Process management and orchestration
Process automation is a concept used in logistics that has been adopted in
some data centre management software suites recently as “Orchestration managers”.
This project is about mapping out and comparing approaches to process
management. Specifically, two popular and very different process modelling
methods were compared. One is the BPMN (Business Process Management
Notation) that uses the traditional method to model the process in a flow.
The other is the Promise Theory that models the process in a network of interacting
autonomous agents. Our research question is what’s the differences
between two methods. We used Promise Theory in two ways: as a framework
for discussing modeling of processes, and as a tool for modeling. Results
show that Promise Theory can model more features of a process than BPMN.
Promise Theory with fewer symbols is easier to learn but requires more thinking
when using than BPMN. Under the circumstances where there are many
asynchronous activities or many agents/roles involved in the process, Promise
Theory has better performance to model the agents’ autonomous behavior and
the interaction between them.
Master i nettverks- og systemadministrasjon
Høgskolen i Oslo. Avdeling for ingeniørutdanningUniversitetet i Oslo