• Ansvar i grenseland. 16-åringers forståelse av seksuell utnytting 

      Smette, Ingrid (NOVA Rapport 13/04, Research report, 2004)
      Summary This study explores how adolescents understand concepts relating to sexual exploitation and abuse. Furthermore, it investigates their perceptions of youths’ and adults’ different roles in relationships that the ...
    • Ett år med arbeidslivsfaget 

      Bakken, Anders; Sletten, Mira Aaboen; Smette, Ingrid; Dæhlen, Marianne; Haakestad, Hedda (NOVA Rapport 1/12, Report, 2012)
      A new practical subject – Arbeidslivsfaget ("working life course")– was introduced as an option for a selected number of lower secondary schools in 2009 and 2010. It is a practical oriented course where students are to ...
    • Forsøk med arbeidslivsfag på ungdomstrinnet 

      Bakken, Anders; Smette, Ingrid; Dæhlen, Marianne (NOVA Rapport 11/13, Report, 2013)
      Since autumn 2009 a new subject – «arbeidslivsfag» – has been implemented as an experiment in 133 selected lower secondary schools. The intension has been to develop a practical subject, as an alternative to students who ...
    • Krisesentertilbudet i kommunene. Evaluering av kommunenes implementering av krisesenterloven 

      Bakketeig, Elisiv; Stang, Elisabeth Gording; Madsen, Christian; Smette, Ingrid; Stefansen, Kari (NOVA Rapport 19/14, Report, 2014)
      This report analyzes trends in the development of shelter services after the implementation of the The Shelter Act, dated 19 June 2009. The Act was implemented on 1 January 2010. NOVA prepared this report as a commission ...
    • Kunnskapsoppsummering. Vold mot barn og systemsvikt 

      Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth; Smette, Ingrid; Vislie, Camilla (NOVA Rapport 4/17, Report, 2017)
      This report presents the result of a literature review commissioned by the government Committee on violence against children ( Barnevoldsutvalget ). The aim of the literature review was to provide an outline of research ...
    • Løysingsfokusert samtaleteknikk (LØFT) i fritidsklubber. 

      Smette, Ingrid (NOVA Rapport 12/05, Report, 2005)
      In the history of youth clubs in Norway, an assumption of the positive effects of youth clubs on the prevalence of young peopleö‚'s alcohol and drug use has played an important role in explaining why youth clubs are ...
    • Sentrene mot incest og seksuelle overgrep. En evaluering av sentrenes arbeid og rammevilkår 

      Smette, Ingrid; Stefansen, Kari; Dullum, Jane (NOVA Rapport 16/17, Report, 2017)
      Sentrene mot incest og seksuelle overgrep er et av de sentrale hjelpetiltakene for utsatte for incest og seksuelle overgrep i Norge og er et supplement til det offentlige hjelpeapparatet. Sentrene er lavterskeltilbud som ...
    • Ungdomskoleelevers meninger om skolemotivasjon 

      Smette, Ingrid; Dæhlen, Marianne (NOVA Rapport 4/11, Report, 2011)
      This report investigates what pupils in the 9th grade believe affect their school motivation and effort at school. The background of this study is a concern that many pupils, both high and low achievers, are unable to ...