Blar i LUI - Institutt for internasjonale studier og tolkeutdanning (IST) på utgivelsesdato
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The development of sign language competence of deaf children in bilingual school classes: A description based on the example of a longitudinal study of the development of a deaf pupil (at ages 8;2 and 9;5) - Wie entwickelt Tom, ein Schüler der bilingual geführten Klasse in Riehen seine Kompetenz in der Gebärdensprache im Zeitraum zwischen Mai 2005 und September 2006?
(Master thesis, 2007)In a longitudinal study, the author used two video recordings of the signing of the deaf pupil "Tom" to analyze his development in the use of polymorphemic verbs. She had the pupil Tom look at and then retell in Swiss ... -
Participación en las elecciones de 2006, México, Distrito Federal : nociones y prácticas en un Pueblo Originario
(Argumentos;22, (59), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)The principal question to be explored in this article concerns the ways in which the electoral participation in a pueblo originario (native village) reflects the contradiction between the liberal conceptions on which the ... -
Nasjonale minoriteter og det flerkulturelle Norge : utsyn
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010) -
Inside Electoral Democracy : Gift-Giving and Flaunting in Political Campaigning in Cameroon
(Journal of Asian and African Studies;45 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-08-09)This article focuses on political electoral campaigning in a given town in Cameroon. The intention is to bring about a deeper understanding of the nature of ‘democracy’ and its implications for political power sharing and ... -
Sudanese Images of the Other : Education and Conflict in Sudan
(Comparative Education Review;54 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-11) -
Education of Hazara Girls in a Diaspora : education as empowerment and an agent of change
(Research in Comparative and International Education;6 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Afghanistan is a country which has experienced years of conflict and war. This unrest has forced large numbers of Afghans into diasporas, Hazaras comprising one of these groups. Hazaras have mainly fled from rural Hazarajat ... -
Prácticas políticas cotidianas en un pueblo originario en México D.F.: El papel de chismes y rumores.
(Nueva Antropologia;(73), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)In this article the author explores the function of rumors and gossip as part of everyday political practices in the native village of San Lorenzo Acopilco. A number of social practices in this town create dense communication ... -
Literacy Education and Interprofessional Collaboration
(Professions & Professionalism;1 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The aim of this article is to explore inter-professional collaboration in literacy education. It examines factors that facilitate collaboration between teachers and librarians and the contributions to literacy education. ... -
The dialectic between global gender goals and local empowerment: Girls’ education in Southern Sudan and South Africa
(Research in Comparative and International Education;6 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The start of the Education for All (EFA) movement ushered in a new era in education, an era linked to research on issues such as ‘global governance’ or the ‘world institutionalization of education’. This global governance ... -
Mapping the Dialectic between Global and Local Educational Discourses on Gender Equality and Equity
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011) -
Students' reflections on shadowing interprofessional teamwork : a Norwegian case study
(Journal of Interprofessional Care;25 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-01)This article reports the students’ reflections on interprofessional teamwork during brief exposures to real-life experiences in hospitals or home-based rehabilitation service. Each of the 10 interprofessional groups, ... -
Grandmother, Mother and Daughter: Changing agency of Indian, middle-class women, 1908-2008
(Modern Asian Studies;46 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-08-30)Covering one hundred years, this paper recounts the life stories of three generations of middle-class women of the New Delhi-based Kapoor family. By taking the methodological view that individuals born approximately at ... -
Challenges to gender equality and access in education: Perspectives from South Africa and Sudan
(Southern African Review of Education;, Journal article, 2012)The achievement of the target of Education for All (EFA) by 2015 is a global concern. Worldwide many countries have committed themselves to various initiatives and efforts to improve children’s access to education, ... -
The role of education in Sudan’s civil war
(Prospects;43 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This article addresses the role that education plays in conflict, with specific reference to the civil war in Sudan. It analyses the ideological basis of the Sudanese government (GoS) during the civil war, with special ... -
Osama bin Laden - demonen og helten
(Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Historiene som kan fortelles om al-Qaidas første leder, Osama bin Laden, er nær knyttet til de ulike medienes fremstillinger, og selv etter hans død lever bin Ladens motstridende medie-image videre. I dagene etter at han ... -
The best way to conduct intervention research: methodological considerations
(Quality and quantity;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-01-13)This article is a theoretical contribution to the debate about which qualitative interventionmethodology is best suited to building stronger partnerships between researchers and practitioners in educational research. In ... -
Can library use enhance intercultural education?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-02-27)This article explores the questions to what extent educational research addresses library use in education and how the library can contribute to intercultural education. The focus is primarily on elementary education in ... -
Literacy education, reading engagement, and library use in multilingual classes
(Intercultural Education;23 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-08-28)The topic of this paper is literacy education and reading engagement in multilingual classes. What facilitates reading engagement in the language of instruction in multilingual classes? In this paper, we analyze reading ... -
Andrespråkseleven, leseprøver og litteraturbasert leseopplæring
(Nordand : nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning;8 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Hva måler den nasjonale leseprøven når den gjennomføres av elever med norsk som andrespråk? I denne artikkelen analyserer vi data som viser at totalskåren på nasjonal leseprøve korrelerer med høy morfologisk bevissthet og ... -
Collaboration in University development: north-south, south-north. A Norwegian case
(Postcolonial Directions in Education;2(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)The article focuses on university collaboration between Norway and countries in the global South. It describes Norway’s policies and practices and discusses in particular three programmes in higher education supported by ...