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dc.contributor.authorTunestveit, Merete
dc.contributor.authorNjøs, Berit Marie
dc.contributor.authorSeim, Sissel
dc.identifier.citationEuropean Journal of Social Work. 2022, .en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study explores opportunities and challenges for the participation of children and young people in Norwegian Child Welfare Services (CWS) through analysis from an action research project. The project aimed at collective participation in developing and improving child welfare services in a research circle in cooperation between young people, social workers from CWS and researchers. The researchers intended to involve the young people directly in the project, but the social workers opposed this. The project, therefore, proceeded with social workers and researchers in the research circle and parallel interviews and group conferences with young people with experience from CWS. The young people reported that they would have participated in the research circle if invited. This dichotomy between the social workers and the young people’s opinions is the background for discussing opportunities and challenges for children and young people’s collective participation in CWS. We conclude that a view of CYP and professional role characterised by protectionism and paternalism, together with a lack of knowledge and experience, hinder the collective participation of children and young people. We recommend that Child welfare services explore and develop working methods for collective participation in cooperation with children and young people. Denne studien uforskar moglegheiter og utfordringar knytt til barn og unge sin kollektive medverknad i barnevernet. Artikkelen byggjer på empiri frå aksjonsforskingsprosjektet Forskingsirkel om barn sin medverknad i barnevernet. Deltakarar i prosjektet var tre barneverntenester og to forskarar frå Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL), og målet var å utvikle barnevernet sin praksis for barn og unge sin medverknad i barnevernet. Som initiativtakarar hadde forskarane som mål at unge med erfaring frå barnevernet skulle inviterast med som deltakarar. Dette lukkast ikkje, då deltakarane frå barnevernet ikkje ynskte å involvere unge i forskingssirkelen. Ungdomar vi intervjua parallelt med forskingsirkelen, ville gjerne ha deltatt om dei vart spurt. I artikkelen drøftar vi korleis vi kan forstå denne motsetnaden mellom dei unge og barnevernarbeidarane sitt syn på barn og unge som kollektivt deltakande i barnevernet.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEuropean Journal of Social Work;
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.subjectCollective participationen_US
dc.subjectView of childrenen_US
dc.subjectYoung peopleen_US
dc.subjectChild protectionen_US
dc.subjectWelfare servicesen_US
dc.subjectKollektiv medvirkningen_US
dc.subjectSynet på barnen_US
dc.titleCollective participation of children and young people in child welfare services–opportunities and challengesen_US
dc.title.alternativeKollektiv medverknad for barn og unge i barnevernet–moglegheiter og utfordringar.en_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.rights.holder© 2022 The Author(s)en_US
dc.source.journalEuropean Journal of Social Worken_US

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