Samarbeid og samarbeidsledelse i Helsefellesskap Hvor tett er samarbeidet mellom helseforetak og kommuner i de nye helsefellesskapene, og hvilke roller spiller interkommunal samhandlingskoordinator for å gjøre samarbeidet tettere?
This master's thesis is about collaboration between health trusts and municipalities in the new health communities. Sustainability in the health- and careservice is one of the great challenges of our time and generates the need for new ways to collaborate. It is therefore interesting to take a closer look at collaboration in the health communities and examine how collaborative management is important both for the management and leadership of the collaboration that is sought, and to move the collaboration towards the interaction that is desired between the collaborators. This thesis seeks to increase the empirical resources and give municipalities an important contribution to how they can manage new roles and improve their conditions for success in collaboration between several municipalities and goverment.
The thesis examines how close the collaboration between health trusts and municipalities in the new health communities is, and what roles the intermunicipal collaboration coordinator plays in increasing interactions in the collaboration. A qualitative method has been utilized and a case study has been conducted. Data are obtained through in-depth interviews and document data. The empirical data are analyzed based on key theories and frameworks for various categories of collaboration and leadership roles in collaboration.
The main findings show that the collaboration in the health communities does not have close interactions in the level of collaboration, and that there is still individual thinking by the participants and discussion about tasks and responsibilities. There are elements of closer collaboration in areas that are considered less fundamental for the organizations. The intermunicipal collaboration coordinator takes on the role of operational collaboration leader and plays all the facilitating leadership roles in collaboration but plays separate roles in the collaboration towards municipalities and health communities. It is especially the catalyst role that contributes to closer collaboration in the health communities.
Finally, important questions are raised about what is the right level of interaction in the collaboration between health trusts and municipalities and how it can be effected, and whether municipalities can strengthen their position in the collaboration by formalizing the operational management?