Browsing SEN - Documents by Title
Now showing items 33-45 of 45
Psychological distress and its associations with psychosocial work environment factors in four professional groups: a cross-sectional study
(Nursing and Health Sciences;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-05)This study aimed to explore associations between psychosocial work environment factors and psychological distress in four groups of professionals in Norway. Eight hundred fifty-six professionals participated in this ... -
A qualitative study of family members’ perspectives regarding decision-making for nursing home residents’ care
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose: We explored how family caregivers perceive decision-making regarding the care of nursing home residents. Methods: This qualitative study used Flemming’s Gadamerian-based research method. In person semi-structured ... -
Quality of Life and Relationships in Caregivers of People With Dementia. A Gender Perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Home-dwelling people with dementia rely on their family members to be able to stay at home. This affects the family caregivers’ quality of life (QoL). However, less is known about how male and female caregivers differ in ... -
The Role and Style of Meetings in a Native Village in Mexico City: A Contribution towards the Analysis of Meetings
(European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies;0(99), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-27)This article explores the role of meetings and the style in which they are carried out in the local community of San Lorenzo Acopilco in Mexico City. The community predates the Spanish conquest, and thus forms part of this ... -
Sammenligning av to undersøkelsesmetoder innen psykomotorisk tradisjon : GFM-52 og DOK
(Fysioterapeuten;22 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-02-12)Hensikt: Innen psykomotorisk fysioterapi er det utviklet to relativt like undersøkelsesmetoder: Global Fysioterapi Metode-52 (GFM-52) og Den Omfattende Kroppsundersøkelsen (DOK). Denne studiens hensikt var å sammenligne ... -
Short-Term Student Exchange in Nursing Education: A Descriptive Pilot Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This descriptive pilot study investigates and evaluates nursing students’ perceptions of their learning gains and the factors contributing to academic integration within a one-week Intensive Programme (IP) course, part of ... -
Strategier i forskningsveiledning? En analyse av veilederes tilbakemelding på tekst
(Uniped;36(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Denne artikkelen vil belyse spørsmålet om forskningsveiledere i høyere utdanning har noen strategier for sin veiledningsvirksomhet og hva som eventuelt kjennetegner slike strategier. Utgangspunktet ligger i analyse ... -
Temperature, growth season length and phytoplankton abundance in the Gulf of Maine
(Marine & Freshwater Research;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-03-19)I show that the relation between annual average phytoplankton concentration (as mg Chl-a.m-3) and in situ sea surface temperature, SST, is positive (Chl-a â 0.5 Ã SST, r = 0.8, p < 0.001) at an average temperature of ... -
The Road Not Taken: the fate of W.E.B. Du Bois's Science of Society
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Undermineres arbeidsviljen av velferdsstaten?
(Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;14 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-12)Det er frykt for at en velferdsstat med sjenerøse trygdeordninger over tid vil undergrave arbeidsinvolveringen med det resultat at stadig flere vil foretrekke å leve på trygd. Denne studien viser at arbeidsinvolveringen i ... -
Utvikling av læreres undervisningspraksis i matematikk som en utforskende og reflekterende virksomhet. En teoretisk og empirisk grunnet drøfting.
(Acta Didactica Norge;7(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)I artikkelen retter jeg søkelyset mot læreres utvikling av egen undervisningspraksis og lærerkompetanse i matematikk. Mitt utgangspunkt er å se lærerkompetanse som noe profesjons- og handlingsrettet og å se læreres utvikling ... -
“You get tired of remaining in a state of fear“- professionals’ experiences of self-care facing suicidality in psychiatric wards
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aim: The aim of this study is to explore mental healthcare professionals (MHCPs) experiences related to own emotions when encountering patients at risk of suicide in psychiatric wards and their family members. Methodology ... -
Å være veileder i "praksisvinden"-utfordringer og didaktiske implikasjoner for praksisveilederutdanningen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Studien undersøker praksisveilederes utfordringer i veiledning av studenter i helse - og sosialfagutdanninger. Studien er en kvalitativ tekstanalyse. Datamaterialet er 72 eksamensbesvarelser fra praksisveiledere som ...