Browsing SAM - Institutt for journalistikk og mediefag by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 359
Media, market, state and politics in Norway
(Informacijos mokslai;47 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The article builds on Hallin & Mancini (2004) who have used a democratic corporatist model to analyze the media markets of several Northern and Central European countries, including Norway. An analysis of the Norwegian ... -
“What researchers now can tell us” : Representing scientific uncertainty in journalism
(OBS - Observatorio;3, (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Little research has been done on how journalism deals with and constructs scientific uncertainty. This paper applies Critical Discourse Analysis to explore how scientific uncertainty (and certainty) is constructed in news ... -
Online Feature Journalism: a Clash of Discourses
(Journalism Practice;3 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-02)Although online journalism still is dominated by breaking news coverage, new genres are emerging that differentiate it more and more from old media journalism. This article explores the emergence of feature journalism in ... -
Presidential Web sites and the Georgian-Russian War, 8-16 August 2008
(First Monday;14 (9), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-09-07)During the war between Georgia and Russia, 8–16 August 2008, the Web sites of Presidents Mikheil Saakashvili and Dmitry Medvedev were used actively to promote their countries’ conflicting views on the war. This article ... -
The Shaping of an Online Feature Journalist
(Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism;10 (5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-11)This paper explores the professional role and normative demands of online feature journalists. Through a longitudinal ethnographic case study of the work practice of feature journalists in the Norwegian online newspaper ... -
What's stopping them? : towards a grounded theory of online journalism
(Journalism Studies;10 (6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-12)Findings in recent research suggest that online journalism is much less innovative than many researchers and scholars predicted a decade ago. Research into online journalism has, however, been biased towards a focus on ... -
Fantasies and Experiences The Norwegian Press Coverage of Africa 1900- 2002
(Kult;(7), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010) -
Anarchism, The Zapatistas and the Global Solidarity Movement
(Global Discourse;1 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010) -
“Making us see science” : visual images in popular science articles and science journalism
(Journalistica;(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)The article explores how scientific research and scientists are represented visually in popular science and science journalism. It discusses communicative functions and cultural meanings of visual elements in science ... -
Information Ethics Revisited : New Media and Freedom of Expression
(Ibersid - Journal of Information and Documentation Systems;(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)A model of information ethics used to analyze intellectual property rights versus public access rights (Vaagan and Koehler, 2004/2005) is refined in two ways. First, the model is expanded to include new media which ... -
Førti år i forskningens tjeneste. Fremvoksende naturvitenskapelig og medisinsk forskning i A-magasinet og VG i 1966, 1986, 2006
(Sakprosa - skrifter fra prosjektmiljøet Norsk sakprosa; nr. 11, Book; Peer reviewed, 2010)Hva kjennetegner journalistiske representasjoner av forskere og forskning i forskjellige perioder fra 1966 til 2006? På hvilke måter har representasjonene endret seg? Denne studien presenterer en sammenliknende kritisk ... -
Brothers in arms or peace? : the media representation of Swedish and Norwegian defence- and military co-operation
(Conflict & Communication Online;9 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010) -
Tre nordiske bøker om intervju
(Nordicom Information;32 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010) -
Changes in Newspaper Language Explored as Changes in Cultural Norms
(Intercultural Communication Studies;19 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Norms are developed by the people in the society to make it easier to live together in a cultural community. The most important norm system in any society is the language. Any mother language is a cultural code regulated ... -
Mediated culture and the well-informed global citizen : images of Africa in the global north
(Nordicom Review;31 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)During recent years, considerable attention has been paid to the negative portrayal of the African continent in the media of the so-called ‘global North’. Significantly less focus has been put on how to actually represent ... -
Førti år i forskningens tjeneste : presentasjon av en studie av forskningsomtale i A-magasinet og VG
(Sakprosa;2 (1), Academic article, 2010)Artikkelen presenterer en studie som analyserer artikler om "fremvoksende" medisinsk eller naturvitenskapelig forskning i VG og A-magasinet. Artikler fra 1966, 1986 og 2006 er valgt ut for næranalyse av verbale og visuelle ... -
Digitization and Editorial Change in Online Media. Findings from a Norwegian Research Project
(Nordicom Information;32 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010) -
Strategic essentialism and ethnification : hand in glove?
(Nordicom Review;31 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)The present article sets out to explore certain aspects of how individuals with an ethnic minority background experience the journalistic media. It is derived from a project based on in-depth interviews aimed at mapping ... -
Jernhælen i redaksjonen : pressen i det okkuperte Norge
(Pressehistorisk tidsskrift;(13), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-06)9. april 40 veltet om på det norske avislandskapet og forandret hverdagen for landets pressefolk og avisutgivere. Okkupantmakten trengte informasjonskanaler, men ville selv styre dem - og de norske presseorganisasjonene ... -
Online Journalism and the Promises of New Technology : a Critical Review and Look Ahead
(Journalism Studies;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-09-04)Research about online journalism has been dominated by a discourse of technological innovation. The ‘‘success’’ of online journalism is often measured by the extent to which it utilizes technological assets like ...