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Between Collaboration and Subordination: State and Non-state Actors in Russian Anti-drug Policy
(Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations;03 September 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Due to weak state and administrative capacity, the Russian government has involved resource-rich nonstate actors into policy-making since about 2005 and established numerous institutionalized platforms, networks, and forums. ... -
Boforhold og boligtilfredshet blant innvandrere i Distrikts-Norge
(Tidsskrift for bolig forskning;Årgang 2, nr.2-2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Artikkelen diskuterer boforhold og boligtilfredshet blant innvandrere i norske distriktskommuner. Basert på registerdata, en spørreundersøkelse blant ulike kategorier innvandrere og norskfødte, samt feltarbeid i tre ... -
Bolsonaro og hans evangelikale støttespillere i Brasil. Sekularisme under nytt press?
(Kirke og kultur;01 / 2021 (Volum 126), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-06)Med valget av Jair Messias Bolsonaro som Brasils president i 2018 ble de evangelikale kristne sin politiske makt i landet mer tydelig enn noen gang. For første gang hadde de mest profilerte protestantiske lederne omfavnet ... -
Bostedsløse, uteliggere og tiggere - konstruksjon av "verdige trengende" og "de andre"
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-17)I løpet av to tiår er betegnelser som løsgjenger, hjemløs og uteligger erstattet av begrepet bostedsløs i forskning, offentlige dokumenter og til dels i mer uformelle sammenhenger. Begrepet bostedsløs markerer at problemet ... -
Brazil - the rise and fall of democratic developmentalism
(The Democratic Developmental State: North-South Perspectives;, Chapter; Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-30)The impeachment of the Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff in August 2016 brought to an end a political movement linked to the Workers' Party (Partido dos Traba/hadores, PT) and its leader Luis Inacio Lula da Silva. Lula, ... -
BRICS, megaeventos esportivos e o Rio de Janeiro como “cidade de exceção”
(Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Within the BRICS countries, ‘cities of exception’ build coalitions of government and business in search of entrepreneurship opportunities. Sports combine image and accumulation, as well as the excuse to carry out ... -
Budsjettprosesser og budsjettdisiplin - en studie av norske kommuner i perioden 2002-2007
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)I denne artikkelen tar vi utgangspunkt i en artikkel publisert av Terje Hagen og Signy Vabo i 2005, hvor de analyserte effekten av bestemte politiske og administrative trekk ved den enkelte kommune og den samme kommunens ... -
Bundet energi og klimagassutslipp i nye boligprosjekter. En veileder til beregningsverktøyet EE Settlement
(SINTEF Fag;, Research report, 2021)Denne rapporten er en av hovedleveransene i prosjektet EE Settlement – Embodied Energy, Costs and Traffic in Different Settlement Patterns. Formålet med rapporten er å gi veiledning og anbefalinger som skal hjelpe myndigheter ... -
Buy to let housing investors in the Nordic countries
(Nordic Economic Policy Review;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The last few decades have seen high population and housing price growth in the Nordic capital cities. The high prices have led to concerns about affordability of housing and unsustainable mortgage levels. Policy makers and ... -
Bærekraft og beredskap – to sider av samme sak
(Others, 2023) -
The case for increased centralization in integration governance: the neglected perspective
(Comparative Migration Studies;9, Article number: 32 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-03)Local autonomy is a highly promoted feature in European governance, and the integration field is no exception. In the integration literature, values and considerations favoring local autonomy are often emphasized, while ... -
Catching up and Falling behind: An Appraisal of Brazilian Industrial Policy in the Twenty-First Century
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Amidst analyses of industrial policy’s renaissance in Latin America, Brazil is often hailed as the paragon of this movement. The mix of old and new institutions and instruments would constitute a unique effort in promoting ... -
Caught in the liberal pragmatic trap? How political parties viewed energy dependence on Russia in three European countries 2012–2022
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)After Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and its subsequent decision to stop its gas export to Europe, Europe’s energy dependence on Russia was put on full display. In this paper, we map energy ... -
Cities as public agents: A typology of co-creational leadership for urban climate transformation
(Earth System Governance;Volume 13, August 2022, 100146, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article develops a typology of co-creational leadership for urban climate transformation. The typology is constructed from a combination of governance theory and empirical observations of co-creational leadership in ... -
Climate adaptation at what scale? Multi-level governance, resilience, and coproduction in Saint Louis, Senegal
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This paper utilizes a multi-level governance framework to explain how and at what scale climate adaptation, exemplified by flood risk management, was governed in the medium-scale city of Saint Louis, Senegal. It explores ... -
Climate change adaptation in Norway: learning–knowledge processes and the demand for transformative adaptation
(International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology;Volume 27, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-08)During the last decade, it has become evident that planet earth will be warming. Hence, there is an increasing focus on how to adapt to a changing climate. The adaptation literature underlines the importance played by local ... -
The Co-creation paradox: Small towns and the promise and limits of collaborative governance for low-carbon, sustainable futures
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Co-creation is considered a ‘near perfect strategy’ for resolving complex and unruly public problems, such as climate change. Based on data collected among small Scandinavian towns, this article investigates the role of ... -
Complement or competition? Airbnb-based tourism and local housing markets in four Norwegian cities
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)Airbnb listings can stand in competition with traditional rental markets in dynamically growing local markets, which suggests a competitive, rather than complementary relationship between Airbnb listings and local housing ... -
Comprehensive Health Assessment for Children in Out-of-Home Care: An Exploratory Study of Service Needs and Mental Health in a Norwegian Population
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A comprehensive model for routine multi-disciplinary health assessment for children in out-of-home care was piloted in a Norwegian region. This paper reports on identified service needs and mental disorders among 196 ... -
Conditioned receptiveness: Nordic rural elite perceptions of immigrant contributions to local resilience
(0743-0167;Volume 64, November 2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-19)Drawing on case studies among rural elites in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, this study investigates how rural elites in Nordic rural communities link immigration to rural resilience as expressed in their place narratives. ...