Critical design for discussion about public space
Original version
Münster, S. & Berg, A. (2015). Critical design for discussion about public space. I Great expectations: design teaching, research and enterprise. The 17th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education. Loughborough University Design School 3rd-4th September 2015. (s. 292-297 )Abstract
This research focuses on Critical Design and the use of provocative design objects to create discussion about public space. The project sets out to develop a design approach and a critical design method for making conceptual design proposals and objects that encourage meaningful reflection on design and public space. The outcome is the development of a method and a set of tools to understand and try to create a language of critical design. The results have some common features and thematic categories that will be developed further in the project for the use of design as tools for various critiques in public space. By visualizing possible futures in public space and redefining the functions and conventions, the further research and findings will discuss how critical design can be structured and how it can contribute to design for public space. The intention of the research conducted and the following project was to design a collection of several conceptual design proposals that shift focus from design and object, to the idea and concept, challenging ideas, traditions and the users. The experiments were not for the object to be a set of practical proposals, but to open for conversations among the collaborators and viewers about the value that they might embody. The imaginative encounters staged by the object reflect the mission to provoke a dialogue about the role of objects and the state of design of this time.