Blar i HV - PhD in Health Sciences på utgivelsesdato
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A multifaceted practice? An investigation of methods used by occupational therapists in municipal services when assessing persons with cognitive impairments
(OsloMet Avhandling;2018, nr 37, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2018)Norway is facing demographic changes which affect municipal health services. Under the Coordination Reform Act, the municipalities have received new responsibilities, such as early assessment of needs for health services ... -
Providing Patient-Centered and Coordinated Care: A Qualitative Study of Norwegian Cancer Coordinators’ Experiences of Enacting Their Role in Primary Health Care
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2018)The cancer coordinator (CC) role was initiated by the Norwegian Cancer Society to meet the growing need for patient-centered and coordinated care in primary health care. Norwegian CCs shall adopt a dual focus on both ... -
Momentum of Coordination Reform: Changing Rehabilitation Policies and Practices? A Critical Discourse Analysis
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: The Norwegian Coordination Reform was implemented in 2012 as an open-ended, progressing reform. It aims to orient all systems and services towards assisting individuals with coping with life or restoring ... -
Iodine nutrition in pregnancy, maternal thyroid function and child neurodevelopment - Results from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2019)Bakgrunn: Mild- til moderat jodmangel er utbredt blant unge kvinner, gravide og ammende i Norge og i mange andre land. Jod inngår i stoffskiftehormonene som dannes i skjoldbruskkjertelen (thyreoidea), og disse er særlig ... -
Return-to-work coordination: Concept, consequences, and challenges
(OsloMet Avhandling 2019;Nr 23, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2019)Introduction: RTW coordination has been found to promote a quicker return-to-work for sick-listed workers. Still, there is an ongoing debate on the best practices of RTW coordination, and in Norway, little is known about ... -
Infant and young child feeding practices and associations between micronutrient adequacy, environmental enteric dysfunction and growth among 9-24 months old children in Nepal
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: Stunting in low- and middle-income countries has severe intergenerational consequences for health and human capital. Immediate causes of stunting are inadequate dietary intake due to poor feeding practices ... -
Effect of antirheumatic treatment on endothelial function and levels of pentraxin 3 and selenium in patients with inflammatory arthritis
(OsloMet Avhandling 2019; Nr 25, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2019)For å forbedre behandlingen av aterosklerose og dens akselererte form ved inflammatorisk artritt (IA), og av IA selv, er det viktig å forbedre innsikten i patofysiologien av disse tilstandene, og finne optimale biomarkører ... -
The Labour Progression study (LaPS). Assessing labour progression using different guidelines: Maternal and neonatal outcomes
(OsloMet Avhandling;2019 nr 33, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Partographs and guidelines are used to assess and monitor labour progression, and they aim to identify slow progress of labour and determine the appropriate management of labour. There is no standardised definition of ... -
Alcohol consumption and impaired work performance. Interventions, and implementation barriers
(OsloMet Avhandling 2020;Nr 7, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: Alcohol consumption is deeply integrated in social life, and the majority of employees consume alcohol regularly. Alcohol represents a major public health challenge related to both health and participation, ... -
Falls prevention to improve health-related quality of life, physical function and falls self-efficacy in older adults receiving home care
(OsloMet Avhandling 2020;Nr 21, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: Falls and fall-related injuries in older adults are associated with great burdens for the individuals, the health care system and society. Although they have a high incidence of falls, a high prevalence of ... -
Promoting healthy eating in young children: The use of a communication tool about diet in public health nurses’ counselling: A complex intervention study
(OsloMet Avhandling 2020;Nr 1, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Avhandlingens fokus er helsesykepleiers veiledning om mat og kosthold på helsestasjonen. Helsesykepleier brukte et samtaleverktøy om kosthold i sin veiledning av familier med barn under skolealder i denne komplekse ... -
Older Adults and Assistive Technology to Facilitate Occupation and Participation: A complex intervention
(OsloMet Avhandling 2020;Nr 31, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2020)This PhD study is part of the Assisted Living Project (2015-2019) and explores assistive technology as a complex intervention to facilitate occupation and participation in everyday life among home-dwelling older adults, ... -
A follow-up study after the Vassdalen avalanche: Surviving soldiers’ self-report and experiences 30 years post-disaster
(OsloMet Avhandling 2020;Nr 20, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2020)Bakgrunn: Snøskredet i Vassdalen i 1986 kostet 16 mennesker livet, og 15 overlevde. Kort tid etter ulykken ble et forskningsprosjekt igangsatt for å studere psykiske konsekvenser av det å bli tatt av et snøskred. Prosjektet ... -
Short-term violence risk assessment in acute psychiatry – A naturalistic prospective inpatient study
(Skriftserien;11, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: This doctoral thesis is based on a PhD project that was part of a larger prospective naturalistic research project: “Violence risk assessment in an acute psychiatric ward”. Violence within the health sector ... -
Experiences of immigrant parents and their children with disabilities interacting with the Norwegian health and rehabilitation services
(OsloMet Avhandling;27, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Background: The present study explores the experiences of immigrant parents from non-Western countries and their children with disabilities interacting with the health and rehabilitation services in Norway. Immigrants and ... -
The ambiguous suffering body – a way to discover meaning nuances of dignity
(OsloMet Avhandling 2021;Nr 4, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)The body is the center of human experience. The bodily changes caused by cancer disease and treatment affect physical, psychological, social and existential dimensions of life. When meaning and knowledge have their origin ... -
The Role of Cultural Consciousness and Knowledge Development in Managing Multicultural Staff in Norwegian Nursing Homes
(Skriftserien;Nr 20, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)This PhD thesis draws attention to multicultural staffing leadership of multicultural staff in Norwegian nursing homes. Studies on the implication of multicultural staffing on leadership practices in nursing homes is scarce. ... -
Facets of life in families caring for a young child with cerebral palsy. A longitudinal cohort study exploring parental empowerment, child participation in real-life activities and services received by the families
(OsloMet Avhandling 2021;Nr 31, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a group of childhood motor disorders caused by abnormal development or damage to the brain. Children with CP and their families often face some extra challenges in their daily ... -
Victims with disabilities in the Norwegian criminal justice system. Addressing and understanding the judicial process in cases involving physical and sexual abuse
(Skriftserien;7, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)Det er lite forskning og manglende kunnskap om kriminalitet rettet mot personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne. Det er behov for å utvikle denne kunnskapen slik at det kan utarbeides retningslinjer og prosedyrer som bidrar ... -
Investigating social behaviour in animals: The curious case of the prosocial and empathic rat
(OsloMet Avhandling 2021;Nr 13, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)Animal models of behaviour have been used since ancient Greece, both to study anatomy and behaviour. Social behaviour has also been modelled in non-human animals, and these models are especially important for the field of ...