SAM - PhD i bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskap
Nye registreringer
Understanding the mediating role of operational steering information flows on work autonomy in public sector organizations
(OsloMet Avhandling;2024 no 19, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This thesis examines how operational steering information flows – flows of information about directives that mandate public service delivery and their application - mediate work autonomy of employees at lower hierarchical ... -
Instapoetry as a post-digital phenomenon - The infrastructural effects of platformization on contemporary pop poetry
(OsloMet Avhandling;2025 nr. 2, Doctoral thesis, 2025)This article-based dissertation investigates the cultural phenomenon of instapoetry as platformized pop poetry. This involves investigating exactly how and in what way instapoetry is bound to the digital social media ... -
Litteraturpolitikk i praksis - Forleggere og statens innkjøpsordning for ny norsk litteratur
(OsloMet Avhandling;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Avhandlingen skildrer forleggeres praksis i relasjon til statens innkjøpsordning for litteratur når politikk skal omsettes i bøker. Den gir ny kunnskap om forlagsvirksomhet og innsikt i samarbeid mellom private næringslivsaktører ... -
In search of the disappeared: The information practices of families of disappeared persons in Colombia
(OsloMet Avhandling;2023 nr 35, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Enforced disappearance is the elimination or concealment of bodies and information about the whereabouts of a person that has been illegally detained by a powerful actor. Most of the perpetrators of enforced disappearance ... -
‘How will it hit us?’ Introducing artificial intelligence (AI) in the Norwegian healthcare services: Three modes of actor mobilisation
(OsloMet Avhandling;2024 nr 1, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This thesis explores the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Norwegian healthcare services. It does so by focusing on the role of expectations and technological promises related to a future with AI in ... -
Like a river or a silver thread running through the vehement landscapes of reality–reflections on psychoanalysis and literary theory
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The article discusses contributions from literary research and how they imply psychoanalysis in their field of research. Close readings of Freud and Lacan serve as an opening to an overarching question: what can literary ... -
Folkebiblioteket som uavhengig møtestad og arena for offentleg samtale og debatt i ei digital tid
(OsloMet Avhandling 2022;Nr 26, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2022)I avhandlinga blir det utforska korleis sentrale aktørar i to lokalsamfunn: bibliotekarar, bibliotekbrukarar, lokale politikarar og samarbeidspartar med biblioteket, definerer biblioteket som ein møtestad og ein institusjon ... -
We exchange data all the time - A case study on data conceptualisation and data sharing by researchers in the context of open data policies
(OsloMet Avhandling 2022;Nr 38, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2022)This dissertation places itself within the area of Scholarly communication research of Library and Information Science. It investigates the relationship between researcher and research data and researcher and data sharing ... -
Perspectives, roles, and knowledge transfer amongst stakeholders of research data sharing
(OsloMet Avhandling 2022;Nr 15, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2022)Data sharing requires collaboration on infrastructure and a knowledge exchange amongst stakeholders while these develop solutions aiming at increasing the quality of research through data curation. Divergent perspectives ... -
Amtmannens døtres liv. En bokhistorisk undersøkelse av Norges første moderne roman
(OsloMet Avhandling 2019;Nr. 32, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2019)Amtmannens døtre av Camilla Collett kom ut i 1854 og 1855 og er regnet som Norges første moderne roman. Den er en litterær utforskning av de symbolske og materielle betingelser mennesker lever ved, gjennom en skildring av ... -
Evaluating and optimizing the search process for systematic reviews
(Skriftserien;Nr 8, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)Introduction: Systematic reviews aim to find and synthesize all relevant research as a basis for evidence based practice. The methods used in systematic reviewing, however, are extremely time and resource demanding. More ... -
Performing interdisciplinary knowledge: Information work in emerging interdisciplinary research
(OsloMet Avhandling 2021;Nr 9, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)Stakeholders external to researcher’s everyday work settings promote interdisciplinary research in various rhetorical guises. Researchers are expected to engage with transformative research practices that supersede ... -
National Culture and Trust in Online Health Information
(Skriftserien;Nr. 35, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2018)This dissertation investigates the role of the cultural background of individuals in their trust formations towards public information sources and online health information. The dissertation encompasses five articles, ... -
Searching for Cultural Heritage Information. Ontology-based Modeling of User Needs
(OsloMet Avhandling;2019, nr 15, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2019)This PhD dissertation investigates users’ actual information needs when they search for cultural heritage information and examines how their needs map to ontologies such as CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM). With ... -
Towards Inclusive and Adaptable Information Services in Digital Library Environments
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: The advent of digital technology in libraries, combined with advances in accessibility and universal design, has created the opportunity to create inclusive information services. A main challenge of these ... -
The dynamic interplay between novices, information practices and information culture: A longitudinal study of nurses’ information experiences and approaches from the last year of education through the first two occupational years
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2019)This thesis explores how nurses experience information and approach information practices and information culture, first as nursing students and then as new employees. It examines the mutual development of people, information ... -
Kvalitet i praksis. En sammenliknende studie av profesjonelle leseres situerte diskusjoner av litterær kvalitet
(OsloMet Avhandling;2019, nr 3, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2019)Emnet for denne avhandlingen er kvalitetsvurdering av samtidens skjønnlitteratur blant profesjonelle lesere. Avhandlingen undersøker hvordan ulike grupper av profesjonelle lesere innenfor den litterære institusjonen ... -
Metadata Structures of the Bibliographic Universe: Transformation, Interoperability, Conceptualizations, and Quality
(OsloMet Avhandling;2018, nr 18, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2018)This PhD dissertation examines different aspects of the quality of bibliographic metadata structures. In the library field, there is a long tradition of using bibliographic metadata to organize document collections. It ... -
Rom for barn: Norske barnebibliotek i perioden 1914-35 og på 2000-tallet
(Skriftserien Avhandling;2016: 4, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2016)Emnet for denne avhandlinga er barnebibliotek i norske byer.Selv om det foreliggeret relativt omfattende forskningsmateriale om folkebibliotekenes historie og samtid, er det publisert svært lite forskning om folkebibliotekenes ...