Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin by Document Types "Conference object"
Now showing items 1-20 of 231
Absence and Presence of Faces in Videos during the COVID19 Lockdown
(DSAI: Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion;DSAI 2020 - The 9th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion, Conference object, 2021-12-02)The COVID-19 outbreak forced the educators to deploy digital online learning giving rise to a range of new situations. The phenomenon of undergraduate students not activating their cameras during video lectures has been ... -
Accessibility Barriers Faced When Interacting with Digital Teaching Materials: A Case of High School Students with Visual Impairment in Norway.
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science;, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2024)Access to education is a key element in promoting equality in Norway. Moreover, the inclusion of the ICT regulations in the education sector mandates universal design for all digital learning materials. Despite this ... -
Accessible Driver Announcement in Public Transportation: A Solution based on Speech-to-Text and Display
(IEEE International Conference on Smart City and Informatization (iSCI); 2020 IEEE 8th International Conference on Smart City and Informatization (iSCI), Conference object, 2021-02-11)Today, the information in public transport, especially when an unforeseen event such as signal failure, platform change, etc. occurs, is largely provided by making an audio announcement. This, in many situations, is hardly ... -
ACORDAR: A Test Collection for Ad Hoc Content-Based (RDF) Dataset Retrieval
(IR: Research and Development in Information Retrieval;SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Conference object, 2022)Ad hoc dataset retrieval is a trending topic in IR research. Methods and systems are evolving from metadata-based to content-based ones which exploit the data itself for improving retrieval accuracy but thus far lack a ... -
Adapting Interaction Analysis to CSCL: a systematic review
(Conference object, 2021-06)Interaction Analysis (IA) (Jordan & Henderson, 1995) is a fundamental reference in the learning sciences, and a core method within the International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Surprisingly, despite ... -
An Adaptive User Pairing Strategy for Uplink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access
(IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications workshops;2020 IEEE 31st Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Conference object, 2020-10-08)Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is consid-ered an important candidate for the next-generation cellular networks to address the issue of exponentially growing data traffic from technologies like the Internet of Things ... -
Advanced 5G Network Slicing Isolation Using Enhanced VPN+ for Healthcare Verticals
(Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering;Volume 401, Conference object, 2022-01-01)Alongside of supporting the human world, 5G aimed towards establishing an all-inclusive ecosystem for Internet of Things to sustain variety of industrial verticals such as e-health, smart home, smart city, etc. With the ... -
Ageing@home: A secure 5G welfare technology solution for elderlies
(Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering;Volume 401, Conference object, 2021-01-01)The world population is ageing at a fast pace and to enable elderly to age at home can become a viable solution both economically and socially speaking, leading also to the overall improvement of the elderly’s well-being ... -
AI-Based Cropping of Soccer Videos for Different Social Media Representations
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2024)The process of re-publishing soccer videos on social media often involves labor-intensive and tedious manual adjustments, particularly when altering aspect ratios while trying to maintain key visual elements. To address ... -
AI-Based Sports Highlight Generation for Social Media
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2024)Social media plays a significant role for sports organizations with millions of active fans, but publishing highlights is often a tedious manual operation. With the development of AI, new tools are available for content ... -
Ambidexterity to overcome digital transformation challenges: A bibliometric review
(Conference object, 2021)This paper offers a systematic literature review aided by bibliometric analysis to provide a bridge between extant research on organizational ambidexterity and digital transformation. Whereas ambidexterity is suggested as ... -
(Chapter; Conference object, 2023)Building Information Models (BIM) and information in these models have been responsible for an "industrial revolution" in the construction industry, but there has not been the same focus on BIM in the early stages of ... -
Animated Backgrounds on the Web Reduce Reading Speed: Some Empirical Evidence from a Remote Experiment
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science;Volume 13308, Proceedings, Part I, Conference object, 2022-06-16)It is generally considered a bad practice to place animations as back-grounds to text. There are many convincing arguments against using animated backgrounds, yet there are few empirical studies that have assessed effects ... -
ANN-based surrogate model for predicting the lateral load capacity of RC shear walls
(ECCOMAS Congress;8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Conference object, 2022)Reinforced concrete (RC) shear walls are often used as the main lateral-resisting component in the seismic design of buildings. They provide a large percentage of the lateral stiffness of the structure, and therefore, they ... -
Anomaly Detection in Cellular IoT with Machine Learning
(Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering;Volume 401, Conference object, 2021-01-01)The number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices used in eldercare are increasing day by day and bringing big security challenges especially for health care organizations, IoT service providers and most seriously for the ... -
Apocalyptic and Utopian Motivation for Change in Society
(E&PDE;DS 110: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2021), VIA Design, VIA University in Herning, Denmark. 9th -10th September 2021, Conference object, 2021)Actions executed in the name of sustainable development by corporations capable of changing society in a fundamental way often have similar goals, but sometimes conflicting motivations. This is often reflected in the ... -
Artificial cognitive functions towards AI-enabled collaborative robots
(Chapter; Conference object, 2023)In this paper we discuss work in progress and our approach to next generation robotics. The use of cognitive architectures can overcome some of the challenges encountered when Artificial In- telligence (AI) algorithms ... -
(International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences;Volume XLIII-B2-2021, XXIV ISPRS Congress (2021 edition), Conference object, 2021)Correct and reliable identification and classification of different structures and infrastructures that make up a city (e.g. residential buildings, school buildings, hospitals, power stations, routes of communication, etc.) ... -
Automatic Unsupervised Clustering of Videos of the Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Procedure
(Chapter; Conference object, 2023)The in vitro fertilization procedure called intracytoplasmic sperm injection can be used to help fertilize an egg by injecting a single sperm cell directly into the cytoplasm of the egg. In order to evaluate, refine and ... -
Back to learning: the role of mentorship
(Conference object, 2020)Mentoring as a desired practice in educational organizations has come to the forefront in discussions about learning and teaching in recent decades. How to develop good practices as mentors / masters in schools and workplaces ...