• Are immigrant youth involved in voluntary organizations more likely than their non-immigrant peers to be engaged in politics? Survey evidence from Norway 

      Ødegård, Guro; Fladmoe, Audun (Acta Sociologic;Volume: 63 issue: 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-06)
      The aim of this paper is to examine the link between associational involvement and political participation among youth in Norway and how this link varies between boys and girls of an immigrant or non-immigrant background. ...
    • Bemanningsnorm i sykehjem 

      Gautun, Heidi; Bratt, Christopher (Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning;1(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      En rekke undersøkelser har avdekket mangler og ulikheter i eldreomsorgen. Derfor diskuterer sentrale helsemyndigheter hvorvidt det skal innføres en bemanningsnorm som skal gjelde alle norske sykehjem. I denne ...
    • Brukermedvirkningens uttrykk og virkning i barnevernets undersøkelser – et maktanalytisk perspektiv 

      Aamodt, Hilde (Praktiske grunde;(3-4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      User participation in child protection investigations – a power perspective. This article explores how user participation is expressed in conversations between parents and social workers in Norwegian child welfare ...
    • Child welfare clients and educational transitions 

      Dæhlen, Marianne (Child & Family Social Work;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-06-19)
      Despite long-standing knowledge about child welfare clients' educational disadvantage, we know less about the individuals' progress through the educational system. Based on Norwegian data, this study examined educational ...
    • Democratic Mobilisation in Immigrant Organisations 

      Takle, Marianne (Nordic Journal of Migration Research;3(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      By analysing the interactions between political opportunity structures and immigrant organisations’ mobilising their members to political participation, this article suggests and applies a systematic classification ...
    • Den norske velferdsstaten: En sosial investeringsstat? 

      Schøyen, Mi Ah (Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;19(01), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-01-01)
      Befolkningsaldring, globalisering og økonomisk omstilling har endret premissene for velferdsstaten. «Sosiale investeringer» står høyt på den europeiske dagsordenen som et mulig svar på disse utfordringene. Perspektivet har ...
    • The effects of parental income on Norwegian adolescents’ school grades: A sibling analysis 

      Elstad, Jon Ivar; Bakken, Anders (Acta Sociologica;58(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Associations between family income and offspring’s educational attainment are well-established. A debated topic is whether this association is due to the causal influence of family income per se, or arises because of other ...
    • From cannabis to problem drinking? Use and abuse from youth to adulthood 

      Hyggen, Christer; Hammer, Torild (Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs;32(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-16)
      AIMS – The transition from youth to adulthood is associated with changes in the consumption of drugs and alcohol. The aim is to explore the process of “maturing out” of high levels of alcohol consumption, substance use and ...
    • Generasjonskløfta som forsvant: Et ungdomsbilde i endring 

      Øya, Tormod; Vestel, Viggo (Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning;14(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i en serie empiriske funn fra Ung i Oslo undersøkelsene (1996, 2006, 2012) som indikerer at ungdom i Norge er blitt mindre opprørske og opposisjonelle og at generasjonskløfta er blitt betydelig ...
    • 'Har vi hatt leksehjelp nå?' Sosial utjevning når alle skal med 

      Seeberg, Marie Louise; Seland, Idunn; Hassan, Sahra Cecilie (Sosiologi i dag;44(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      I en kompleks verden får tiltak og ordninger ofte andre virkninger enn planlagt, fordi det skjer uforutsette ting i omgivelsene. Det kan også være paradokser innebygd i den enkelte ordning som gjør at resultatene ikke blir ...
    • Interpreting Housing Allowance: The Norwegian Case 

      Nordvik, Viggo; Sørvoll, Jardar (Housing, Theory and Society;31(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-14)
      Housing allowances are part of both the housing policy and the general welfare policy. In order to understand fully how the housing allowances affect welfare and well- being, one needs to use multiple approaches. We propose ...
    • Lengre liv, nye hjelpemønstre i familien? 

      Herlofson, Katharina (Sosiologi i dag;45(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Lengre liv gjør at familiebånd på tvers av generasjoner varer lenger enn noen gang før. Dette innebærer at det å ha både foreldre, barn og barnebarn ikke er uvanlig. I denne artikkelen tar jeg et flergenerasjonsperspektiv ...
    • Mediating agency and structure in sociology: What role for conversion factors? 

      Hvinden, Bjørn; Halvorsen, Rune (Critical Sociology;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The article argues that the Capability Approach can enrich sociology’s capacity to link human agency and structure in dynamic analyses of social inequality and marginality. While many read the Capability Approach as ...
    • A nordic research agenda on rape and sexual violence 

      Skilbrei, May-Len; Stefansen, Kari; Heinskou, Marie Bruvik (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
    • Prospective register-based study of the impact of immigration on educational inequalities in mortality in Norway 

      Elstad, Jon Ivar; Øverbye, Einar; Dahl, Espen (BMC public health;15(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-04-11)
      Background: Differences in mortality with regard to socioeconomic status have widened in recent decades in many European countries, including Norway. A rapid upsurge of immigration to Norway has occurred since the 1990s. ...
    • Rekkefølgeeffekter i spørreundersøkelser blant ungdom. Resultater fra et split-ballot-eksperiment 

      Bakken, Anders; Andersen, Patrick Lie; Frøyland, Lars Roar; Abebe, Dawit Shawel (Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift;Årgang 3, nr. 1-2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-01)
      Et viktig spørsmål i metodelitteraturen er om svaralternativenes rekkefølge har betydning for hva respondentene svarer i spørreskjemaundersøkelser. Imidlertid pekes det på at svarrekkefølgeeffekter ikke er godt nok forstått, ...
    • A revaluation of the cultural dimension of disability policy in the European Union: The impact of digitization and web accessibility 

      Ferri, Delia; Giannoumis, George Anthony (Behavioral sciences & the law;32(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Reflecting the commitments undertaken by the EU through the conclusion of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), the European Disability Strategy 2010–2020 not only gives a ...
    • "Rotløs ungdom" - Ungdom, flytting og livssjanser 

      Sandlie, Hans Christian; Andersen, Patrick Lie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Stabile boforhold er en viktig forutsetning for trygge og gode oppvekstvilkår. Boligen og bostedet er slik sett en ramme om våre liv som gir struktur og mening, og flytting kan innebære et brudd med denne rammen. Internasjonalt ...
    • School performance and completion of upper secondary school in the child welfare population in Norway 

      Dæhlen, Marianne (Nordic Social Work Research;(5)3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-05-26)
      A vast amount of research has shown a persistent educational disadvantage in the child welfare population. Studies have argued that the less successful educational progression of child welfare clients is due to poor school ...
    • Sickness absence in pregnancy: associations with sedentary behavior: A population-based cohort study from Norway 

      Brekke, Idunn; Richardsen, Kåre Rønn; Jenum, Anne Karen (BMC Public Health;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background Sickness absence in pregnancy accounts for a large part of sickness-related absenteeism among women. Exercise in pregnancy is associated with a lower level of sickness absence, however little is known about how ...