Now showing items 1477-1496 of 2671

    • Mandatory coursework assignments can be, and should be, eliminated! 

      Haugan, John; Lysebo, Marius; Lauvås, Per (European Journal of Engineering Education;Volume 42, 2017 - Issue 6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Formative assessment can serve as a catalyst for increased student effort and student learning. Yet, many engineering degree programs are dominated by summative assessment and make limited use of formative assessment. The ...
    • Mangefasettert skeiv kunst i Skeivt kulturår Potensialet til det skeive kunstbegrepet, sett i lys av kuratorenes perspektiver 

      Juul, Ragnhild (Master thesis, 2023)
      I denne avhandlingen undersøkes potensialet til begrepet skeiv kunst i Skeivt kulturår gjennom en casestudie av kunstutstillinger som ble laget i forbindelse med denne årsmarkeringen. Det var Skeivt arkiv, Nasjonalmuseet ...
    • Manifold feature fusion with dynamical feature selection for cross-subject emotion recognition 

      Hua, Yue; Zhong, Xiaolong; Zhang, Bingxue; Yin, Zhong; Zhang, Jianhua (Brain Sciences;Volume 11 / Issue 11, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-10-23)
      Affective computing systems can decode cortical activities to facilitate emotional human– computer interaction. However, personalities exist in neurophysiological responses among different users of the brain–computer ...
    • Manufacturing technology in rehabilitation practice: Implications for its implementation in assistive technology production 

      Filho, Idinei Francisco Pires de Carv; Medola, Fausto Orsi; Sandnes, Frode Eika; Paschoarelli, Luis Carlos (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;975, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-05)
      This study addressed the participation of rehabilitation professionals in the use of Additive Manufacturing to produce assistive technology devices. A literature review based on articles published in scientific journals ...
    • Marginale røster i kunstnerens varetekt. Et etnoteaterarbeid med innsatte i norske kvinnefengsler. 

      Enoksen, Karoline Marie (Master thesis, 2017)
      Denne oppgaven henvender seg til anvendte teaterarbeidere, især de som arbeider kunstnerisk med marginaliserte grupper og individer. På samme tid adresseres også de som jobber innenfor kriminalomsorgen, samt de som driver ...
    • Markedsundersøkelse av EOS programvare 

      Maqbool, Kashef (MAEND;2020, Master thesis, 2020)
      Energioppfølging system i bygg er et praktisk hjelpemiddel for byggeiere og driftspersonale. Det er et verktøy for innsamling, registering og systematisering av energidata. Som for feilsøking ved en funksjonskontroll gir ...
    • Marker free 6D pose estimation for underwater vehicles with monocular RGB cameras 

      Weydahl, Håkon (ACIT;2022, Master thesis, 2022)
      Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) are important for industry, science and explora- tion. A key step in increasing their autonomy and lowering costs is performing 6D pose estimation on objects it interacts with. This ...
    • Mask-conditioned latent diffusion for generating gastrointestinal polyp images 

      Macháček, Roman; Mozaffari, Leila; Sepasdar, Zahra; Parasa, Sravanthi; Halvorsen, Pål; Riegler, Michael; Thambawita, Vajira L B; Machacek, Roman (ICDAR: Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval;, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2023)
      In order to take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in endoscopy diagnostics, we must overcome the issue of limited annotations. These limitations are caused by the high privacy concerns in the medical ...
    • Masked words 

      Adjacodjoe, Aaron Eyiram (MAPD;2013, Master thesis, 2013)
      This project sought to create an interesting form of communication, using writing on surfaces as the main medium to communicate between people and enhancing interaction with designed objects in the environment. Using the ...
    • Massively parallel implicit equal-weights particle filter for ocean drift trajectory forecasting 

      Holm, Håvard Heitlo; Sætra, Martin Lilleeng; van Leeuwen, Peter Jan (Journal of Computational Physics: X;Volume 6, March 2020, 100053, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-04)
      Forecasting of ocean drift trajectories are important for many applications, including search and rescue operations, oil spill cleanup and iceberg risk mitigation. In an operational setting, forecasts of drift trajectories ...
    • Massivtre i kombinasjon med fuktstyrt ventilasjon 

      Engehaugen, Magnus (MAEND;2019, Master thesis, 2019)
      I de senere år er det blitt mer fokus på tiltak som kan redusere energiforbruk i bygninger og det er en økt bruk av massivtre i byggeprosjekter. I denne oppgaven er det utført målinger og simuleringer av en bebodd leilighet ...
    • Massivtre som bæresystem i prosjektet Bispevika B6A 

      Fjell, Anders; Holm, Jan Erik Edvardsen (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Dr. Techn. Olav Olsen AS prosjekterer boligbyggene i prosjektet Bispevika B6A i Oslo, som består av 9 bygg i tre forskjellige størrelser. Oppgaven vurderer om det er hensiktsmessig å benytte massivtre i hovedbæresystemet ...
    • MatCoupLy: Learning coupled matrix factorizations with Python 

      Roald, Marie (SoftwareX;Volume 21, February 2023, 101292, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-01-04)
      Coupled matrix factorization (CMF) models jointly decompose a collection of matrices with one shared mode. For interpretable decompositions, constraints are often needed, and variations of constrained CMF models have been ...
    • Material innovation: case studies of tangible workingmaterial in technology, art and design 

      Stoltenberg, Einar; Berg, Arild; Wettre, Mikkel; Haugen, Sigrid; Rodrigues, Osmar Vicente; Puhkan, Urmas (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2016)
      There still are unexplored entrepreneurial potentials for collaboration in design , art and engineering. Heimdal & Rosenquist has explored three roles of textiles as tangible working materials ...
    • Materialbruk i faget Kunst og håndverk - i forhold til et bærekraftig danningsperspektiv 

      Idland, Helle Malmei (Master thesis, 2015)
      Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg materialbruk i faget Kunst og håndverk i forhold til et bærekraftig perspektiv. Hensikten med oppgaven er å sette større fokus på mulighetene og viktigheten av en bærekraftig praksis rundt ...
    • Materialeksperimentering i glas 

      Helvik, Sissel (MAPD;2012, Master thesis, 2012)
      Gjennom ein materialeksperimenterande prosess har eg utvikla eit mangfald av materialprøvar. Eg har teke utgangspunkt i glasplater, for så å dela dei opp i modular eller fragment. Ved å nytta ein fusing-omn kan eg smelta ...
    • The materiality of colour in design education: functional codes and cultural context 

      Berg, Arild (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2015)
      Colour competence is often seen as a basic knowledge introduced in the early stage of product design education. A knowledge gap was identified that required more advanced learning outcomes for colour in curriculums of ...
    • Mathematical insights into eye gaze dynamics of autistic children 

      Lotfigolian, Maryam (Master thesis, 2023)
      Early detection and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is crucial for effective intervention and improved outcomes. Eye-tracking technology offers a non-invasive and objective method for detecting autism symptoms, ...
    • Maximal isotropic subbundles of orthogonal bundles of odd rank over a curve 

      Hitching, George Harry; Choe, Insong (International Journal of Mathematics;26(13), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-11-25)
      An orthogonal bundle over a curve has an isotropic Segre invariant determined by the maximal degree of a maximal isotropic subbundle. This in- variant and the induced strati cations on moduli spaces of orthogonal bundles ...
    • Maximizing hypervisor scalability using minimal virtual machines 

      Bratterud, Alfred; Haugerud, Hårek (IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The smallest instance offered by Amazon EC2 comes with 615MB memory and a 7.9GB disk image. While small by today's standards, embedded web servers with memory footprints well under 100kB, indicate that there is much to be ...