Blar i Fakultet for lærerutdanning og internasjonale studier (LUI) på dokumenttype "Academic article"
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Baseskoledebatten i media - hvem mener hva og hvorfor?
(FORMakademisk;4 (1), Academic article, 2011)Denne artikkelen gir en diskursanalyse av et strategisk utvalg av 50 ytringer fra nett-mediatekster, som alle er knyttet til diskursen rundt utformingen av skoleanlegg - den såkalte ”baseskoledebatten”. Denne analysen viser ... -
Digitalisering som statlig avdidaktisering av klasserommet
(Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift;98(6), Academic article, 2014)En storstilt innføring av datamaskiner i videregående skole og ungdomsskolen er de siste to tiårene gjennomført uten faglig gjennomtenkning av konsekvensene av dataentusiaster i allianse med nasjonale og regionale politiske ... -
Funksjonshemmede, kroppsøving og tilpasset opplæring i skolen.
(Spesialpedagogikk;48(7), Academic article, 2012)Tilpasset opplæring er et viktig opplærings- og utdanningsprinsipp (Opplæringsloven 2011, § 1-3, LK 06) i den grunnleggende utdanningen skolen gir, og som skal tilpasses den enkelte elevs evner og forutsetninger. I hvilken ... -
Getting in touch: communication in physical therapy practice and the multiple functions of language
(Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences;3:882099, Academic article, 2022-08-04)In physical therapy, communication that actively involves the patient is seen as the foundation of patient-centered treatment. Research on communication in physical therapy highlights how patients’ opportunity to actively ... -
Hvordan introduseres og videreutvikles kunnskap om vannets kretsløp i norske lærebøker for grunnskolen?
(Nordic Studies in Science Education;8 (2), Academic article, 2012)The water cycle is introduced at grade 3 in science textbooks. The topic is continued at grades 6/7, and further developed at grades 8/9 both in science and geography textbooks. The water cycle is one of the “big ideas in ... -
Interaction-quality and children’s social competence in Norwegian ECEC.
(Varhaiskasvatuksen Tiedelehti;Volume 7, Issue 2, 2018, Academic article, 2018)This study investigated whether interaction quality in toddler groups, when children were age three, was associated with changes in children’s social competence from age three to age five years in Norwegian Early Childhood ... -
Research Reconsiderations Concerning Cultural Differences
(Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood; 5(1), Academic article; Peer reviewed, 2004)‘Minority children’ experience a lot of shifts in their cultural contexts. The author’s work as a professional teacher in multicultural classes enabled her to focus on the research questions presented in this article. ... -
Risky Play and Children’s Well-Being, Involvement and Physical Activity
(Child Indicators Research;, Academic article, 2021-02-17)Children’s activities and experiences in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) institutions are essential for children’s present and future lives. Playing is a vital activity in childhood, and playing is found to be ... -
Styrerblikk på foreldreundersøkelser i barnehagen
(Utbildning & lärande;Vol 14, nr 1 2020, Academic article, 2020)Brukerundersøkelser er vanlig innenfor samfunnets velferdstjenester og kan sees som et verktøy innen resultatstyring. I artikkelen tar vi utgangspunkt i følgende problemstilling: Hvilken påvirkning mener barnehagestyrere ... -
Use of primary care emergency services in Norway: Impact of birth country and duration of residence
(Nordic Journal of Health Economics;1(2), Academic article, 2012)Objective: In Norway, the General Practitioner Scheme was established in 2001. Satisfaction with the system is generally high. However, people often choose to visit community-based emergency wards (EW) for routine care ...