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dc.contributor.advisorTufte, Per Arne
dc.contributor.authorRuud, Karianne
dc.contributor.authorBrunvand, Trine
dc.descriptionMaster i styring og ledelseen
dc.description.abstractHigh labour force participation and productivity are important for both economic growth and the sustainability of public finances in Norway. The employers should therefore promote positive employee mental health. Preventing mental distress will have affects on the employees' mental health, sick leaves and productivity at work. This master thesis investigates the managers perceptions of employees’ mental distress, primary and secondary preventive measures that protect mental distress, and needs of management expertise. In this study we ask: “What kind of perceptions managers in the health and care services have of employees’ mental health, and what kind of knowledge do they have on preventing mental distress?” Our study is based on qualitative methods with ten semi-structured interviews of managers within the health and care services in two different municipalities. Literature searches related to our thesis statement and research questions have been done in the field of workplace and mental health, primary and secondary preventive measures, management theory and psychological and social work factors that protect development of mental distress. The main findings of the thesis are; - There is a lack of municipal guidance preventing employees' mental distress. - The managers have positive attitudes towards being open about employees‘ mental health at the workplace. - The managers believe they have an important role in the mental health employees, but are divided in the perception in how significant role they play - It is more easy for the managers to describe secondary prevention measures at individual level, than measures at primary prevention level. - The managers have a lack of knowledge of what kind of psychological and social work factors are protecting mental distress development. - The managers want and need more knowledge of employees mental health and preventative measures. The main findings are also strengthened by the fact that there were no obvious differences between the two municipalities we examined. The study may indicate that is necessary to give more attention to promoting positive mental health and psychological and social work factors that protect mental distress on organizational level. The study may have relevance for other sectors and industries than the health and care sectoren
dc.subjectPsykisk helseen
dc.subjectPsykiske plageren
dc.subjectPsykososialt arbeiden
dc.subjectMental helseen
dc.subjectForebyggende helsearbeiden
dc.titleHvordan kan ledere forebygge ansattes psykiske plager? En kvalitativ studie av ledere i helse- og omsorgstjenestene, deres oppfatninger om ansattes psykiske helse og kunnskap om psykososiale arbeidsfaktorer som forebygger psykiske plager.en
dc.typeMaster thesisen

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