Exploring patterns for scalability of network administration with topology constraints
This thesis considers the impact of distributed network communication patterns
on the scalability of dynamic systems configuration and monitoring using
the software cfengine. Decentralized patterns are partially implemented
as cfengine policy on topologies with node degree constraints. Experiments
investigate total processing latency of patterns. Results show they provide a
balanced approach to parallelization and scalability. The study of patterns on a
chain topology reveals the challenge of phasing delay in deep tree structures.
A time buffering method for reducing total processing latency is tested and
found to be effective. Included are suggestions on new cfengine functionality
and syntax to support patterns integration. As a whole, this thesis offers new
perspectives in on-going patterns research as well as identifying challenges
and solutions for bringing patterns to cfengine.
Master i nettverks- og systemadministrasjon
Høgskolen i Oslo. Avdeling for ingeniørutdanningUniversitetet i Oslo