Browsing SVA - Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR) by Title
Now showing items 165-182 of 182
Ten questions concerning positive energy districts
(Building and Environment;Volume 216, 15 May 2022, 109017, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04-01)Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) constitute an emerging energy transition paradigm, with an ambitious timeline for rapid upscaling to match the urgency of climate mitigation and adaptation. Increasingly networked and ... -
To Enhance Social Equity Through Urban Planning: The Potential for Innovation
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-11)This chapter explores the innovation potential of one of the most challenging and unruly goals of planning. Namely, how planning can support the development of more socially equal communities, and consider innovation needs ... -
Tourism development and border asymmetries: An exploratory analysis of market-driven cross-border shopping tourism
(Tourism Planning & Development;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-06)This paper explores whether shopping tourism in the context of cross-border regions may trigger more viable, and long-term, tourism despite persistent border asymmetries (e.g., price and tax differences) which are typically ... -
Trans-disciplinarily required in understanding, predicting and dealing with water eutrophication
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Eutrophication remains a challenge for water quality, and leaching of phosphorus (P) from agriculture remains usually the determining factor as point source emissions of sewage are mainly under control. The Morsa watershed, ... -
The understanding and role of uncertainty and risk in climate change adaptation: local and central authorities in Norway
(International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology;25(7), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A common claim is that emerging and future climate change is rendering traditional conceptions of uncertainty and risk obsolete. This is because a changing climate makes it quite a challenge to calculate uncertainties, ... -
Une perspective européenne : sur la collectivisation des valeurs et des rentes foncières (public land value capture)
(Journal article, 2024)Cet article propose une synthèse des résultats issus d’un projet de recherche sur la collectivisation des rentes foncières urbaines en Europe. Ce projet, qui a réuni une centaine de chercheurs, a notamment débouché sur un ... -
Ungdom og straff på 2000-tallet - nye praksiser, kjente dilemmaer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Spørsmålet om hvordan vi skal møte ungdom som begår kriminalitet, har blitt diskutert gjennom historien. Siden tusenårsskiftet har myndighetene igjen rettet spesiell oppmerksomhet mot barn og straff. Det er innført nye ... -
"Until People Start Dying in Droves, No Actions Will Be Taken": Perception and Experience of HIV-Preventive Measures among People Who Inject Drugs in North-Western Russia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background The HIV epidemic among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Russia continues to spread. This exploratory study examines how HIV-prevention measures are perceived and experienced by PWID in the northwestern region ... -
Urban Development in Rio de Janeiro During the 'Pink Tide': Bridging socio-spatial divides between the formal and informal city?
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Using future age profiles to improve immigration projections
(Population Studies;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-19)Young adults migrate more than older people. As populations in many countries get older, this may affect out-migration—and thus immigration to other countries. This is not usually accounted for in projections of future ... -
’Venstrepopulisme’ i Sør-Europa etter finanskrisen
(Vardøger;årgang 38, nr. 20, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)I motsetning til hva mange observatører på venstresiden trodde etter finanskrisen i 2007-08, har det ikke vært noe generelt oppsving for venstresiden. Tvert imot, som flere av artiklene i dette nummeret av Vardøger utdyper, ... -
Venstresida og regjeringsspørsmålet – kritiske og sammenliknende perspektiv på SVs erfaringer
(Vardøger;Årgang 38, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)«Hvilke forutsetninger må være tilstede, og hvilke politiske krav må være innfridd, for at et radikalt venstreparti skal støtte eller delta i en regjering?» Dette er hva vi vil definere som regjeringsspørsmålet. Det som ... -
Visualising immigrant fertility profiles of childbearing and their implications for migration research
(Journal of International Migration and Integration;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-14)Different measures of fertility have strengths and limitations when used to describe the fertility of immigrants, and no single measure captures every aspect of this complex phenomenon. This paper introduces a novel visual ... -
Vold i nære relasjoner som tema i russisk og polsk politikk: De nasjonalkonservative utfordres i kjernesak
(Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning;(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Denne artikkelen undersøker striden rundt vold i nære relasjoner i Russland og Polen, to europeiske land som har tatt en markant nasjonalkonservativ vending de siste årene. Artikkelen viser hvordan temaet utgjør ett av ... -
When Do Voters Punish Corrupt Politicians? Experimental Evidence from a Field and Survey Experiment
(British Journal of Political Science;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)When do voters punish corrupt politicians? Heterogeneous views about the importance of corruption can determine whether or not increased information enhances accountability. If partisan cleavages correlate with the importance ... -
Who is a refugee? Uncertainty and discretion in asylum decisions.
(International Journal of Refugee Law;Volume 32, Issue 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-29)Assessing claims for refugee status is a task often riddled with uncertainties, not least because of the challenge of establishing the credibility of the claims. The uncertainties enable divergent interpretations of both ... -
Why are some families with children leaving the inner city and other staying?
(Nordic Journal of Urban Studies;Volume 2, No. 1-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06-10)Around 70 percent of those born in the inner city of Oslo move away before reaching school age despite the municipal goal of keeping more of them there, for example by securing a certain share of new construction of larger ... -
“You are Responsible for Your People”: The Role of Diaspora Leaders in the Governance of Immigrant Integration in Russia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The Russian authorities are becoming increasingly aware of the need to improve the integration of Russia’s many immigrants into Russian society. This article examines power relations between state and civil ...