Blar i TKD - Master i Anvendt data- og informasjonsteknologi (ACIT) på forfatter "Burgess, Mark"
Design of a CMDB with integrated knowledge management based on Topic Maps
Haziri, Fitim (Master thesis, 2009)Configuration management databases have gained popularity in enterprises due to their role in providing efficient IT Resource and Service Management. Enterprises are becoming more competitive through increasing of resource ... -
Evaluation of file access control implementations
Madar, Fatima Ali (Master thesis, 2005)This thesis discusses two implementations of file access controls: the UNIX Permissions (UP) and the Access Control List (ACL). We will evaluate advantages and weaknesses in these two implementations. The criteria ... -
Exploring patterns for scalability of network administration with topology constraints
Disney, Matthew (Master thesis, 2007)This thesis considers the impact of distributed network communication patterns on the scalability of dynamic systems configuration and monitoring using the software cfengine. Decentralized patterns are partially ... -
High-level load balancing for web services
Ulland, Sven Ingebrigt (Master thesis, 2006)A structured approach to high availability and fault tolerance is essential in a production-grade service delivery network, where delays and faults can occur for a multitude of reasons. In this thesis, we consider the ... -
Link Delay Inference in ANA Network
Paintsil, Ebenezer (Master thesis, 2008)Estimating quality of service (QoS) parameters such as link delay distribution from the end-to-end delay of a multicast tree topology in network tomography cannot be achieved without multicast probing techniques or ... -
Ontology for host-based anomaly detection
Adaa, Margareth Pancras (Master thesis, 2007)This project is about the description of ontologies for anomaly detection in computer systems. The special case of the anomaly detection system in Cfengine is used as a case study. Cfengine was designed at Oslo University ... -
Predicting performance and scaling behaviour in a data center with multiple application servers
Undheim, Gard (Master thesis, 2006)As web pages become more user friendly and interactive we see that objects such as pictures, media files, cgi scripts and databases are more frequently used. This development causes increased stress on the servers due ... -
Process management and orchestration
Gao, Wei (Master thesis, 2009)Process automation is a concept used in logistics that has been adopted in some data centre management software suites recently as “Orchestration managers”. This project is about mapping out and comparing approaches to ... -
A promising cfengine Linux router
Phooripoom, Nakarin (Master thesis, 2008)With the multiplicity usage of computer networking devices called router, it is becoming common practice for everybody who would like to be online making this technology be the most responsible for allowing one of the ... -
Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002 vs. the 8th Company Law Directive
Dagnew, Iman (Master thesis, 2008)In 2001 and 2002 a wave of corporate and accounting scandals became known to the public. As a direct consequence of these frauds the Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002, also known as the Public Company Accounting Reform and ... -
Traffic characteristics and queueing theory : implications and applications to web server systems
Bjørnstad, Jon Henrik (Master thesis, 2006)Businesses rely increasingly on Internet services as the basis of their income. Downtime and poor performance of such services can therefore be directly translated into loss of revenue. In order to plan and design services ...