennetegner utdanning som overgang fra fagarbeid til lærerarbeid. Når stadig flere velger å bytte karriere i løpet av voksenlivet oppstår det nye studentgrupper i høyere utdanning, ... -
Hybrid educators in teacher education: A study of their epistemic boundary work
(OsloMet Avhandling 2022;Nr 18, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article-based thesis investigates the epistemic characteristics of hybrid educators’ boundary work in the context of Norwegian teacher education. With employment both as schoolteachers and educators, hybrid educators ... -
The knowing body and a body of knowledge: an ethnographic study of professional knowledge in use in clinical nursing
(OsloMet Avhandling 2022;Nr 2, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2022)This thesis is an ethnographic study of nursing knowledge from the perspective of its use, exploring how professional knowledge evolves in work by taking clinical cancer nursing as its case. Cancer nursing requires a complex ... -
Det tekniske miljøet. Ingeniørar og norsk miljødebatt, 1945-1975
(OsloMet Avhandling 2021;Nr 26, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)Denne avhandlinga handlar om debattar om globale miljøproblem blant norske ingeniørar i perioden mellom 1945 og 1975, og korleis enkelte ingeniørar deltok i breiare, offentlege ordskifte om miljøproblem som ein slags ... -
Fagorganisering som strategi for profesjonsfaglig innflytelse på arbeidsplassen. En analyse av hvordan fagforeninger i offentlig sektor konseptualiserer arbeidsplasstillitsvalgtes rolle i faglig utviklingsarbeid
(OsloMet Avhandling 2021;Nr 38, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this dissertation, I explore union organizing as a strategy for professional influence in the workplace. The study is motivated by the fact that there has previously been little overlap between studies of working life ... -
Norske studenters vurdering av utdanning i utlandet
(UNIPED;volume 40, issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-16)Mange norske studenter tar utdanningen i utlandet. Fra utdanningspolitisk hold er kvalitetshensyn det fremste argumentet for å tilrettelegge for internasjonal studentmobilitet. I denne artikkelen undersøker vi hvordan ... -
Those who leave and those who stay: Features of internationally mobile vs. domestic students
(Journal of International Students;volume 11, issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-15)In this paper, we investigated how internationally mobile students from Norway diverge from students in Norway regarding social background, grades obtained at upper secondary school, and motivation to study. Data from two ... -
Principals’ positioning of teacher specialists: between sensitivity, coaching, and dedication
(International Journal of Leadership in Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03-17)This study investigates how principals position specialized teachers (i.e., teachers with expertise in a specific area who are assigned to build the capacity of teachers through professional development) and how these ... -
The occupational context of activation work: the relative role of educational and workplace qualification and socialisation
(OsloMet Avhandling 2020;Nr 30, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2020)Activation policies, understood as mandatory activation of clients outside the labour market, have affected citizens’ lives and altered the frontline work in welfare offices dramatically. In effect, there are new ... -
Tid, rom og kirurgers autonomi – En etnografisk studie av sykehuskirurgers arbeidsorganisering, arbeidspraksis og profesjonelle autonomi
(OsloMet Avhandling 2020;Nr. 27, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2020)Tema for denne avhandlingen er sykehuskirurgers arbeidsorganisering, arbeidspraksiser og individuelle profesjonelle autonomi. Et sentralt spørsmål som stilles er på hvilke måter påvirker den temporale og stedlige ...